某三级油库售油系统的设计,摘 要随着全球经济一体化发展趋势,特别是中国加入wto以后,提高油库的售油自动化水平成为我国石油行业发展中的一项急迫需要。在这种前提下,开发新的石油控制系统已经成为当务之急。目前,可编程控制器已经在自动售油控制系统中得到了广泛的运用。本文对以plc为控制器的自动售油系统的设计原理和系统的整体结构方案进行了详细的叙述。可...

此文档由会员 shixin7751 发布
摘 要
With the globalization of the world economy, especially with the entry to WTO, it is obvious that improving automatic level of oil delivery in the tank farm is urgent in the development of industry of petroleum. On this premise, the development of a new distributed control system for oil has become a top priority. At present, the programmable logic controller has been widely used in Automatic Oil System. This paper describes the design principles and overall structure of the Distributed Control System for Petroleum Based on PLC in detail. PLC makes great contribution to the system based on its easy to use, low failure rate and strong anti-interference. The composition of the whole system is scalability, reliability. This system has a good feature of universal and extended. Chapter 1 introduces the development of the Automatic Oil System as well as major problems existing in our country, and the principal content of this paper. Chapter 2 analyses the three control system, and it demonstrates the advantages of PLC+PC control systems by comparing the three main control system. And make the overall design of the control system. Chapter 3 is system hardware design. It is the most important part of this system.It describes the introduction of field, equipment, PLC and network communication. Chapter 4 is mainly directed against the part of control system software based on PLC. The final is a summary of system design.
Keywords:Depot;sale of oil control;safety explosion-proof
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 油库售油系统的发展现状 1
1.2 课题研究的意义和目的 2
1.3 本论文主要研究的内容 2
第2章 油库售油系统总体设计 3
2.1 控制系统方案选择 3
2.1.1 控制系统的几种主要形式 3
2.1.2 控制系统方案确定 4
2.2 油库自动售油控制系统总体设计 4
2.2.1 系统设计的原则 5
2.2.2 控制系统的组成 5
2.2.3 系统总体结构图 5
2.2.4 系统功能的实现 6
2.2.5 系统业务流程 7
第3章 系统硬件设计 9
3.1 流量计量的实现 9
3.1.1 流量计的选择 9
3.1.2 LL—AL80.1/A5QF—Ⅱ型腰轮流量计原理及性能 12
3.1.3 流量的计量 13
3.2 流量控制的实现 14
3.2.1 售油系统对控制阀的要求 14
3.2.2 控制阀的选择 14
3.2.3 电磁阀的工作原理 15
3.2.4 电磁阀的选择 16
3.3 安全售油的实现 16
3.3.1 现场信号处理 17
3.3.2 防静电溢油设计 19
3.3.3 人对售油过程的监控 20
3.3.4 售油温度补偿的实现 21
3.4 控制器PLC的选择 22
3.4.1 PLC的选型 22
3.4.2 CJ1系列PLC结构 22
3.4.3 CJ1系列PLC 各模块选择 23
3.5 PLC与控制PC机通信的实现 30
第4章 系统软件设计 31
4.1 自动售油控制软件设计 31
4.1.1 控制系统分析 31
4.1.2 控制软件编程思路 31
结 论 34
参考文献 35
附 录 36
谢 辞 38
With the globalization of the world economy, especially with the entry to WTO, it is obvious that improving automatic level of oil delivery in the tank farm is urgent in the development of industry of petroleum. On this premise, the development of a new distributed control system for oil has become a top priority. At present, the programmable logic controller has been widely used in Automatic Oil System. This paper describes the design principles and overall structure of the Distributed Control System for Petroleum Based on PLC in detail. PLC makes great contribution to the system based on its easy to use, low failure rate and strong anti-interference. The composition of the whole system is scalability, reliability. This system has a good feature of universal and extended. Chapter 1 introduces the development of the Automatic Oil System as well as major problems existing in our country, and the principal content of this paper. Chapter 2 analyses the three control system, and it demonstrates the advantages of PLC+PC control systems by comparing the three main control system. And make the overall design of the control system. Chapter 3 is system hardware design. It is the most important part of this system.It describes the introduction of field, equipment, PLC and network communication. Chapter 4 is mainly directed against the part of control system software based on PLC. The final is a summary of system design.
Keywords:Depot;sale of oil control;safety explosion-proof
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 油库售油系统的发展现状 1
1.2 课题研究的意义和目的 2
1.3 本论文主要研究的内容 2
第2章 油库售油系统总体设计 3
2.1 控制系统方案选择 3
2.1.1 控制系统的几种主要形式 3
2.1.2 控制系统方案确定 4
2.2 油库自动售油控制系统总体设计 4
2.2.1 系统设计的原则 5
2.2.2 控制系统的组成 5
2.2.3 系统总体结构图 5
2.2.4 系统功能的实现 6
2.2.5 系统业务流程 7
第3章 系统硬件设计 9
3.1 流量计量的实现 9
3.1.1 流量计的选择 9
3.1.2 LL—AL80.1/A5QF—Ⅱ型腰轮流量计原理及性能 12
3.1.3 流量的计量 13
3.2 流量控制的实现 14
3.2.1 售油系统对控制阀的要求 14
3.2.2 控制阀的选择 14
3.2.3 电磁阀的工作原理 15
3.2.4 电磁阀的选择 16
3.3 安全售油的实现 16
3.3.1 现场信号处理 17
3.3.2 防静电溢油设计 19
3.3.3 人对售油过程的监控 20
3.3.4 售油温度补偿的实现 21
3.4 控制器PLC的选择 22
3.4.1 PLC的选型 22
3.4.2 CJ1系列PLC结构 22
3.4.3 CJ1系列PLC 各模块选择 23
3.5 PLC与控制PC机通信的实现 30
第4章 系统软件设计 31
4.1 自动售油控制软件设计 31
4.1.1 控制系统分析 31
4.1.2 控制软件编程思路 31
结 论 34
参考文献 35
附 录 36
谢 辞 38