

儿科护理学论文,质量持续改进在提升儿科护理质量中运用和成效【摘 要】该论文的目的:探讨应用质量持续改进在提升儿科护理质量中的运用和成效。方法: 326例儿科住院患儿的资料,采用随机单盲法分为实验组和对照组各163例,论文对照组用常规护理;实验组在常规护理的基础上,加用质量持续改进法。结果:护理质量改进后,患者对护理工作的满意度较前显著...
分类: 论文>社会学论文


此文档由会员 lanxin520 发布


【摘 要】该论文的目的:探讨应用质量持续改进在提升儿科护理质量中的运用和成效。方法: 326例儿科住院患儿的资料,采用随机单盲法分为实验组和对照组各163例,论文对照组用常规护理;实验组在常规护理的基础上,加用质量持续改进法。结果:护理质量改进后,患者对护理工作的满意度较前显著提高。实验组患者和家属的满意度与对照组比较差异明显,P<0. 05.结论:护理质量改进可提高住院患者满意度。





The use and effectiveness of improving the quality of pediatric care using continuous quality improvem ent.
【Abstract Objective】:To explore the use and effectiveness of improving the quality ofpediatric care using continuous quality improvement.Methods:Retro-spective analysis 326 cases of pediatric inpatients, randomized single-blind divided into experimental group and control group, 163 cases in each group.The control groupwith routine care, the experimental group on the basis of conventional care, plus continuous quality improvementmethod.Results: com-pared the control group improved quality of care, patient satisfaction with carewas significantly increased.Experimental group, satisfaction of patients andtheir families comparedwith the controlgroup significantly different,P<0. 05.Conclusion: Improve the quality of inpatientcare can improve the satisfactionofpatients.
【Key words】:Continuo