

基于can总线通讯智能结点的设计与实现,基于can总线通讯智能结点的设计与实现2.8万字 40页摘要:现场总线是连接现场设备和自动化系统的数字式、双向传输、多分支结构的通信网络。它是计算机技术、通信技术和控制技术高度综合与集成的产物,是一种开放式和分布式的新模式。现场总线是当今自动化领域技术发展的热点之一。can(控制器局域网)属于现场总线的范畴,是一种有效...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 20023286 发布

2.8万字 40页


关键词:现场总线; CAN; SJA1000 CAN 控制器; 82C250收发器; 89C51单片机; 设计

Field bus is a digital, bi-directional and multi-branch communication network that connects field equipments and automatic system. As a product integrating technology of computer, communication and control, the field bus featured with opening and distribution has been one of the key technologies in modern automatism field.
As one of the field buses, CAN (Controller Area Network) is a serial communication network that supports distributed and real time control effectively.
The Design and Implementation of Intelligent Nodes in Conjuction Based on the CAN Bus, is distributes in the field bus system in a scene sub- system, can realize the data acquisition and the closed-loop control, the maximum transmission speed may reach 1MB/S, the maximum transmitting range is 10km. The pitch point core component is the CAN controller which PHILIPS Corporation produces (SJA1000) and the CAN driver (PCA82C250) as well as the micro controller (the 89C51 monolithic integrated circuit). SJA1000 is the integrated independent CAN controller (is completely compatible with PHILIPS early CAN controller PCA82C200), it responsibly completes the CAN main line correspondence agreement the physical level and the data link layer function. Can the reliable movement and completes the request the duty, the control information carries on processing in the scene, but management level then realizes in on position machine. Has manifested the CAN main line high performance, the redundant reliable characteristic.

Keywords: Field bus; CAN; Distributed Measurement Control System; SJA1000 CAN Controller; 82C250Transceiver; 89C51 single chip Computer; Design

目 录
1 现场总线简介
1.1 绪论 …………………………………………………………1
1.2 现场总线及其发展 ……………………………………………1
1.3 现场总线在国内的应用 ……………………………………2
1.4现场总线的功能及要求 …………………………………………3
1.4.1现场总线的功能 ………………………………………………3
1.4.2 现场总线的要求 ………………………………………………3
1.4.3现场总线的结构 ………………………………………………3
1.5现场总线的优点 ………………………………………………4
1.6 现场总线的特点 ………………………………………………5

2 CAN总线简介
2.1 控制器局部网(CAN) ………………………………………………6
2.2 CAN的性能特点 ………………………………………………6
2.3 CAN节点的分层结构 ………………………………………7
2.4 CAN通信技术 ………………………………………………8
2.4.1CAN通信参考模型 ………………………………………………9
2.4.2 CAN的报文传送与通信帧结构 ……………………………………9
2.5 CAN通信控制器 ………………………………………11
2.6 CAN控制器SJA1000结构及主要特点 …………………………11
2.6.1 SJA1000的主要新功能 ………………………………………11
2.6.2 SJA1000的功能框图与引脚说明 ………………………………11
2.6.3 SJA1000寄存器功能 …………………………………13
2.6.4 SJAI000在PeIiCAN模式下的验收滤波及总线时序寄存器的具体用法…15
2.6.5 SJA1000的初始化 …………………………………17
2.6.6 SJA1000与PCA82C200的性能比较 ………………………………19
2.6.7 SJA1000有两种不同工作模式 …………………………………19

2.7 CAN收发器82C250 ………………………………………20
2.7.1 82C250的主要特性及硬件图 ………………………………………20
2.7.2 82C250功能描述 …………………………………………21
2.8 微处理器89C51 ……………………………………………22

3 CAN通讯智能结点的设计
3.1 采用CAN总线系统 ………………………………………26
3.2 CAN总线通讯智能结点的系统构成 …………………………26
3.3 CAN总线通讯智能结点电路的设计 …………………………27
3.4 智能节点软件设计 …………………………………28
3.4.1 初始化子程序 …………………………………………………28
3.4.2 发送子程序 ……………………………………………………30
3.4.3 查询方式接收子程序 ………………………………………31


[1]邹继军、 饶运涛. 现场总线CAN原理与应用技术.北京:北航出版社