

地质工程毕业论文,目录摘 要iabstractii前言iii第一章 岩土工程勘察纲要11.1 工程概况及任务来源11.2 本纲目勘察目的及要求21.3 勘察纲要3第二章 勘察技术设计52.1 工程地质测绘52.2 工程测量62.3工程物探82.4钻探取样技术设计92.5水文地质勘探152.6原位测试技术设计162.7现场...
分类: 论文>地质/地理论文


此文档由会员 lanxin520 发布


摘   要 i
Abstract ii
前言 iii
第一章 岩土工程勘察纲要 1
1.1 工程概况及任务来源 1
1.2 本纲目勘察目的及要求 2
1.3 勘察纲要 3
第二章 勘察技术设计 5
2.1 工程地质测绘 5
2.2 工程测量 6
2.3工程物探 8
2.4钻探取样技术设计 9
2.5水文地质勘探 15
2.6原位测试技术设计 16
2.7现场技术工作 17
2.8室内试验设计 21
第三章 野外工作施工组织设计 23
3.1施工准备工作 23
3.2人员编制及组织机构,岗位责任 23
3.3 施工进度安排及工期保证措施 26
3.4 施工质量标准及质量保证措施 27
3.5 安全生产和文明施工措施 30
3.6 施工设备一览 31
3.7施工费用预算 31
第四章   岩土试验与测试 35
4.1岩土试验方法与规程 35
4.2 试验数据记录、整理与分析 43
4.3岩土参数取值 46
4.4原位测试统计分析 47
第五章 勘查成果应用 49
5.1场地环境及地质灾害评价 49
5.2场地稳定性评价 49
5.3地层岩土性能评价 49
5.4水文地质条件评价 49
5.5地震效应评价 50
5.6不良地质现象及特殊性岩土评价 51
5.7基坑开挖及支护评价 52
5.8 基础方案评价 52
5.9结论与建议 52
结束语 54
参考文献 55









摘   要

In recent years, with the rapid development of the national economy, China's railway construction has entered an unprecedented age. on April 18, 2008, our country proprietary intellectual property right’s train the harm nation moving which founded our country high-speed railroad's new times. Then Beijing and Tianjin high-speed railroad has build and revolving. This opens to the traffic and raises the curtain for high-speed railway construction of our country. while Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway and Zhengzhou-Xian high speed railway building which symbolizes our country high-speed railroad construction peak arrival. The train’s speed one time compared to high, And the requirements of the railway construction will also more and more high and more and more strict, and the construction’s environment becomes more and more complex. Therefore, the geological survey’s requirements of the railway works in theory and technique are more and more high, In order to provide a more accurate and reliable geological basis for Railway construction.
Railway engineering geological reconnaissance of the railway construction is the most basic and most important aspect. Also is the foundation of the railway construction work. Its primary mission is verifies engineering geology condition the bad engineering geology question and analysis and eva luation the problem. Provides reliable, accurate, the complete reconnaissance material and the geological basis for the railroad construction, and taking into account the environmental geological problems in order to ensure the safety and stability economical and reasonable of the railway .
This article is mainly about Hengyang station, Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line preliminary engineering geological reconnaissance. In order to be able to provide reliable and accurate geological information, the reconnaissance has used many kinds of reconnaissance methods. This is including core drilling, SPT-site testing, dynamic and static cone penetration tests. Analysis and collate comprehensive the Collected data and provides the related recommendation value for the railroad construction department. This article also analysis and eva luate hydro geological conditions and adverse geological engineering problem of the Hengyang station. And give the views of the treatment for the foundation, has also give the suggestion for design department’s reference. This project budget cost of construction is RMB2635766.

Key words: Engineering Geological Investigation ; Standard Penetration Test ; Liquefaction ;Foundation