本地计费系统,1.84万字31页本系统是用powerbuilder 6.5作为开发工具,以oracle数据库平台,在windows环境中编写的,它可以实现话费的收缴、查询、以及报表统计等各项功能。摘要 因为电话用户的增加。交费任务的日益增重。开发新的话费营收系统以加快收费的速度,减少营业员的劳动强度,是必然的.对于提高劳...

此文档由会员 stu123 发布
1.84万字 31页
本系统是用Powerbuilder 6.5作为开发工具,以Oracle数据库平台,在WINDOWS环境中编写的,它可以实现话费的收缴、查询、以及报表统计等各项功能。
the velocity of the exploitation new word toll battalion drawn in system withal expedite collect fee,reduce business operation a person engaged in some field of activity'wrought intensity by,yes inevitable.toward bump wrought efficiency up,it was necessary that convenience client deliver toll too .ewe this these system direct to collect fee'convenience to,swiftness nimble 。 department series took up for 'security,simple convenient 。 drawn in toll window function be ' quick to nimble whereas DESign 。 did both to know clearly satisfaction acting unit and user twain aspect'require 。
目 录
引 言……..………………………………………………….……4
第一章 系统功能……..………………………………….………5
1 收费员登录…………………………………………...5
2 修改密码……………………………………………...7
3 合同号-电话号码查询…………………..……………9
第二章 固定电话收费……………………………………………10
1 固定电话收费………………………………………...11
2 重打发票………………………………………………20
3 发票作废………………………………………………21
4 收费查询………………………………………………24
5 托收牡丹卡查询………………………………………25
第三章 营收帐务报表…………………………………………….26
1 打印营收流水单……………………………………….27
2 统计日报表…………………………………………….28
3 统计月报表…………………………………………….29
第四章 关于……………………………………………………….30
1.84万字 31页
本系统是用Powerbuilder 6.5作为开发工具,以Oracle数据库平台,在WINDOWS环境中编写的,它可以实现话费的收缴、查询、以及报表统计等各项功能。
the velocity of the exploitation new word toll battalion drawn in system withal expedite collect fee,reduce business operation a person engaged in some field of activity'wrought intensity by,yes inevitable.toward bump wrought efficiency up,it was necessary that convenience client deliver toll too .ewe this these system direct to collect fee'convenience to,swiftness nimble 。 department series took up for 'security,simple convenient 。 drawn in toll window function be ' quick to nimble whereas DESign 。 did both to know clearly satisfaction acting unit and user twain aspect'require 。
目 录
引 言……..………………………………………………….……4
第一章 系统功能……..………………………………….………5
1 收费员登录…………………………………………...5
2 修改密码……………………………………………...7
3 合同号-电话号码查询…………………..……………9
第二章 固定电话收费……………………………………………10
1 固定电话收费………………………………………...11
2 重打发票………………………………………………20
3 发票作废………………………………………………21
4 收费查询………………………………………………24
5 托收牡丹卡查询………………………………………25
第三章 营收帐务报表…………………………………………….26
1 打印营收流水单……………………………………….27
2 统计日报表…………………………………………….28
3 统计月报表…………………………………………….29
第四章 关于……………………………………………………….30