

分类: 论文>交通/水利论文


此文档由会员 寂寞蚊子 发布














China and Taiwan in recent years the rapid development of economic and trade cooperation, and has shown a continued upward trend, while the two sides gradually increase the degree of economic interdependence. Taiwan investment, cross-strait trade and economic growth in Taiwan has a long-term equilibrium relationship between investment and to promote cross-strait trade has become an important factor in economic growth, cross-strait agreement between the dynamic of economic growth path has first emerged, clear space for future cooperation and win-win; in the short term, Taiwan's economic growth is essential for economic growth in the one-way causal relationship with, and cross-strait economic and trade exchanges for cross-strait economic growth has reduced inclined marginal effect.
In this paper, through research and analysis of southwest China (Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Sichuan) the need for economic and trade cooperation with Taiwan and for Taiwan's economic and trade cooperation between the ports of the northern Gulf of bulk cargo and containers. If the northern Gulf port for the corresponding response to the recommendations put forward. Through research, the author proposed the establishment of cross-strait trade promotion mechanism to encourage economic and trade cooperation within the high-tech industries, the establishment of cross-strait economic cooperation mechanism to strengthen cooperation, the two parties to further promote cross-strait economic and trade cooperation and development proposals.

Key Words: Trade Cooperation; Xinan; Taiwan; Development





对中国西南地区与台湾集装箱、散货贸易的研究 1
摘要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 3
(一) 课题提出的背景及研究意义 3
1、 课题的提出背景 3
2、研究的意义 4
(二)境内外研究的现状 4
1、大陆的研究现状 4
2、台湾地区的研究现状 4
(三)本文所作的工作 4
第二章 理论综述 5
(一)比较优势理论 5
(二)产品生命周期理论 5
(三)技术差距理论 6
(四)产业内贸易相关理论 7
(五)区域经济一体化 7
第三章 中国西南地区与台湾集装箱、散货运输的现状 9
(一)两岸集装箱、散货运输的背景 9
1、1979-1987年 9
2、1988-1996年 9
3、1997-至今 10
(二)两岸集装箱运输量 10
1、广西 11
2、四川 13
3、贵州和云南 13
第四章 北部湾港口的应对策略 14
(一)解决资金问题 14
(二)调整北部湾产业结构 14
(三)改善周边运输条件 14
(四)重视人才培养和提高服务管理水平 15
第五章 总结 16
参考文献 17
致谢 18