徐州市山水康桥2号楼电气工程毕业设计,摘 要工程为徐州市山水康桥2号楼电气工程,本楼为一梯两户,一共有24层。本工程为二级负荷,供电电源均引自小区变电站,电压等级为380v/220v,采用树干式,供电供电电源引自小区内变电站,住宅用电负荷为每户8kw。设计内容包括强电和弱电设计两个部分。其中,强电设计内容包括配电系统设计、照明系统设计及防雷与接地系统设计;...

原文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
摘 要
The project entitled Electrical Engineering design of Shanshui Kangqiao Building 2, this floor is a staircase 2, a total of 24 layers. This works for two loads, power supplies are drawn from district substation, voltage level for the 380V/220V, works with the trunk type, power supply power supply substations in the region cited a young age, household electricity load is 8 kW.
Design elements include electric and electronic design two parts. Among them, the strong electrical design include power distribution system design, lighting system design and the design of lightning protection and grounding system; weak design include cable system design, the intercom system design, computer network system design, telephone system design, fire alarm system design.
Lighting design by environmental and efficiency standards, including the illumination calculation, the choice of lamps, lighting, trunk, plug wires and wire cross-sectional area of the choice of laying mode. Lightning Protection for the third type of building construction, lightning protection system installed in the roof with lightning rods and lightning combination Jieshan Qi. Distribution of branches by way of cable television system, the user output signal level was 68 ± 4dB. Meet user requirements. This project for a class of high building, fire control system and some important load with double power and power supply, power substation, drew by three phase four wire.
Keywords: electrical system design;lighting system design;weak system design;lightning protection and grounding system design
目 录
第一章 工程概述 1
第二章 供配电系统设计 2
2.1 负荷分级 2
2.2 负荷计算 2
第三章 电气照明系统设计 16
3.1 住宅楼层照明系统设计 16
3.2 一、二层及地下车库层电气照明设计 16
3.3 插座选择概述 19
第四章 弱电系统设计 20
4.1有线电视系统设计 21
4.1.1设计基本原则 21
4.1.2 有线电视用户电平计算 22
4.2电话通信系统设计 24
4.3宽带网络系统设计 25
4.4 访客对讲系统设计 25
4.4.1 本对讲系统功能简介 25
4.4.2 设备的安装 25
4.5 火灾报警系统设计 25
4.5.1 火灾探测器的计算依据 28
4.5.2 火灾探测器的计算与布置 29
4.5.3 应急照明 30
第五章 防雷接地系统设计 32
5.1 建筑物的防雷等级 32
5.2 建筑物年预计雷击次数 32
5.3 第三类防雷建筑物的防雷措施 33
5.4 本住宅防雷接地设计 34
第六章 结束语 36
参考文献 37
翻译部分 38
致谢 46
专题论文 47
The project entitled Electrical Engineering design of Shanshui Kangqiao Building 2, this floor is a staircase 2, a total of 24 layers. This works for two loads, power supplies are drawn from district substation, voltage level for the 380V/220V, works with the trunk type, power supply power supply substations in the region cited a young age, household electricity load is 8 kW.
Design elements include electric and electronic design two parts. Among them, the strong electrical design include power distribution system design, lighting system design and the design of lightning protection and grounding system; weak design include cable system design, the intercom system design, computer network system design, telephone system design, fire alarm system design.
Lighting design by environmental and efficiency standards, including the illumination calculation, the choice of lamps, lighting, trunk, plug wires and wire cross-sectional area of the choice of laying mode. Lightning Protection for the third type of building construction, lightning protection system installed in the roof with lightning rods and lightning combination Jieshan Qi. Distribution of branches by way of cable television system, the user output signal level was 68 ± 4dB. Meet user requirements. This project for a class of high building, fire control system and some important load with double power and power supply, power substation, drew by three phase four wire.
Keywords: electrical system design;lighting system design;weak system design;lightning protection and grounding system design
目 录
第一章 工程概述 1
第二章 供配电系统设计 2
2.1 负荷分级 2
2.2 负荷计算 2
第三章 电气照明系统设计 16
3.1 住宅楼层照明系统设计 16
3.2 一、二层及地下车库层电气照明设计 16
3.3 插座选择概述 19
第四章 弱电系统设计 20
4.1有线电视系统设计 21
4.1.1设计基本原则 21
4.1.2 有线电视用户电平计算 22
4.2电话通信系统设计 24
4.3宽带网络系统设计 25
4.4 访客对讲系统设计 25
4.4.1 本对讲系统功能简介 25
4.4.2 设备的安装 25
4.5 火灾报警系统设计 25
4.5.1 火灾探测器的计算依据 28
4.5.2 火灾探测器的计算与布置 29
4.5.3 应急照明 30
第五章 防雷接地系统设计 32
5.1 建筑物的防雷等级 32
5.2 建筑物年预计雷击次数 32
5.3 第三类防雷建筑物的防雷措施 33
5.4 本住宅防雷接地设计 34
第六章 结束语 36
参考文献 37
翻译部分 38
致谢 46
专题论文 47
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