

plc控制电梯论文,摘 要随着科学技术和社会经济的发展,高层建筑已成为现代城市的标志。电梯作为垂直运输工具,承担着大量的人流和物流的输送,其作用在建筑物中至关重要。与此同时,人们对电梯的性能要求也越来越高,比如可靠性,操作方便,舒适性,低噪音,低能耗等等。随着人们对其要求的提高,电梯得到了快速发展,其拖动技术已经发展到了...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 lanxin520 发布


摘   要
  With scientific and technological and socio-economic development, high-rise buildings have become the hallmark of modern cities. As vertical lift equipment, a lot of people bear the transportation and logistics, its role in building essential. At the same time, it has to lift the performance requirements are also increasing, such as reliability, easy to operate, comfortable nature, low noise, consumption, and so on. But the elevator as an important traffic in skyscraper,it also has developed quickly with the improving requirement of the People. It’s dragging technology has developed from DC timing to AC variable frequency timing and It’s logic control-relay control also has been replaced by PLC. using PLC to control the elevator,the reliability is improved and the feeling of comfort 15 better through the reasonable selection and design,so the effect of control is more ideal. In order to meet the comfort, improve transporting efficiency and reach the right floor, the given curve of an elevator is a key point. Most of people’s sensitivity on changing speed is about acceleration movement. Comfort means acceleration and deceleration on smoothness. To acquire favorable comfort, the starting and braking curves design of the elevator is composed of two s-curves and one beeline. Through adjusting the acceleration time and that of the s-curve’s, ideal starting and braking curves are gained.
This paper, based on the introduction of the elevator's basic structure, expatiates the drive and control principle of elevator, and analyzes how to use the PLC to program controlling process. The implementation project of elevator's VVVF control system based on PLC and transducer is studied and proposed. This article was precisely has carried on the improvement design in view of these questions to the existing elevator system. Uses PLC to carry on the logical control modulates velocity the elevator control system with the frequency changer.
KEY WORDS: elevator;control system;PLC;inverter
目 录
摘   要 I
1前言 1
1.1 电梯的起源和发展 1
1.2 电梯信号控制系统发展的现状 2
1.2.1电梯继电器控制系统的特点及存在问题 3
1.2.2 PLC及在电梯控制中的应用特点 4
1.2.3 PLC控制电梯的优点 5
1.3 本文的工作 5
2电梯的概述 6
2.1 电梯的结构 6
2.2 电梯的控制要求 8
3硬件选择 10
3.1  PLC的选择 10
3.1.1 PLC的定义和特点 10
3.1.2 PLC的主要功能和应用 13
3.1.3 PLC与其他工业控制系统的比较 14
3.1.4 PLC的系统硬件设计 16
3.1.5可编程控制器机型的选择 17
3.2 变频器选择 19
3.2.1 变频器的分类 19
3.2.2变频器的控制方式 19
3.2.3变频器的选型 21
3.2.4变频器的相关计算及其规格 22
4五层电梯总体设计 25
4.1 电机调速系统的设计 25
4.2 电力调速系统的应用与发展 26
4.3 异步电机的调速方法及经济技术比较 27
4.4 井道信号系统的设计 31
4.4.1干簧感应器的工作原理 31
4.4.2井道信号系统的设计 32
4.5 电梯控制系统的设计 33
5软件设计 35
5.1 正常运行控制软件设计 35
5.2 流程图 35
5.3 电梯的工艺流程 38
结束语 41
参考文献 42
致谢 43
附 录 44
附录一 外文文献及其译文 44
附录二 符号说明 47
附录三 电梯I/O接线图 49
附录四 五层五站电梯电气元件表 50
附录五 PLC梯形图 51