

分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 lanxin520 发布


本论文结合开发软件的全过程,先介绍系统开发的背景环境;接着对数据的来源和建立进行论述包括基础数据的创建和网络数据的创建以及数据库的设计和建立;然后详细描述了软件的实现思路、软件的层次结构设计、功能模块设计、以及如何实现、组织各个功能模块 ;最后附上实现各个功能模块的主要代码。






Since China's reform and opening up of China's economic progress, in order to meet the country's rapid economic development, China vigorously for railway construction. With the rapid development of China's railway to our unlimited travel convenience at the same time, we select travel routes are faced with many difficulties, is to choose the fastest?, or choose the most comfortable, affordable? in the face of such problems this system gives very good solutions, help users choose more appropriate travel scheme. The system uses the ArcEngine in a Java environment, platform for Eclipse. In this system, users can visually understand concerns train, station details.
This paper combined with the whole process of developing software, first system development background environment; then on the data source and establish are discussed in the basic data creation and the creation of the network data, and database design and set up; and a detailed description of the software implementation ideas, software design, the hierarchy of functionality to design, implement, organize function module; last accompanied by implementation of the various modules of the main code.
[key words] ArcEngine、JAVA、Train Transfer


目 录
1绪论 6
1.1引言 6
1.2 设计论文背景 6
1.3 火车换乘系统的意义 6
1.4 火车换乘系统的关键技术 7
1.4.1 GIS技术 7
1.4.2组件式GIS 7
1.4.3数据库技术 8
1.5系统开发中解决的问题 8
1.6系统开发的主要路线 8
1.7论文主要的研究内容 9
2基础数据的处理流程 9
2.1数据来源 9
2.2网络数据集的建立 9
2.2.1基础图层 9
2.2.2 创建网络数据集 11
2.2.3校验网络数据集的可用性 14
2.4本章总结 15
3 火车换乘系统的设计 16
3.1 系统开发平台设计 16
3.1.1  GIS系统平台 16
3.1.2系统开发语言 16
3.1.3数据库平台 17
3.1.4系统运行平台 17
3.2系统数据层次结构搭建 17
3.2.1系统结构 17
3.2.2系统空间数据 17
3.2.3系统属性数据 18
3.3系统的组织结构与实现思路 19
3.4本章总结 21
4 火车换乘系统的实现 22
4.1系统概述 22
4.2系统界面 22
4.3功能模块论述 23
4.3.1车次查询 23
4.3.2车站查询 24
4.3.3按路径查询 24
4.3.4高级 27
4.3.5 地图工具 28
4.4本章总结 30
5总结与展望 31
5.1论文研究成果 31
5.2 论文的不足及进一步工作展望 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33
附 录(一) 主要程序代码 34