毕业论文 东风4型内燃机冷却装置计算.doc


毕业论文 东风4型内燃机冷却装置计算,摘 要从1860年起,莱诺依尔发明了大气内燃机到如今,内燃机经历了140多年的发展。内燃机自发明以来,一直把提高动力性,改善经济性以及提高可靠性 和耐久性作为主要研究目标。但是随着内燃机的保有量及生产量的成倍增加,对环境的污染越来越严重,而且由于石油危机导致原油价格成倍增长,这些严重的问题给内燃机的研究提出了新的要求,...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布

摘 要
从1860年起,莱诺依尔发明了大气内燃机到如今,内燃机经历了140多年的发展。内燃机自发明以来,一直把提高动力性,改善经济性以及提高可靠性 和耐久性作为主要研究目标。但是随着内燃机的保有量及生产量的成倍增加,对环境的污染越来越严重,而且由于石油危机导致原油价格成倍增长,这些严重的问题给内燃机的研究提出了新的要求,使内燃机的研究目标发生了根本变化。出了提高动力性,改善经济性以及提高可靠性和耐久性外,影响内燃机设计和运行的主要因素是净化废气、降低噪音降低燃油消耗率和采用多种燃料。
关键词:内燃机 扁管 圆管


Since 1860, leno who invented atmospheric engine up to now, experienced 140years of development of internal combustion engine. Internal combustion engine since its invention, has been to increase power, improve the economy and improving the reliability and durability as the main research object. But with the internal combustion engine retains the quantity and production quantity increases exponentially, the environment pollution is more and more serious, and because of the oil crisis caused the oil price twice grows, these serious problems to the research of internal combustion engine has made new demands, the research of internal combustion engine target produced fundamental change. The increased power, improve the economy and improving the reliability and durability of external, internal combustion engine design and operation effect is the main factor for purifying exhaust gas, noise reduction to reduce the fuel consumption rate and using various kinds of fuel.
Taking Dongfeng 4 diesel as an example, the design to determine the structure of the radiator, the heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer area, cooling section number, cooling fan power, at the same time on the flat tube and pipe were calculated and compared.

Key Words: Internal combustion Flat Tube pipe

目 录

摘 要 …………………………………………………….
Abstract …………………………………………………
一 绪论…………………………………………………….
1.1 课题背景和意义 ……………………………………
1.3 内燃机冷却系的作用介绍及分类 ………………
二 内燃机冷却装置计算………………………………..
2.3 冷却水系统………………………………………….
三 结论与展望……………………………………………
3.1 结论…………………………………………………..
3.2 展望 …………………………………………………
致 谢 ……………………………………………………..
附 图