平衡悬架总成装配混流线生产效率改善研究,摘 要该论文以工业工程在实际生产中的运用为基础,以东风公司设备制造厂平衡悬架装配车间现场为背景,对公司目前的平衡悬架装配线生产效率做了深入分析,找出了其中存在的问题并做出了改善方案。论文主要运用基础工业工程的知识,如方法研究、时间测定、目视管理、5s管理等,对平衡悬架装配车间的生产...
此文档由会员 lanxin520 发布平衡悬架总成装配混流线生产效率改善研究
摘 要
The balance suspension assembly line’ production efficiency of Machine Tool Plant of DongFeng Motor Co.,Ltd was analysised deeply in the basis of actual IE. The problems were identified and the program was improved based on the knowledge of IE.For example, there are methods study, action analysis, visual management, 5S management etc.Analysis the production equipment, staffing, work place equipment and so on of balance suspension assembly shop is reasonable or not, it can get the bottlenecks—scene problem and bottleneck procedure. Through technological improvements of bottlenecks, to improve assembly efficiency, reduce labor intensity of workers and get the largest economic and social benefits. The main work related to the content: be familiar with the balance suspension and its assembly line process, draw the balance suspension’s assembly line process flow diagram; draw the balance suspension assembly shop floor plan; make balance suspension assembly’s technology process analysis, time and motion analysis, scene analysis; identify bottlenecks from those results and improve measures.
Keywords:industrial engineering; bottlenecks; improvement
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
1 绪 论 5
1.1 本课题的来源、目的及意义 5
1.1.1 本课题来源 5
1.1.2 本课题研究目的 5
1.1.3 本课题研究意义 5
1.2 预计要求和关键技术 6
1.2.1 预计要求 6
1.2.2 关键技术 6
2 现状调查 7
2.1 各项介绍 7
2.1.1 工厂简介 7
2.1.2 产品简介 8
2.1.3 装配线简介 10
2.2 国内外现状概况 15
2.2.1 国内外情况 15
2.2.1 设备制造厂情况 15
3 原因分析 17
3.1 “环”的分析 17
3.1.1 5S管理 17
3.1.2 目视管理 19
3.1.3 “环”分析小结 20
3.2 “法”的分析 20
3.2.1 动作分析 21
3.1.3 “法”分析小结 24
3.3 原因确认 25
4 改善方案及评价 26
4.1 可行性分析 26
4.2 现场改善 26
4.3 工序改善 29
4.4 效果评价 29
5 结论和展望 30
5.1 本文总结 30
5.2 将来展望 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32