单斜塔斜拉桥主塔提升受力分析,摘 要本文以天津市泰达天桥——单斜塔斜拉桥为背景,研究单斜塔斜拉桥主塔提升的受力情况。整个课题的研究过程采用了有限元的分析方法,利用工程分析软件ansys进行建模求解。首先根据设计图纸建立该桥完整的初始空间有限元模型,并根据设计内容的要求施加自重和相应的风荷载,然后求解并对提升系统在提升到不...

此文档由会员 lanxin520 发布单斜塔斜拉桥主塔提升受力分析
摘 要
关键词:单斜塔 斜拉桥 有限元分析 提升过程
Tianjin Taida flyover, a single skew tower cable-stayed bridge is used as the background in this paper. The stress of the main tower of cable-stayed bridge with single skew tower during its hoisting process is researched here. The whole design process uses the finite element method and uses ANSYS, an engineering analysis software, to mode and solve.
The initial space finite element model of the bridge is established firstly, according to its drawings. At the same time, the dead weight of the bridge and the corresponding wind loads are also imposed on the bridge according to the design requirements. Then reaction force, displacement and stress are analyzed when the system is enhanced to different angles in order to ensure the safety and reliability of the main tower during its whole hoisting process. The tower frame uses two elements, Link8 and Beam4, according to the force conditions. The main tower uses the Shell63 element and the cables use the Link10 element. The results prove that the selections of these elements are reasonable. The biggest value of the stress is at the connection of the main tower and the lifting-cable, where exists the phenomenon of stress concentration. The hoisting process is safe and reliable when the local stress concentration is eliminated. So it is very important to strengthen the positions of the local stress concentration during the construction process. The change of the lifting-cable tension is nonlinear showed by the results. The value is larger at the beginning of the lifting process and it decreases during the process. The value of the lifting-cable tension turns larger again when the whole process is close to the end. The biggest value is 2150 kN and it happens at the end of the process. The point which happens the greatest deformation is always at the midpoint of the hanging beam and it does not exceed the allowable value.
Key words: Single Skew Tower Cable-Stayed Bridge Finite Element Analysis Hoisting Process
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的目的意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 斜拉桥的发展现状 1
1.2.2 转体施工的研究现状 2
1.3 论文研究内容简介 2
1.4 论文主要研究内容和研究方法 3
1.5 论文研究方法及创新点 3
第2章 提升塔架的力学研究 5
2.1 提升塔架结构计算书 5
2.1.1 提升塔架结构简介 5
2.1.2 提升塔架基础结构受力分析 5
2.1.3 提升塔架基础强度计算 5
2.2 管撑的构造力学计算 6
2.3 分配梁L1、L2的力学构造计算 7
2.4 吊梁的结构力学计算 7
第3章 有限元模型的建立 9
3.1 有限元分析过程简介 9
3.1.1 有限元系统基本构成 9
3.1.2 ANSYS有限元分析过程 9
3.2 实体建模的建立 10
3.2.1 前言 10
3.2.2 建立实体模型 11
3.3 材料设置与网格划分 13
3.3.1 前言 13
3.3.2 Element Type确定单元类型 13
3.3.3 几何模型网格划分 15
3.4 总结 17
第4章 加载与求解 18
4.1 简介 18
4.1.1 荷载定义及分类 18
4.1.2 实体模型载荷与有限元模型载荷的优缺点 19
4.1.3 可能出现的问题 20
4.2 提升塔架的风荷载计算规范 20
4.2.1 风荷载 20
4.2.2 风荷载的计算 20
4.2.3 计算风压q 21
4.2.4 风压高度变化系数Kh 21
4.2.5 风力系数C 22
4.2.6 迎风面积A 22
4.3 起重塔架的风荷载计算过程 24
4.3.1 1-20m的风荷载计算 24
4.3.2 20-40m的风荷载计算 25
4.4 单斜塔的风荷载计算规范 25
4.4.1 风荷载标准值及基本风压 25
4.4.2 风压高度变化系数 26
4.4.3 风荷载体型系数 26
4.4.4 风振系数 27
4.5 单斜塔风荷载的计算过程 27
4.6 附录 29
4.7 总结 29
第5章 结果数据的分析 30
5.1 后处理器简介 30
5.2 结果的图形和列表显示 30
5.2.1 提升角度为9° 30
5.2.2 提升角度为20° 36
5.2.3 提升角度为30° 42
5.2.4 提升角度为40° 46
5.2.5 提升角度为46° 51
5.3 结果分析 55
5.4 结论 56
第6章 结果数据的列表显示 57
6.1 反力列表 57
6.2 最大位移列表 57
6.3 提升索和平衡索的轴力和轴向应力列表 58
6.4 最大应力列表 58
6.5 结论 58
第7章 结论与展望 60
7.1 结论 60
7.2 展望 61
参考文献 62
致谢 63
附录 64