
此文档由会员 小妹儿 发布
2.1万字 25页
Firewall integrated test system design and development
——firewall security test system design and development
In the past, people would think it behind a firewall to protect the network from intrusion, erected a firewall is a network security. However, if the earlier years would by now it was also holding this view, then the network will face great risks. Therefore, firewall security test for us is very important.
This article introduces the security firewall testing. Firewall security testing into routine testing, attack testing, security testing three categories, including attack detection for automatic testing and safety testing. Therefore, this article introduced the firewall security test system achieved two major security test. First article expounds on ......
目 录
摘要 2
前言 4
1. 系统概述 5
1.1墙产品的现状 5
1.2 系统开发的背景与目的 5
1.3 系统开发的技术手段 6
2. 防火墙介绍 6
2.1 防火墙的概念及作用 6
2.2防火墙的架构与工作方式 7
2.3 防火墙的基本类型 8
3. 黑客攻击简介 10
3.1 黑客入侵的步骤 10
3.2 黑客攻击的原理和方法 11
4. 防火墙安全性测试系统简介 12
4.1 安全性测试子系统的内容 12
4.2安全测试子系统的功能 14
4.2.1扫描 14
4.2.2系统破解 15
4.2.3 拒绝服务攻击 16
4.2.4 特洛伊木马 16
4.2.5 漏洞攻击 16
4.3 安全性测试过程 17
4.3.1 测试平台 17
4.3.2 测试目标 17
4.3.3 测试方法 17
4.3.4 测试结果 18
5. 防火墙安全测试系统的实现 18
5.1 安全性测试子系统的实施方案 18
5.2 安全测试子系统的具体实现过程 20
5.2.1 搜索主机 20
5.2.2 端口扫描 21
5.2.3 网络信息查询 23
5.2.4 多信息发送 25
5.2.5 OOB攻击 26
5.2.6 远程控制 26
5.2.7 消息发送 26
2.1万字 25页
Firewall integrated test system design and development
——firewall security test system design and development
In the past, people would think it behind a firewall to protect the network from intrusion, erected a firewall is a network security. However, if the earlier years would by now it was also holding this view, then the network will face great risks. Therefore, firewall security test for us is very important.
This article introduces the security firewall testing. Firewall security testing into routine testing, attack testing, security testing three categories, including attack detection for automatic testing and safety testing. Therefore, this article introduced the firewall security test system achieved two major security test. First article expounds on ......
目 录
摘要 2
前言 4
1. 系统概述 5
1.1墙产品的现状 5
1.2 系统开发的背景与目的 5
1.3 系统开发的技术手段 6
2. 防火墙介绍 6
2.1 防火墙的概念及作用 6
2.2防火墙的架构与工作方式 7
2.3 防火墙的基本类型 8
3. 黑客攻击简介 10
3.1 黑客入侵的步骤 10
3.2 黑客攻击的原理和方法 11
4. 防火墙安全性测试系统简介 12
4.1 安全性测试子系统的内容 12
4.2安全测试子系统的功能 14
4.2.1扫描 14
4.2.2系统破解 15
4.2.3 拒绝服务攻击 16
4.2.4 特洛伊木马 16
4.2.5 漏洞攻击 16
4.3 安全性测试过程 17
4.3.1 测试平台 17
4.3.2 测试目标 17
4.3.3 测试方法 17
4.3.4 测试结果 18
5. 防火墙安全测试系统的实现 18
5.1 安全性测试子系统的实施方案 18
5.2 安全测试子系统的具体实现过程 20
5.2.1 搜索主机 20
5.2.2 端口扫描 21
5.2.3 网络信息查询 23
5.2.4 多信息发送 25
5.2.5 OOB攻击 26
5.2.6 远程控制 26
5.2.7 消息发送 26