

乙酸酐生产工艺及检测,[摘要] 乙酸酐主要用于用作乙酰化剂,以及用于药物、染料、醋酸纤维制造。制取的方法是烯酮法。而化学品安全说明表是安全生产、急救不可缺少的资料,简称msds。在工艺的设计方面简要的介绍了高沸塔,低沸塔,成品冷凝器、冷却器 h-208、h-209,t-301残渣塔,h-301冷凝器,离心泵的选择及计算...
分类: 论文>材料科学论文


此文档由会员 lanxin520 发布


[摘要] 乙酸酐主要用于用作乙酰化剂,以及用于药物、染料、醋酸纤维制造。制取的方法是烯酮法。而化学品安全说明表是安全生产、急救不可缺少的资料,简称MSDS。在工艺的设计方面简要的介绍了高沸塔,低沸塔,成品冷凝器、冷却器 H-208、H-209,T-301残渣塔,H-301冷凝器,离心泵的选择及计算。关于检测方面主要介绍了实验室常用设备如:气相色谱仪,卡尔费休水分仪,滴定仪,光谱仪,色度仪,PH仪。

[关键词]   乙酸酐   生产工艺   化学品安全说明表   设备计算   实验检测   检测仪器



Acetic anhydride production

Molding Technology Polymer Materials Management and Logistics

 [Abstract]    Acetic anhydride used for acetylation agent, as well as for drugs, dyes, cellulose acetate manufacturing. Preparation of ketene law is. And chemical safety sheets are safe production, an indispensable first-aid information, referred to as MSDS. In the design process a brief introduction of high boiling tower, low-boiling tower, finished condenser, cooler H-208, H-209, T-301 tower residue, H-301 condenser, centrifugal pump selection and calculation . Mainly introduced for the detection of commonly used laboratory equipment, such as: gas chromatograph, Karl Fischer moisture meter, titrator, spectrometer, colorimeter, PH Miriam.

[Key words]    Acetic anhydride   production process   Material Safety Data Sheet   Computing equipment   Experimental testing    Testing Instruments
目  录
1 综述                                                                     5
2 醋酐的生产方法                                                           6
3 生产涉及化学品的MSDS                                                   7
3.1乙酸                                                                    8
3.2磷酸氢二铵                                                              9
3.3乙烯酮                                                                  10
3.4乙酸酐                                                                  11
3.5乙酸异丙酯                                                              11
3.6乙醛                                                                    13
3.7乙腈                                                                    14
4 工艺流程                                                                 15
4.1裂解炉系统                                                              15
4.2 吸收系统                                                                15
4.3 提纯精馏系统                                                            15
4.4 弱酸回收系统                                                            15
4.5 重组分处理系统                                                          15
4.6 废水、尾气处理系统                                                      15
4.7 公用工程系统                                                            17
5  主要设备设计计算                                                        20
6  实验室工作                                                              28
6.1检测项目                                                                28
6.2检测仪器                                                                28
6.3成品的标准                                                              30
结 论                                                                      31
参考文献                                                                   32
致  谢                                                                     33