年产1000万片头孢氨苄片生产车间设计,年产1000万片头孢氨苄片生产车间的工艺设计摘 要头孢菌素的研究一直是抗菌素研究的热点,每年都有新的品种被研制出来。头孢菌素属β-内酰胺类抗生素,作为杀菌剂,其主要的作用机制是抑制细菌细胞壁的合成。随着人民生活水平的不断提高,对医药产品的需求也会越来越强烈,所以头孢菌素市场潜力较大,竞争激烈,具有较好的发展前景。头孢氨...
此文档由会员 justforfood 发布年产1000万片头孢氨苄片生产车间的工艺设计
摘 要
头孢氨苄又称先锋霉素Ⅳ,头孢力新,是一类广谱半合成抗生素,具有抗菌谱广、抗菌活性强、疗效高、毒性低等特点。根据抗菌谱、对β- 内酰胺酶的稳定性及对革兰氏阴性杆菌抗菌作用的不同,目前将头孢菌素分为四代。头孢氨苄属于第一代产品,头孢氨苄是临床常用抗感染药,是处方数量最大的头孢菌素,历年使用量也是最大的。头孢氨苄片剂和胶囊剂都是比较畅销的头孢菌素类药物。
Annual production capacity of 10 million cephalexin tablets
workshop process design
The research of antibiotics has been always focused on cephalosporin.Every year new varieties are developed.Cephalosporins are β-lactam antibiotics, as a fungicide, which of main mechanism is to inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis.Coupled with rising living standards,demands for pharmaceutical products will be more intense,so the market potential for cephalosporins has good prospects.
Cephalexin is also known as cephalolexin.It is a kind of semi-synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotics,which has broad spectrum antimicrobial,antibacterial activity, and high efficacy, low toxicity characteristics. According to antibacterial spectrum of β-lactamase stability and antibacterial effects against gram-negative bacilli, the current cephalosporins will be divided into four generations. Cephalexin belongs to the first generation.Cephalexin is a commonly used clinical anti-infective, which is the largest number of cephalosporin prescriptions, used mostly. Cephalexin tablets and capsules are used more popular.
In this paper,according to the current level of domestic pharmaceutical,it was carried on the design of cephalexin tablet production process and the design of its GMP workshop,including the technology overview,the calculation concerning the material balance,the selection of production equipment,plant layout and design process,the design of personal and material flow within the facilities,so that it can be used in the production operations.
Keywords: cephalexin; tablet; process; plant design
摘 要 I
目录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 头孢菌素抗生素简介 1
1.2.1头孢菌素抗生素的分类及药理特点 1
1.3 国内外头孢类药物市场发展趋势 2
1.3.1国外产品结构、产量及研究开发状况 3
1.3.2国内头孢菌素生产、品种状况 3
1.4头孢菌素类药物展望 3
1.5药品生产质量管理规范(GMP) 4
1.5.1GMP的主要特点 4
1.5.2药品GMP的基本条件 4
1.6 车间设计概述 5
1.6.1车间设计GMP要求 5
1.6.2设计依据 6
1.6.3生产规模及生产制度 6
第二章 头孢氨苄的生产工艺流程设计 7
2.1生产工艺流程简介 7
2.2各工序生产工艺流程 8
2.2.1配置过程 8
2.2.2中间体检查合格标准 8
2.2.3配制流程图 9
2.2.4压片工序 9
2.2.5铝包工序 9
2.2.6外包工序 11
2.3各工序要求 11
第三章 头孢氨苄的生产车间设计 12
3.1物料恒算 12
3.1.1配制工序物料平衡 12
3.1.2压片工序物料衡算 12
3.1.3铝包工序物料平衡 13
3.2头孢氨苄片总物料衡算 14
3.3生产设备选型 14
3.3.1主要生产设备选型 15
3.4车间工艺 18
3.4.1确定生产组织 18
3.4.2确定生产线 18
3.4.3固体制剂车间工艺布置 19
3.4.4相关工序局部设计布置 19
第四章 工程建筑设计 21
4.1采暖通风及空调净化系统 21
4.2 建筑细节的确定 22
4.3 电气系统 23
4.4 给排水系统及工艺管线 23
4.5 环境保护 24
4.6 消防 24
4.7 参观走廊和安全门设计说明 24
结 论 25
致 谢 26
参考文献 27
附录A 28
附录B 31