我国中小企业发展过程中的品牌建设,浅论21页 1.7万字摘要:随着我国加入wto之后外企的大量涌入,和市场经济体制改革的进一步深化,国内市场竞争更加激烈。在现代营销环境和企业制度下寻求更有效、更快捷的企业发展道路已成为众多本土中小型企业发展中所面临的课题。本文从wto贸易保护期结束之后,竞争的加剧对我国中小型企业发展造成...

此文档由会员 20023286 发布
21页 1.7万字
A Preliminary Discussion on Brand Construction in Our Country’s Middle and Small Enterprises’ Progress
Abstract: After China’s joining into the WTO, more and more foreign companies are swarming into China. At the same time, along with the deepened reform of market economic system, the competition in our country has been keen. During developing , most native companies face the problem that how to find a more efficiency and faster way under modern marketing environment and the enterprise system. The article begins from the end of WTO commerce protect period that the increasing competition made more pressure on small medium enterprises in our country. It also summarizes their developing actuality and the competition pressure. It analyses the importance and current situation of brand construction of small medium enterprises, expatiated the strategy and the management of the enterprises’ brand. At last, the author prospected and discussed the middle and small enterprises’ brand construction in international business.
Key words: The actuality and importance of middle and small enterprises’ brand construction’s; The Strategy.
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract . 1
引言 2
1中小型企业进行品牌建设的重要性 3
2中小型企业进行品牌建设的策略分析 5
2.1品牌创立初期 5
2.2发展阶段 7
2.3品牌战略选择 11
3中小型企业品牌管理和企业发展 12
3.1品牌定位 12
3.2公关危机 14
4中小型企业品牌建设国际化道路前瞻 17
结语 18
参考文献 19
致谢 19
[3] Alycia Perry 【美】.段晓雁,王宇翔译.品牌创立的第一本书[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,2005,1.70-95.
[4] 北京新华信商业风险管理有限责任公司.哈佛品牌管理[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2004,10.32-39.
[5] 白光.品牌资本运营通鉴[M].北京:中国统计出版社,2004,3.13-16;64-78;101-130.
[6] 2003——2006国家统计局统计年鉴[M].
21页 1.7万字
A Preliminary Discussion on Brand Construction in Our Country’s Middle and Small Enterprises’ Progress
Abstract: After China’s joining into the WTO, more and more foreign companies are swarming into China. At the same time, along with the deepened reform of market economic system, the competition in our country has been keen. During developing , most native companies face the problem that how to find a more efficiency and faster way under modern marketing environment and the enterprise system. The article begins from the end of WTO commerce protect period that the increasing competition made more pressure on small medium enterprises in our country. It also summarizes their developing actuality and the competition pressure. It analyses the importance and current situation of brand construction of small medium enterprises, expatiated the strategy and the management of the enterprises’ brand. At last, the author prospected and discussed the middle and small enterprises’ brand construction in international business.
Key words: The actuality and importance of middle and small enterprises’ brand construction’s; The Strategy.
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract . 1
引言 2
1中小型企业进行品牌建设的重要性 3
2中小型企业进行品牌建设的策略分析 5
2.1品牌创立初期 5
2.2发展阶段 7
2.3品牌战略选择 11
3中小型企业品牌管理和企业发展 12
3.1品牌定位 12
3.2公关危机 14
4中小型企业品牌建设国际化道路前瞻 17
结语 18
参考文献 19
致谢 19
[3] Alycia Perry 【美】.段晓雁,王宇翔译.品牌创立的第一本书[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,2005,1.70-95.
[4] 北京新华信商业风险管理有限责任公司.哈佛品牌管理[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2004,10.32-39.
[5] 白光.品牌资本运营通鉴[M].北京:中国统计出版社,2004,3.13-16;64-78;101-130.
[6] 2003——2006国家统计局统计年鉴[M].