建设工程招投标管理制度的完善,2万字 25页摘要 《中华人民共和国招标投标法》把招标投标的竞争机制引入我国投融资和公共采购领域,改变了我国传统的直接采购和行政分配方式,打破了地方和部门保护主义,为企业的招标投标活动提供了平等的竞争环境和有效的法律保障,保证了项目质量 提高了经济效益,促进了技术进步和管理水平的提高,保证...
此文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
2万字 25页
《中华人民共和国招标投标法》把招标投标的竞争机制引入我国投融资和公共采购领域,改变了我国传统的直接采购和行政分配方式,打破了地方和部门保护主义,为企业的招标投标活动提供了平等的竞争环境和有效的法律保障,保证了项目质量 提高了经济效益,促进了技术进步和管理水平的提高,保证了工程质量、缩短工期,促进了社会主义建设市场经济体制的建立和完善。如今,随着生产建设规模的不断扩大,建筑市场更是出现承包商远远多于可承包项目的局面,竞争越发激烈,一些人于是千方百计钻政策法规的空子,或者干脆用不正当手段如:投标方和招标方或其代理方上下勾结进行暗箱操作,或众多投标方一起串通、合谋抬高标价,甚至承包商于开发商签订黑白合同等争取项目,因此导致违法犯罪现象频繁发生,也为工程质量埋下了安全隐患。本论文将通过建筑工程招标投标中暴露的问题如暗箱操作、围标、串标、黑白合同等,及对诸多问题的分析而得出解决相应问题的几点建议,最后总结出建设工程招投标管理制度完善的基本方案.
“The Tendering and Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China” lead the competition mechanism of bid invitation and tender into the investment financing and public purchase of our country. This mechanism has changed our country's traditional direct purchase and administration way, broken the place and department protectionism, offered an equally competition environment and effective legal guarantee for the bid invitation and tender, assured the quality of project, improved the economic benefit, advanced the technique and manage level, ensured the quality of construction、 shorten the time for a project and promoted the socialist market economy system setting –up and perfection. Nowadays, with the constant expand of the construction scale, the competition of the construction market is even more fury, then some people take an improper instrument to get the project, such as find the gap of rule, even such as a bidder colluded with a tender or his agent to do something that the others is unknown, or some bidder collude each other for a high price of a bid, and they would promise a “black-white contract” for a project even. As a result, the phenomena of break laws and commit the crime is frequently occurred, at the same time, made the hidden danger for project quality too. This text will analysis a great deal of questions such as “operate camera”, “surround bid”, “black-white contract”, that exposed on bid invitation and tender of construction, and educe some suggestions after analysis in my own opinion. Then summarize a basic scheme to improve the management system of bid invitation and tender of construction project.
招投标(tendering and bidding) 管理制度(management system)
招投标制(system of tendering and bidding) 完善(perfect)
政府采购(government purchase) 备案制(system of put on records)
摘要 1
一、概述 2
1.论文提出的背景和主要研究内容 2
2.招投标的概念及方式 3
3.我国第一次国际性的招标 6
4.我国建设工程招投标目前发展状况 10
5.建设工程招投标的作用 12
6.建设工程招投标的意义 14
二、建筑工程招标投标中存在的问题及原因 15
1.常见问题 15
2.非法招投标的原因 19
三.解决问题的办法 20
1.增加投标人数 20
2.工程量清单计价主导招投标 20
3.公开标底 20
4.招标人须回避评标会 21
5.建设工程有条件的最低价中标 21
6.禁止政府人员参加评标定标 21
7.推行废标制度 21
8.对工程履约担保、工程款支付担保作强制规定 22
9.严格实行备案制 22
四、结论 22
致谢 23
参考文献 23
文献综述 23
[1] 李启明、朱树英、黄文杰编著.工程建设合同与索赔管理.北京:科学出版社
[2] 吴育秦主编.工程承包与投标报价.重庆:重庆大学出版社
2万字 25页
《中华人民共和国招标投标法》把招标投标的竞争机制引入我国投融资和公共采购领域,改变了我国传统的直接采购和行政分配方式,打破了地方和部门保护主义,为企业的招标投标活动提供了平等的竞争环境和有效的法律保障,保证了项目质量 提高了经济效益,促进了技术进步和管理水平的提高,保证了工程质量、缩短工期,促进了社会主义建设市场经济体制的建立和完善。如今,随着生产建设规模的不断扩大,建筑市场更是出现承包商远远多于可承包项目的局面,竞争越发激烈,一些人于是千方百计钻政策法规的空子,或者干脆用不正当手段如:投标方和招标方或其代理方上下勾结进行暗箱操作,或众多投标方一起串通、合谋抬高标价,甚至承包商于开发商签订黑白合同等争取项目,因此导致违法犯罪现象频繁发生,也为工程质量埋下了安全隐患。本论文将通过建筑工程招标投标中暴露的问题如暗箱操作、围标、串标、黑白合同等,及对诸多问题的分析而得出解决相应问题的几点建议,最后总结出建设工程招投标管理制度完善的基本方案.
“The Tendering and Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China” lead the competition mechanism of bid invitation and tender into the investment financing and public purchase of our country. This mechanism has changed our country's traditional direct purchase and administration way, broken the place and department protectionism, offered an equally competition environment and effective legal guarantee for the bid invitation and tender, assured the quality of project, improved the economic benefit, advanced the technique and manage level, ensured the quality of construction、 shorten the time for a project and promoted the socialist market economy system setting –up and perfection. Nowadays, with the constant expand of the construction scale, the competition of the construction market is even more fury, then some people take an improper instrument to get the project, such as find the gap of rule, even such as a bidder colluded with a tender or his agent to do something that the others is unknown, or some bidder collude each other for a high price of a bid, and they would promise a “black-white contract” for a project even. As a result, the phenomena of break laws and commit the crime is frequently occurred, at the same time, made the hidden danger for project quality too. This text will analysis a great deal of questions such as “operate camera”, “surround bid”, “black-white contract”, that exposed on bid invitation and tender of construction, and educe some suggestions after analysis in my own opinion. Then summarize a basic scheme to improve the management system of bid invitation and tender of construction project.
招投标(tendering and bidding) 管理制度(management system)
招投标制(system of tendering and bidding) 完善(perfect)
政府采购(government purchase) 备案制(system of put on records)
摘要 1
一、概述 2
1.论文提出的背景和主要研究内容 2
2.招投标的概念及方式 3
3.我国第一次国际性的招标 6
4.我国建设工程招投标目前发展状况 10
5.建设工程招投标的作用 12
6.建设工程招投标的意义 14
二、建筑工程招标投标中存在的问题及原因 15
1.常见问题 15
2.非法招投标的原因 19
三.解决问题的办法 20
1.增加投标人数 20
2.工程量清单计价主导招投标 20
3.公开标底 20
4.招标人须回避评标会 21
5.建设工程有条件的最低价中标 21
6.禁止政府人员参加评标定标 21
7.推行废标制度 21
8.对工程履约担保、工程款支付担保作强制规定 22
9.严格实行备案制 22
四、结论 22
致谢 23
参考文献 23
文献综述 23
[1] 李启明、朱树英、黄文杰编著.工程建设合同与索赔管理.北京:科学出版社
[2] 吴育秦主编.工程承包与投标报价.重庆:重庆大学出版社