
此文档由会员 kana001 发布制作Win7旗舰版系统盘毕业论文
Abstract:With the gradual increase of the computer configuration, Microsoft developed a new computer system Windows7, but Windows7 ultimate version in the system configuration requirements for computers is very high, general computer can only be mounted light version, cannot feel the Windows7 ultimate powerful functionality. If the new for a computer is not a very good decision. We cannot be so full of temptations Windows7 computer systems stop outside the door! Based on available information, we can let the Windows7 is thin down, so that we can enjoy the happiness of Windows7 ultimate version!
Windows7、系统、刻录 、Ghost、封装
Keywords: Windows7、System、Engraves record、Ghost、Seal
1 Windows7旗舰版 1
1.1 Windows7旗舰版的介绍 1
1.2 Windows7旗舰版的功能 1
2 制作工具准备 2
2.1 Ghost的介绍 2
2.2 制作工具的准备 2
3系统盘的制作与优化 2
3.1 Win7旗舰版系统的安装和软件的安装 2
3.2 关闭系统还原 2
3.3 关闭系统休眠 2
3.4 关闭系统用不到的服务 2
3.5 转移虚拟内存页面文件 2
3.6 清理磁盘,删除系统和IE临时文件 2
3.7 使用DllCacheManager备份DllCache目录文件 2
3.8 卸载硬件驱动 2
3.9 进行磁盘碎片整理 2
3.10 创建自动应答文件,系统重新封装 2
3.11 制作Ghost系统镜像文件 2
4 制作镜像文件刻录光盘 2
4.1 制作ISO文件 2
4.2 刻录光盘 2
毕业设计总结 2
参考文献 9