地籍测绘毕业论文,利用gps(rtk)进行工程放样、界址点测量及其精度分析摘 要 本论文主要介绍gps(rtk)的基本原理、系统组成、技术特点、误差来源和使用方法及操作步骤,并利用gps(rtk)在工程测量中进行点放样、曲线放样以及在地籍测量中进行界址点测量,对测量结果进行精度分析。通过对放样点和界址点测量结果的精度分析,得出了gps(...
此文档由会员 lanxin520 发布利用GPS(RTK)进行工程放样、界址点测量及其精度分析
摘 要
The present paper is mainly introduced GPS(RTK) the basic principle, the system composition, the technical characteristic, the error source and the application method and the sequence of operation, and carry on a lofting, the curve lofting as well as using GPS(RTK) in the project survey carry on the boundary point survey in the cadastration, carries on the precision analysis to the measurement result. Through to the lofting and the boundary point precision analysis, has obtained the GPS(RTK) measuring accuracy is may achieve the project lofting and the boundary point survey precision request conclusion, and explained through the project example GPS(RTK) has the working efficiency high, the pointing accuracy high, the all-weather work, data-handling capacity strong and the operation simple easy to use and so on the characteristics. Elaborated us through this article to understand how used GPS(RTK) to carry on the project lofting and the boundary point survey, and was GPS(RTK) has carried on the proof in the project lofting and the boundary point survey feasibility, has developed GPS(RTK) in the survey domain application scope, strengthened has used GPS(RTK) the actual operation ability, will undertake the more surveying work for later to lay the foundation.
Key words:GPS(RTK);Project lofting; Lofting;Curve lofting;Cadastration; Boundary point
目 录
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ
第1章 绪论……………………………………………………………………………1
1.1 概述 ……………………………………………………………………………1
1.2 RTK应用于工程放样和界址点测量的分析 …………………………………1
1.3 本章小结 ………………………………………………………………………3
第2章 RTK基本原理、误差来源及作业过程 …………………………………4
2.1 RTK基本原理、误差来源及作业过程 ………………………………………4
2.1.1 RTK的基本原理、系统组成及工作条件 ……………………………4
2.1.2 RTK的误差来源和测量精度 ……………………………………………5
2.1.3 RTK的技术特点 …………………………………………………………7
2.1.4 RTK的局限性和精度保障 ………………………………………………7
2.1.5 RTK的作业过程 …………………………………………………………8
第3章 利用RTK进行点放样和曲线放样 ………………………………………10
3.1 利用RTK进行点放样 …………………………………………………………10
3.1.1点放样工程实例 ………………………………………………………10
3.1.2 点放样的精度分析 ……………………………………………………11
3.2 利用RTK进行曲线放样 ………………………………………………………13
3.2.1 曲线放样的一般方法 …………………………………………………13
3.2.2 曲线放样工程实例 …………………………………………………13
3.2.3 曲线放样的精度分析 …………………………………………………15
3.3 本章小结 ………………………………………………………………………16
第4章 利用RTK进行界址点测量 ………………………………………………17
4.1 界址点及其精度要求 …………………………………………………………17
4.2 界址点测量工程实例 …………………………………………………………17
4.2.1 界址点的确定 …………………………………………………………17
4.2.2 界址点测量及宗地图的绘制 …………………………………………19
4.3 界址点测量精度分析 …………………………………………………………22
4.4 本章小结 ………………………………………………………………………23
参考文献 ………………………………………………………………………………25