

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 yhc121 发布

摘 要


关键词:机床改造; 自动化机床; 控制系统


With the development of industry equipment, the precision required of industry equipment is more and more high. The more and more precision of equipment which machined the industry equipment is required. But in China the common lathe have a very great comparison in the machined equipment, this already restrict the development of industrial nowadays. But the CN lathe is more expensive, and needed workers with higher technically. So it is a necessity very much to modify the common lathe to lathes automatic. This paper is in the foundation of the commonness horizontal lather CA6140 and modified it to Lathes automatic.
The author has performed the further research and for the lathes automatic modification on the basis of the constant consultation of abundant relative documents, which focuses on describing the design of control of the machine. Screw on the choice of friction loss, high efficiency, high precision, long life of the ball screw, the electrical selected stepper motor, motor and the ball screw with gear deceleration.The main to modify the lathe is to modify the portrait, horizontal enter to the system in the Whole modification process and choose the automatic knife rest and be processed the thread need by pulser. The whole control system with the CPU of JKW-15T is to control the machine for center, through a plait distance drive tool machine an equipments to carry on control to attain need of process degree.

Key words: Machinery Tool Reform; Lathes automatic; Servo system

目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1机电一体化的发展 1
1.1.1机电一体化技术 1
1.1.2机电一体化发展概述 2
1.2机电一体化改造的必要性 3
1.2.1机床改造的意义 3
1.2.2机床改造的市场 4
1.3机电改造的内容 6
1.4本文的选题及主要研究内容 8
1.4.1本文的选题 8
1.4.2主要研究内容 8
1.5车床总体改造方案 9
1.5.1设计基本思路 9
1.5.2设计要求 10
第二章车床改造的机械部分设计 13
2.1进给系统机械结构改造设计 13
2.2进给伺服系统机械部分的计算与选型 15
2.2.1确定系统的脉冲当量 15
2.2.2切削力计算 16
2.3滚珠丝杠的设计计算与选用 17
2.3.1滚珠丝杠简介 17
2.3.2纵向滚珠丝杠的设计与计算 18
2.3.3横向滚珠丝杠的设计与计算 26
2.3.4滚珠丝杠的安装与使用 33
2.4电机与滚珠丝杠连接用减速齿轮的设计与校核 36
2.4.1齿轮传动 36
2.4.2纵向减速齿轮的设计与校核 37
2.4.3横向减速齿轮的设计与校核 41
2.5进给系统的步进电动机的计算与选择 45
2.5.1步进电动机 45
2.5.2纵向电机的计算与选择 48
2.5.3横向电机的计算与选择 51
2.6电动刀架选择与介绍 55
第3章 主轴脉冲发生器介绍与选型 58
3.1光电编码器原理 58
3.2主轴脉冲发生器的安装 60
3.3主轴脉冲发生器的选择 60
第四章 控制装置的选用 63
4.1 JWK-15T的简介 63
4.2 功能分配 65
4.3程序设计 67
第五章 结论 78
参考文献 79
英文原文 81
中文译文 90
致 谢 97