基于b/s的办公自动化系统的设计与实现,基于b/s的办公自动化系统的设计与实现摘 要随着网络的高速发展,网络办公自动化系统逐渐受到关注。一些大型企业集团正致力实现高层次的网络办公自动化,这将为他们节省大量的人力资源和办公费用,并大幅度提高办公效率。本文首先介绍了选题背景和开发模式,然后介绍了需求分析和数据库设计。重点介绍系统设计与实现,关键算法中介绍了自定义...

此文档由会员 lanxin520 发布基于B/S的办公自动化系统的设计与实现
摘 要
本系统运用J2EE中的MVC2 (Model+View+Control)模型,采用MyEclipse6.5 + Tomcat5.5 + JDK1.6 + MYSQL5 的组合开发平台开发测试,还使用Jsp-Servlet-Hibernate开发网站的典型案例。系统涉及到MVC的设计模式,以及后台数据库、基本表与系统前台的绑定工作,是通过Hibernate获取数据库驱动。本系统还利用Dreamweaver+Photoshop+JavaScript来设计各种前台页面,运用JUnit工具编写测试用例,进行单元测试和集成测试,利用Visio,RationalRose工具来绘制各种图形。在B/S架构上,系统设计与实施上运用软件工程的思想,完全依照瀑布模型来编写设计文档。
【关键字】 MVC2;办公自动化;Servlet;瀑布模型;B/S。
Design and Implementation of Office Automation System based on B/S
Chen Wei
With the rapid development of the network, the network OA system received the attention gradually. Some large enterprise group were devoting to realize the top level network OA system, This will save the massive human resources for them,and save the massive office expense,and raise the office efficiency.
This paper firstly introduced the research background and development model, and then introduced the requirement analysis and database design. It emphasis on system design and Implementation. In the key algorithm, it focused on customizing paging and password modify.
This system used the model of J2EE MVC2 (Model+View+Control) and the combination of MyEclipse6.5 + Tomcat5.5 + JDK1.6 + MYSQL5. We developed the platform development test and used Jsp-Servlet-Hibernate to develop the website the illustrative case. The system involved the MVC design pattern, as well as backstage database, fundamental catalog and system onstage binding work, with Hibernate to access database. Using Dreamweaver+Photoshop+JavaScript to design each kind of onstage page, and used JUnit tool compilation to test the example, carries on the unit testing and the integration testing. Using the Visio, RationalRose tool to draws up each kind of graph.. The system design was with B/S structure, and the system’s implementation utilized the software engineering, and compile the design documents waterfall model completely .
MVC2;OA;Servlet;Waterfall Model;B/S
目 录
1 系统概述 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 可行性分析 1
1.2.1 经济上可行性 1
1.2.2 技术上可行性 2
1.2.3 管理上可行性 3
2 办公自动化系统的开发模式与开发技术 3
2.1 B/S体系结构 4
2.2 JSP技术 4
2.2.1 JSP的强势 5
2.2.2 JSP的弱势 5
2.2.3 JSP的六种内置对象 5
2.3 JAVA 技术 7
2.4 MYSQL5.0 8
3需求分析 9
3.1 运行环境 10
3.1.1 硬件环境 10
3.1.2 软件环境 10
3.2 总体功能需求 10
4 数据库设计 12
4.1 数据模型 13
4.2 数据表 13
4.3 数据库实体关系图 16
5 系统设计及实现 17
6 系统关键功能及实现 24
6.1 自定义分页功能 24
6.2 密码修改功能 26
7 结束语 28
致 谢 31