

分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文


此文档由会员 lanxin520 发布










Designed of Stepping Motor Controller for the Terminals Connecting System


Stepping motor is the open loop control component which transforms electrical signals to angular or line displacement. In the none overload of circumstances,the speed of stepping motor only depends on the frequency of the pulse signal,while the stop position depends on the pulse count,but not the load.It is to say that the stepping motor turns a step angle when given a pulse signal.The existence of linear relationship between  the pulse count and the displacement, and a step-motor only periodically Error while no accumulated error,that make it easy to use stepper motor to control in the speed and position control Field.The stepping motor Speed is generally change with the frequency of the input pulse signal.For each pulse signal,the stepping motor will turn a fixed angel. we can control the legth of time between two pulses to change the frequency of the pulses, so as to realize the stepper motor speed.In This design the internal timer of the STC12C5A32AD type of single-chip was adoptted to generate a series of changable frequency pulses to speed the stepper motor. While the number of pulses generating decided by programming to accurately position.

KEY WORDS:Stepping Motor, Microcontroller
Speed , Power Drive, Subdivide


前 言                                                     
第1章 序论 
§1.1 目前国内外端子压线机发展现状 
§1.2 瑞子压线机的系统组成 
§1.3 研究的目的和任务 
第2章 步进电机概述 
§2.2.2 步进电机的起停控制 
§2.2.3 步进电机的加减速控制                                  
§2.2.4 步进电机的换向控制                                    
§2.3 步进电机的技术参数 
§2.3.1 步进电机的基本参数 
§2.3.2  步进电机的动态指示及术语                             
§2.4 步进电机的分类 
§2.5 步进电机的驱动                                       
§2.5.2 双电压驱动                                    
§2.5.3 高低压驱动                                    
§2.5.4 斩波恒流驱动                                  
§2.5.5 升频升压功率驱动                              
§2.5.6 集成功率驱动                                  
§2.5.7 细分驱动                                      
第3章 方案的论证 
§3.1 控制方式的确定 
§3.2 驱动方式的确定 
§3.3 驱动电路的选择                                             
§3.4 基本方案的确定                                             
第4章 硬件电路的设计 
§4.1 单片机的选择 
§4.1.1 单片机的引脚功能                                      
§4.1.2 单片机主要特性                                        
§4.2 显示电路的选择 
§4.2.1 LCD1602液晶模块特点 
§4.2.2 LCD1602接口信号说明 
§4.2.3 LCD1602外型尺寸                                
§4.2.4 LCD1602 RAM映射图                             
§4.2.5 LCD1602字符发生存储器                          
§4.2.6 LCD1602 指令说明                               
§4.2.7 LCD1602 接口时序                               
§4.4 控制电路总原理图                                      
§4.5 步进电机驱动电路设计                                  
§4.5.1 THB6016H 特性                                  
§4.5.2 THB6016H 管脚说明                              
§4.5.3 THB6016H 原理框图                              
§4.5.4 驱动电路总原理图                                
§4.6 电源电路设计                                          
§4.7 抗干扰设计                                            
结 论 
致 谢 
附 录