
此文档由会员 yhc121 发布JH31-63机械压力机的设计
关键词 机械压力机 ;运动及受力分析;传动系统
Through the development of mechanical press on the analysis of current situation and reference for the J31-63 mechanical press design, identified the main design elements of this issue.It is determined that the preliminary design of the mechanical press will be used the traditional mechanical press drive system to design the J31-63 .The decision theory method is used the calculation, strength check and AutoCAD design software on the drive system in all major components and assembly diagram engineering drawing. In reference to a closed two-point produced by mechanical press drive system and a large amount of books on the transmission system after the design to determine the transmission system design, schematic drawing of the transmission system, given the transmission system, job description and analysis of its feasibility, and finally a systematic analysis of the entire design, draw the design is feasible.
keywords Mechanical press Movement and Force Analysis Transmission system
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1曲柄压力机的发展过程 1
1.2 压力机简介 3
1.2.1 压力机的特点和用途 3
1.2.3 曲柄压力机的基本参数 5
1.3 压力机工作原理 7
2 曲柄滑块机构的运动分析与受力分析 9
2.1曲柄滑块机构的运动分析 9
2.1.1滑块的位移和曲柄转角之间的关系 9
2.1.2滑块的速度和曲柄转角的关系 10
2.1.3滑块的加速度和曲柄转角的关系 11
2.2曲柄滑块机构的受力分析 11
3 曲轴受力分析 13
3.1理想扭矩 13
3.2摩擦扭矩 15
4 芯轴设计计算 17
5 传动系统的布置与设计 25
5.1传动系统的布置 25
5.2传动级数和各级速比分配 27
6 传动零件的设计计算 29
6.1齿轮 29
6.2传动轴 31
7 电动机的选择与飞轮设计 36
7.1功能组成 36
7.2 飞轮转动惯量计算及尺寸确定 37
结论 40
致谢 41
参考文献 42
附录 43