毕业论文 基于单片机的自行车测速仪电路设计.rar
毕业论文 基于单片机的自行车测速仪电路设计,摘 要随着居民生活水平的不断提高,自行车不再仅仅是普通的运输、代步的工具,而是成为人们娱乐、休闲、锻炼的首选。自行车测速仪能够满足人们最基本的需求,让人们能清楚地知道当前的速度、里程、时间、温度等物理量。本论文主要阐述一种基于霍尔元件的自行车测速仪的设计。以at89s52单片机为核心,霍尔传感器测转数,实现对自行车里程...

原文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
摘 要
为了便于扩展和更改,软件的设计采用模块化结构,使程序设计的逻辑关系更加简洁明了。使硬件在软件的控制下协调运作。正文中首先简单描述系统硬件工作原理,且附以系统硬件设计框图,并介绍了单片机微处理器的发展史,论述了本次毕业设计所应用的各硬件接口技术和各个接口模块的功能及工作过程, 并具体描述了AT89S52接口的软、硬件调试。其次阐述了程序的流程和实现过程。仿真实验表明所设计的硬件电路及软件程序是正确的,满足设计要求。
Circuit Design of Bicycle Velocimeter Based on MCU
With the developing of people’s life, the bicycle is not only the universal tool of transportation and substitute for walking, but becomes the first choice of entertainment and exercising. The bicycle speedometer can fulfill the basic need of people’s life, so that they can learn the speed, the mileage, Time, temperature of the bicycle. In this paper, the bicycle speedometer design based on the Hall element is elaborated.
By AT89S52 as kernel, using Hall element to measure revolution, the measure and statistic are achieved. The range information is saved by 24FC512 when the power is off, the bicycle speed can be displayed on LCD. In this article, the hardware circuit and software design of bicycle speedometer instrument are introduced in detail. About the hardware, the pulse number is transmitted of one cycle of the bicycle into Single Chip Microcomputer system. Then the signal processed by Single Chip Microcomputer system is sent to display scream. About the software, in assemble language; the program is designed in the mode of modules. The system has simple hardware, common sub-program, and meets the demand of design.
For the sake of easy to expand with the design adoption mold a logic for turning construction, making procedure designing relation that change, software more shorter and more easier to understand. Make hardware control in software descended to moderate the operation. The text inside describes the system hardware work principle in brief first, and attach with the system hardware design frame diagram, combine development history that introduced the single a machine microprocessor, discuss this graduate design a function for applied each hardware connecting a people the technique connects with each one a mold piece and work processes, combine to describe in a specific way the AT89S52 electric circuit connects oscular and soft, the hardware adjusts to try. Expatiated the process of the procedure the next in order with realizes process. The simulation results have proved that the hardware circuits design and software program is correct, and the system can meet the designing requirement completely.
Keywords: Mileage / speed; temperature; Hall element; MCU; LCD
目 录
引言 1
第1章 绪论 2
1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 2
1.2 课题的发展概况 2
1.3 课题研究的目的和意义 2
第2章 系统总体设计 4
2.1 系统硬件设计 4
2.2 单片机AT89S52 4
2.3 DS1302 5
2.4 DS18B20 8
2.5 24FC512 11
2.6 霍尔传感器测量电路设计 12
2.7 LCD芯片 13
第3章 软件设计 15
3.1 主程序设计 16
3.2 计算速度里程程序设计 16
3.3 数据传输程序设计 17
第4章 软件调试 18
4.1 Proteus及Keil软件简介 18
4.2 应用Keil软件进行程序调试 18
4.3 Proteus软件仿真 18
4.4 硬件软件联合调试 19
结论与展望 21
致 谢 22
参考文献 23
附录A Proteus仿真图 24
附录B 一篇引用的外文文献及其译文 25
附录C 主要参考文献及摘要 31
附录D 源程序 33
图1-1 系统框图 4
图1-2 AT89S52 5
图1-3 DS1302 6
图1-4 DS18B20的管脚排列 8
图1-5 DS18B20内部储存器结构图 10
