

火电厂过热蒸汽温度控制系统设计,摘 要火电厂锅炉过热汽温控制系统是火电厂热工控制的主要组成部分,过热器的主要任务是保证锅炉所产生的蒸汽维持在一定温度范围之内,同时在锅炉允许的负荷波动变化范围内以及工况变化时保持过热蒸汽温度正常,其波动保持在规定范围以内。对于过热蒸汽温度的控制通常采用传统的 控制,如串级控制和导前微分控制,这两种控制方法对于具有非线性...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文



原文档由会员 shixin7751 发布

摘  要


对于过热蒸汽温度的控制通常采用传统的 控制,如串级控制和导前微分控制,这两种控制方法对于具有非线性、大滞后、大惯性和不确定性的汽温对象,都能得到令人满意的控制效果。















Superheated Steam Boiler temperature control system is the main component of the thermal power plant control system, the main task of super heater is to guarantee the boiler steam generated with a certain temperature within limits, at the same time, make sure the volatility of superheated steam temperature within the specified scope when the boiler load fluctuations and changes happen within the scope of changes in working conditions.

Conventional PID control mode such as Cascade Control and Guidance Differential Control can both get satisfactory control effect in facing with distributed parameter characteristics, non-linear, lag, high inertia and uncertainty steam temperature targets.     

The present paper designed a thermal power plant unit of superheated steam temperature control system. First of all, the paper introduced the working principle and structures as well as characteristics of the super heater, and then analyzed the cause which has influence on the supper heated steam. At last, applied cascade control and the Guidance Differential control system to study the supper heated steam separately and made a simulation as well. The SIMULINK result shows that: the two control system can response quickly, achieve stable quickly and has relatively smaller overshoot capacity, overall they are viable design option.

Keywords: Boiler temperature ; Cascade control ; Guidance differential control








目  录


引  言 1

第一章 火电厂的锅炉及过热器系统 2

1.1 火电厂锅炉设备概述 2

1.2 锅炉设备的组成 2

1.3 锅炉的分类 4

1.4 锅炉的过热设备 5

1.4.1 过热器 5

1.4.2 冷凝水系统 7

1.5 过热器的分类及布置形式 7

1.5.1 过热器的分类 7

1.5.2 过热器系统的基本布置形式 9

第二章 过热汽温静态和动态特性 11

2.1 影响过热汽温的因素 11

2.1.1 过热器类型对汽温的影响 11

2.1.2 烟气侧的主要影响因素 12

2.1.3 蒸汽侧的主要影响因素 14

2.2 过热汽温被控对象的特性研究 14

2.2.1 静态特性 15

2.2.2 动态特性 15

第三章 过热汽温串级控制系统 18

3.1 串级控制系统的分析 18

3.2 串级控制系统的设计和调节器的选型 20

3.2.1 主、副回路的设计原则 20

3.2.2 主、副调节器的选型 21

3.3 串级控制系统的整定 22

3.4 过热汽温串级控制系统的原理 24

3.5 过热汽温串级控制系统参数的整定 26

3.6 过热汽温串级控制系统仿真 28

第四章 过热汽温导前微分控制系统 31

4.1 导前微分控制系统的组成 31

4.2 导前微分控制系统的特点 32

4.3 控制系统参数的整定 33

4.3.1 等效为串级控制系统进行整定 34

4.3.2 用补偿法进行整定 36

4.3.3 两种整定方法的比较 36

4.4 控制系统的仿真 39

4.5 两种汽温自动控制系统的比较 44

结  论 46

参考文献 47

附  录 48

谢  辞 49