仔猪水肿病的综合分析及防治,摘 要:猪水肿病(edema disase of swine,ed)又称肠毒血症,由溶血性大肠杆菌引起,其临床特征为组织器官水肿、神经症状、低发病率和高病死率,剖检胃壁和肠系膜显著水肿。该病主要侵害断奶后5-14 d或刚转入肥育群的断奶仔猪。从病原、流行病学、诊治等方面进行了阐述。关键词:猪水...

此文档由会员 lanxin520 发布仔猪水肿病的综合分析及防治
摘 要:猪水肿病(edema disase of swine,ED)又称肠毒血症,由溶血性大肠杆菌引起,其临床特征为组织器官水肿、神经症状、低发病率和高病死率,剖检胃壁和肠系膜显著水肿。该病主要侵害断奶后5-14 d或刚转入肥育群的断奶仔猪。从病原、流行病学、诊治等方面进行了阐述。
ShuiZhongBing piglets comprehensive analysis and control
Piglet (edema disase of swine, ED) also known as enterotoxemia, caused by hemolysis Escherichia coli, its clinical characteristics to organs of edema, neurological symptoms, low rates and high death rate, dissect the stomach and mesenteric significant edema. The disease is a major infringement of postweaning 5 ~ 14 d or just turn into finishing the weanling piglets. From the etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment, and so is set forth in, with a view to prevention and treatment for the disease of science.
Key words: Piglet; Serotype; Pathogenesis; Clinical Symptoms; Epidemiology; Prevention and control
目 录
摘 要 II
Abstrac III
前 言 - 1 -
1 仔猪水肿病病原血清型 - 1 -
2 发病机理 - 2 -
3 临床症状 - 2 -
4 病理变化 - 3 -
5 流行病学 - 3 -
5.1传染源 - 3 -
5.2易感动物 - 4 -
5.3传播途径 - 4 -
5.4流行特点 - 4 -
6 预防措施 - 4 -
7 治疗方法 - 5 -
结论 - 7 -
参 考 文 献 - 8 -
致 谢 - 9 -