瓶装牛肉酱的封口机构包装结构及封箱机构的设计, 摘 要瓶装牛肉酱包装机械属于高技术、高智能、高竞争的机电一体化产品,高技术成果都会在包装机械产品中得到应用。纸箱包装机械可分为折纸、下纸、瓶子推送、纸盒箱打开、纸箱传输、折舌、插舌、压平和打批号等功能。本设计的主要设计内容为牛肉酱装箱的上料装置设计、牛肉酱瓶装箱装置设计。完...

此文档由会员 yhc121 发布
摘 要
1. 综述了瓶装牛肉酱装箱机的发展历程,发展现状及发展战略。
2. 确定了总体方案、包装工艺,物料的运动方式采用垂直与水平相结合的方
3. 设计了纸箱上料机构,利用负压吸盘对纸箱进行分离、输送,吸盘由凸轮
4. 设计了牛肉酱瓶上料机构,通过槽轮机构驱动齿形带对瓶进行定量输送。
5. 设计了装箱机构,将牛肉酱瓶装入纸箱内,同时完成纸箱的折叠封合。
本设计充分考虑了机械动力学分析,使机械运行平稳。设计过程参考了各类包装机械设计的长处,同时借鉴了其它机械的优点完成了瓶装牛肉酱装箱机的设计。本机器包装能力为50瓶 /min。
Bottled sauce beef is high-tech packaging machinery, electronic products and electromechanical integration, high-tech achievements of the city, highly intelligent, highly competitive products in the packaging machinery applications. Carton packaging machinery, may be the box open, such as the insertion tongue carton transfer, broken tongue, function,
Flat and to celebrate together by folding of Health batches of poisons, derived feed.
The main part of the expected initial design, design, equipment, bottled box board dress design, equipment design, content, beef sauce, and cartons are the packaging machinery. Some of the major projects completed are: (1). Summed up the bottle and the packaging machine beef sauce curriculum development,
The current situation and development strategy. (2). Identified the overall planning, packaging technology, materials, form of motion, compared with vertical and horizontal approach and eva luate ways to be tied in marriage, size of a machine, so as to shorten. (3). The organization has fixed the design, carton materials, making use of the negative P
ressure on the carton to separate the acetabulum, transportation, acetabular drive, about the action from the cam. (4). The organization is expected to convey is that the sky-wheel drive jugged organization and conduct of the pharmaceutical drug design board board quantified. (5). Organizational design are
Apparel boxes, plates, specifications into cartons, enfoldment complete closure of a small side door in the same sealed carton. The operation design, through analysis that is adequate mechanical dynamics, using the original machine is stable. Other mechanical design advantages of the Advisory Committee process
Kage advantage of a variety of mechanical design, drawing on the drug has been completed and the machine design and installation of chemical kit. The machine packaging capacity is allocated to the 36-bottle pack box. The machine has a high cost of natural as a whole, with strong competition and good development prospects.
Keywords: packing machine, the feeding mechanism; origami; packaging machine
目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 国外包装机械概述 1
1.2 我国包装机械业发展的思考和发展战略 2
1.3 我国牛肉酱装箱机的发展历程及发展现状 6
1.4 牛肉酱装箱机发展中面临的问题研究及发展方向评估 7
1.5 毕业设计题目及基本参数 9
第2章 方案设计 10
2.1 总体方案设计 10
2.2 执行机构方案设计 10
2.2.1 纸箱上料机构设计 10
2.2.2 牛肉酱上料机构设计 11
2.2.3 装箱装置设计 12
第3章 设计计算 15
3.1 齿轮传动设计计算 15
3.2 轴的设计计算 17
3.3 滚动轴承寿命计算 21
3.4 键联接的选择和验算 21
第4章 结构设计 22
4.1 纸箱上料机构方案设计 22
4.1.1 凸轮机构设计计算 22
4.1.2 气阀结构设计 22
4.1.3 挡爪机构设计 23
4.2 牛肉酱上料机构方案设计 23
4.3 纸箱上料机构方案设计 25
4.4 循环图设计 27
第5章 结论 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 32
附 录 33
摘 要
1. 综述了瓶装牛肉酱装箱机的发展历程,发展现状及发展战略。
2. 确定了总体方案、包装工艺,物料的运动方式采用垂直与水平相结合的方
3. 设计了纸箱上料机构,利用负压吸盘对纸箱进行分离、输送,吸盘由凸轮
4. 设计了牛肉酱瓶上料机构,通过槽轮机构驱动齿形带对瓶进行定量输送。
5. 设计了装箱机构,将牛肉酱瓶装入纸箱内,同时完成纸箱的折叠封合。
本设计充分考虑了机械动力学分析,使机械运行平稳。设计过程参考了各类包装机械设计的长处,同时借鉴了其它机械的优点完成了瓶装牛肉酱装箱机的设计。本机器包装能力为50瓶 /min。
Bottled sauce beef is high-tech packaging machinery, electronic products and electromechanical integration, high-tech achievements of the city, highly intelligent, highly competitive products in the packaging machinery applications. Carton packaging machinery, may be the box open, such as the insertion tongue carton transfer, broken tongue, function,
Flat and to celebrate together by folding of Health batches of poisons, derived feed.
The main part of the expected initial design, design, equipment, bottled box board dress design, equipment design, content, beef sauce, and cartons are the packaging machinery. Some of the major projects completed are: (1). Summed up the bottle and the packaging machine beef sauce curriculum development,
The current situation and development strategy. (2). Identified the overall planning, packaging technology, materials, form of motion, compared with vertical and horizontal approach and eva luate ways to be tied in marriage, size of a machine, so as to shorten. (3). The organization has fixed the design, carton materials, making use of the negative P
ressure on the carton to separate the acetabulum, transportation, acetabular drive, about the action from the cam. (4). The organization is expected to convey is that the sky-wheel drive jugged organization and conduct of the pharmaceutical drug design board board quantified. (5). Organizational design are
Apparel boxes, plates, specifications into cartons, enfoldment complete closure of a small side door in the same sealed carton. The operation design, through analysis that is adequate mechanical dynamics, using the original machine is stable. Other mechanical design advantages of the Advisory Committee process
Kage advantage of a variety of mechanical design, drawing on the drug has been completed and the machine design and installation of chemical kit. The machine packaging capacity is allocated to the 36-bottle pack box. The machine has a high cost of natural as a whole, with strong competition and good development prospects.
Keywords: packing machine, the feeding mechanism; origami; packaging machine
目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 国外包装机械概述 1
1.2 我国包装机械业发展的思考和发展战略 2
1.3 我国牛肉酱装箱机的发展历程及发展现状 6
1.4 牛肉酱装箱机发展中面临的问题研究及发展方向评估 7
1.5 毕业设计题目及基本参数 9
第2章 方案设计 10
2.1 总体方案设计 10
2.2 执行机构方案设计 10
2.2.1 纸箱上料机构设计 10
2.2.2 牛肉酱上料机构设计 11
2.2.3 装箱装置设计 12
第3章 设计计算 15
3.1 齿轮传动设计计算 15
3.2 轴的设计计算 17
3.3 滚动轴承寿命计算 21
3.4 键联接的选择和验算 21
第4章 结构设计 22
4.1 纸箱上料机构方案设计 22
4.1.1 凸轮机构设计计算 22
4.1.2 气阀结构设计 22
4.1.3 挡爪机构设计 23
4.2 牛肉酱上料机构方案设计 23
4.3 纸箱上料机构方案设计 25
4.4 循环图设计 27
第5章 结论 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 32
附 录 33
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