山同河沉积物重金属形态分析及生态风险评价,摘要:为了解峒河水体沉积物中重金属的污染现状及其潜在生态危害程度,采用改进的“bcr提取法” 对峒河水体沉积物中重金属元素cr、pb、cu> zn、cd的形态分布特征进行了分析,利用潜在 生态风险指数法对其进行了综合评价。形态分析结果表明,峒河沉积物重金属含s均高于湖南省土壤背 ...

此文档由会员 yhc121 发布
摘要:为了解峒河水体沉积物中重金属的污染现状及其潜在生态危害程度,采用改进的“BCR提取法” 对峒河水体沉积物中重金属元素Cr、Pb、Cu> Zn、Cd的形态分布特征进行了分析,利用潜在 生态风险指数法对其进行了综合评价。形态分析结果表明,峒河沉积物重金属含S均高于湖南省土壤背 景值,其中Zii的含ffl最高,Cu的含S最小;四个采样点中有效性排序为Cd>Pb>Zn〉Cu〉Cn其中Cd的有 效性最高,Cr的有效性最低;沉积物潜在生态风险评价结果表明,峒河表层沉积物中主要的重金属污染 因子是Cd,各种重金属的潜在生态危害系数大小顺序为Cd>Pb>Zn〉Cr〉Cu;重金属的潜在生态风险水平 较高,四个采样点均为严重生态风险。
Speciation Analysis and Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal
in Water Sediment of Dong River
Abstract: In order to find out the present condition and potential ecological hazard of heavy metal contamination, Speciation distribution of Cr? Pb,Cu,Zn, Cd in water sediment of Dong River were analyzed and comprehensive eva luated separately by reformative BCR extraction and Hakanson potential ecological risk index method. The results of speciation analysis showed that the content of heavy metal elements in sediment of Dong River all exceeded the soil background value of Hunan Province,Cd had the top content while Cu was on the contrary; Valid order of four different spots was Cd〉Pb〉Zn〉Cu〉Cr,Cd had the top validity while Cr was on the contrary; The result of potential ecological risk assessment of sediment showed that the main heavy metal pollution element was Zn; The potential ecological hazard coefficient of different heavy metal element was Cd>Pb>Zn>Cr>Cu; the level of potential ecological risk of heavy metal in the surface sediment of Dong River was comparatively high. Ecological risk level of four different spots were all serious.
Key words: Heavy metal,Dong river sediment, Speciation analysis,Potential ecological risk,
BCR extraction
摘要:为了解峒河水体沉积物中重金属的污染现状及其潜在生态危害程度,采用改进的“BCR提取法” 对峒河水体沉积物中重金属元素Cr、Pb、Cu> Zn、Cd的形态分布特征进行了分析,利用潜在 生态风险指数法对其进行了综合评价。形态分析结果表明,峒河沉积物重金属含S均高于湖南省土壤背 景值,其中Zii的含ffl最高,Cu的含S最小;四个采样点中有效性排序为Cd>Pb>Zn〉Cu〉Cn其中Cd的有 效性最高,Cr的有效性最低;沉积物潜在生态风险评价结果表明,峒河表层沉积物中主要的重金属污染 因子是Cd,各种重金属的潜在生态危害系数大小顺序为Cd>Pb>Zn〉Cr〉Cu;重金属的潜在生态风险水平 较高,四个采样点均为严重生态风险。
Speciation Analysis and Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal
in Water Sediment of Dong River
Abstract: In order to find out the present condition and potential ecological hazard of heavy metal contamination, Speciation distribution of Cr? Pb,Cu,Zn, Cd in water sediment of Dong River were analyzed and comprehensive eva luated separately by reformative BCR extraction and Hakanson potential ecological risk index method. The results of speciation analysis showed that the content of heavy metal elements in sediment of Dong River all exceeded the soil background value of Hunan Province,Cd had the top content while Cu was on the contrary; Valid order of four different spots was Cd〉Pb〉Zn〉Cu〉Cr,Cd had the top validity while Cr was on the contrary; The result of potential ecological risk assessment of sediment showed that the main heavy metal pollution element was Zn; The potential ecological hazard coefficient of different heavy metal element was Cd>Pb>Zn>Cr>Cu; the level of potential ecological risk of heavy metal in the surface sediment of Dong River was comparatively high. Ecological risk level of four different spots were all serious.
Key words: Heavy metal,Dong river sediment, Speciation analysis,Potential ecological risk,
BCR extraction