毕业设计 苏果超市进销存销售管理系统的设计与实现.rar
毕业设计 苏果超市进销存销售管理系统的设计与实现,摘 要随着社会的发展,计算机越来越深入到我们日常的工作学习及生活中,成为我们日常生活中不可缺少的辅助工具。随着科学技术的不断提高,计算机科学日渐成熟,其强大的功能已为人们深刻认识,它已进入人类社会的各个领域并发挥着越来越重要的作用。它已经深入到日常工作和生活的方方面面,比...

原文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布毕业设计 苏果超市进销存销售管理系统的设计与实现
摘 要
Design and Implementation of Supermarket purchase-sell-stock Management System
With the development of society, the computer and went to work learning and our daily lives, we become an indispensable tool in everyday life. As science and technology continue to improve, computer science increasingly mature, and its powerful functions for the people to deeply understand that it has entered human society in various fields and is playing an increasingly important role. It has to go down to the daily work and life, such as word processing, information management, aided design, graphics and video processing, as well as education and training game entertainment. All people without special training will be able to use computers to complete numerous complex. However, although now the world has been filled with an over-abundance of software, but they still can not meet the special needs of the various users, it also had to develop software suited to their particular needs.
Supermarket purchase-sell-stock management system using computer management Supermarket stocks a computer application and management of technology innovation in the computer before the inventory management are not yet universal manual written by the staff to operate. Supermarkets are now generally used computer intelligent management, using the computer as a tool for computer supermarket inventory management procedures to help managers more effectively supermarket inventory management. Surpermarket purchase-sell-stock management system is a typical management information system (MIS), including its main development background to the establishment and maintenance of the database and front-end application development. The request for the establishment of strong data consistency and integrity, good for the security of the data. For the latter request applications functions, such as easy to use features.
After analysis, we use various object-oriented development tools, especially data that can be easily accessible and concise window manipulation database intelligent objects, the first prototype application system in a short time and then, computation of the initial prototype system needs to constantly revise and improve until the formation of a viable system of user satisfaction.
Because I limited capacity, coupled with time constraints, it designed the system may function relatively simple, and the system is single edition, not Internet operations network, which I have yet to learn that in future work to further improve.
Supermarket purchase-sell-stock management system; management information system (MIS); database
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 需求分析 3
1.1超市进销存销售管理系统的研究内容及所达到的目标 3
1.1.1研究内容 3
1.1.2所达到的目标 3
1.2超市进销存销售管理系统设计方案 3
1.2.1设计原则 3
1.2.2运行架构 3
第二章 系统设计 5
2.1超市进销存销售管理系统设计 5
2.1.1系统目标 5
2.1.2销售管理系统的需求分析 5
2.1.3超市进销存销售管理系统总体设计 6
2.2超市进销存销售管理系统的可行性研究 6
2.2.1超市进销存销售管理系统可行性研究前提要求 6
2.2.2可行性研究方法 6
2.2.3决定可行性的主要因素 7
2.3超市进销存销售管理系统功能设计 7
2.3.1超市进销存销售管理系统概述 7
2.3.2超市进销存销售管理系统功能 8
2.3.3超市进销存销售管理系统内容和功能设计 8
2.3.4 系统窗体可视化设计 9
2.3.5超市进销存销售管理系统功能模块图 9
2.4 数据库设计与实现 10
2.4.1数据库的需求分析 10
2.4.2数据库的概念设计 10
2.4.3数据库的逻辑设计 12
2.5超市进销存销售管理系统的功能实现 15
2.5.1用户登录模块实现 15
2.5.2主窗体的功能设计 17
第三章 系统测试 20
3.1超市进销存销售管理系统的三个测试阶段 20
3.2测试系统 21
结 论 26
参考文献 27
致 谢 28