图1-6 24FC512引脚 12
图1-7 霍尔传感器的外形图 12
图1-8 霍尔传感器的接线图 13
图1-9 霍尔传感器测量原理 13
图1-10 LCD电路图 14
图1-11 主程序流程图 15
图1-12 计算速度里程流程图 16
图1-13 数据传输流程图 17
为了便于扩展和更改,软件的设计采用模块化结构,使程序设计的逻辑关系更加简洁明了。使硬件在软件的控制下协调运作。正文中首先简单描述系统硬件工作原理,且附以系统硬件设计框图,并介绍了单片机微处理器的发展史,论述了本次毕业设计所应用的各硬件接口技术和各个接口模块的功能及工作过程, 并具体描述了AT89S52接口的软、硬件调试。其次阐述了程序的流程和实现过程。仿真实验表明所设计的硬件电路及软件程序是正确的,满足设计要求。
Circuit Design of Bicycle Velocimeter Based on MCU
With the developing of people’s life, the bicycle is not only the universal tool of transportation and substitute for walking, but becomes the first choice of entertainment and exercising. The bicycle speedometer can fulfill the basic need of people’s life, so that they can learn the speed, the mileage, Time, temperature of the bicycle. In this paper, the bicycle speedometer design based on the Hall element is elaborated.
By AT89S52 as kernel, using Hall element to measure revolution, the measure and statistic are achieved. The range information is saved by 24FC512 when the power is off, the bicycle speed can be displayed on LCD. In this article, the hardware circuit and software design of bicycle speedometer instrument are introduced in detail. About the hardware, the pulse number is transmitted of one cycle of the bicycle into Single Chip Microcomputer system. Then the signal processed by Single Chip Microcomputer system is sent to display scream. About the software, in assemble language; the program is designed in the mode of modules. The system has simple hardware, common sub-program, and meets the demand of design.
For the sake of easy to expand with the design adoption mold a logic for turning construction, making procedure designing relation that change, software more shorter and more easier to understand. Make hardware control in software descended to moderate the operation. The text inside describes the system hardware work principle in brief first, and attach with the system hardware design frame diagram, combine development history that introduced the single a machine microprocessor, discuss this graduate design a function for applied each hardware connecting a people the technique connects with each one a mold piece and work processes, combine to describe in a specific way the AT89S52 electric circuit connects oscular and soft, the hardware adjusts to try. Expatiated the process of the procedure the next in order with realizes process. The simulation results have proved that the hardware circuits design and software program is correct, and the system can meet the designing requirement completely.
Keywords: Mileage / speed; temperature; Hall element; MCU; LCD
目 录
引言 1
第1章 绪论 2
1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 2
1.2 课题的发展概况 2
1.3 课题研究的目的和意义 2
第2章 系统总体设计 4
2.1 系统硬件设计 4
2.2 单片机AT89S52 4
2.3 DS1302 5
2.4 DS18B20 8
2.5 24FC512 11
2.6 霍尔传感器测量电路设计 12
2.7 LCD芯片 13
第3章 软件设计 15
3.1 主程序设计 16
3.2 计算速度里程程序设计 16
3.3 数据传输程序设计 17
第4章 软件调试 18
4.1 Proteus及Keil软件简介 18
4.2 应用Keil软件进行程序调试 18
4.3 Proteus软件仿真 18
4.4 硬件软件联合调试 19
结论与展望 21
致 谢 22
参考文献 23
附录A Proteus仿真图 24
附录B 一篇引用的外文文献及其译文 25
附录C 主要参考文献及摘要 31
附录D 源程序 33
图1-1 系统框图 4
图1-2 AT89S52 5
图1-3 DS1302 6
图1-4 DS18B20的管脚排列 8
图1-5 DS18B20内部储存器结构图 10
图1-6 24FC512引脚 12
图1-7 霍尔传感器的外形图 12
图1-8 霍尔传感器的接线图 13
图1-9 霍尔传感器测量原理 13
图1-10 LCD电路图 14
图1-11 主程序流程图 15
图1-12 计算速度里程流程图 16
图1-13 数据传输流程图 17