毕业论文 基于cs结构的中小型医院住院管理系统的设计与实现.doc


毕业论文 基于cs结构的中小型医院住院管理系统的设计与实现,目 录摘 要 iabstract ii前 言 11 项目开发背景、目标以及c/s结构介绍 21.1 系统开发的背景 21.1.1 国外 21.1.2 国内 21.2 系统开发的目标 21.2.1 远期目标 21.2.2 近期目标 21.3 c/s架构简介 32 系统的开发平台及技术 42.1 系统开发平台 42.2 数...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布

目 录

摘 要 I
Abstract II

前 言 1
1 项目开发背景、目标以及C/S结构介绍 2
1.1 系统开发的背景 2
1.1.1 国外 2
1.1.2 国内 2
1.2 系统开发的目标 2
1.2.1 远期目标 2
1.2.2 近期目标 2
1.3 C/S架构简介 3
2 系统的开发平台及技术 4
2.1 系统开发平台 4
2.2 数据库管理平台 4
3 系统设计 5
3.1 系统需求分析 5
3.2 系统模块实现 6
3.3 数据库设计 8
4 讨论、总结 9
参 考 文 献 10
译 文 11
译文原件复印件 30
致 谢 49


摘 要


关键词:住院管理 C/S结构 PB+SQL Server技术 社区医疗

Design and Implementation of Medium and Small-Sized Hospital Management System Based on C/S Structure

Digital society, have no longer strange for we, hospital information management way whether in human resources or hospital costs, occupy larger advantage, to small and medium-sized hospital information management development too mature, this results from not only the lack of resources to the computer but also people fear handiwork! Small and medium-sized hospital information management system design should try to be clear to the interface is simple, easy to operate etc humanization, for hospital management this part, it should not be like large hospital management system that is abundant in content, but for data privacy should be guaranteed. So, when choosing development language and technical support to conscientiously choose in place! For confidentiality speaking, C/S architecture is easily the best choice. In this paper is to use the PB development tools and SQL technology development a based on C/S structure of the small and medium-sized hospital management system, and strive to change the past some small community hospital pure manual operation mode of management. With the arrival of information age, not only a big hospital medical institution in big cities, but also information management for small and medium-sized needed hospital and township community hospital management, it also very necessary information. The design of this system for realizing each module, to achieve the main functions of the hospital, discharge, in court, the doctor choice of information query, digital and paperless management style. This paper mainly introduces the system design of the background, introduces development platform and tools in detail, the general explanation of the system design of modules, finally simple elaborated myself in the process of developing the attainment experience.
Keywords:Hospital management C/S structure PB + SQL Server technology Community medical