毕业论文 基于lpc2138和蓝牙技术的智能家居系统的设计.doc


毕业论文 基于lpc2138和蓝牙技术的智能家居系统的设计,摘要随着电子技术和计算机技术的进步,智能家居逐步进入人们的生活中。然而通过调研发现,目前市场上的产品还都存在这样或那样的不足,例如功能不全、成本较高、安装维护不便等,使智能家居产品没有得到很好的推广。为此,设计了基于lpc2138和蓝牙技术的智能家居系统。系统采用菲利普公司的lpc2138作为中心控制芯片。lpc213...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布

摘 要
系统采用菲利普公司的LPC2138作为中心控制芯片。LPC2138是基于一个支持实时仿真和嵌入式跟踪的ARM7TDMI-STM CPU的微控制器,支持32/16位代码,有很强的处理能力。其具有多达47个GPIO和9个外部中断,使系统可实现多种功能。
系统应用蓝牙模块来组建家庭内部通信网络。蓝牙技术是一项公开的近距离无线连接的技术规范,工作在2. 4GHz的ISM(工业、科学、医学) 频段上,具有开放性、低功耗等特点,传输距离一般为0.1m~10m,功率放大后可达100m。蓝牙模块在系统中的应用,解决了智能家居系统应用时需重新布线的烦恼。但是,蓝牙工作的ISM频段是全球的公共频段(大多数国家规定该频段为2400~2483.5 MHz ,并划分为79个信道, 每个信道带宽为1MHz),在使用其中某个频段时,也就难免出现相互之间的干扰。为此,系统采用跳频和前向纠错方案以确保链路的稳定性。
在进行系统的硬件电路设计时,为了提高系统电路的通用性,从而将系统分为不同的模块。中心控制模块,负责信息汇总处理和系统总体控制功能;家庭安全防范模块,监控并采集家庭环境信息,并通过系统中心控制模块与安全设备连接可实现安全联动功能;家用电器控制模块,通过控制开关和红外遥控来实现控制家用电器的功能;紧急呼叫模块,实现紧急呼救功能;家庭内部通信模块,即为蓝牙模块,嵌入在系统中心控制模块、家庭安全防范模块、家用电器控制模块和紧急呼叫模块上,实现系统中心控制模块和家庭安全防范模块、家用电器控制模块、紧急呼叫模块间的通信;家庭对外通信模块,可实现自动报警和远程控制的功能。 由于系统电路的模块化设计和无线通信技术的应用,从而使得系统便于安装、维护。

With the development of the technology in electronic and communication, the smart home system is coming into people’s life. But the products on the market still have some deficiencies at present, for example, incomplete function, high cost, discommodious to install and safeguard and so on. So the smart home system product isn’t popularized very well. Therefore, the smart home system based on LPC2138 and bluetooth technology has been designed.
LPC2138 which Philip Corporation promotes is used for the master control chip in the smart home system. It is a micro-controller which based on a 32/16 bit ARM7TDMI-STM CPU supported Real-Time Emulation and Embedded Track. It supported 32/16 bit code and can supply strong process function. Because of forty-seven GPIO and nine external interrupt in LPC2138, the smart home system can supply many kinds of function.
Bluetooth technology is used for organizing the communication network in the house. It is one kind of public short distance wireless connection technology manual. It works in the 2.4GHz ISM (Industry, Science, Medicine) frequency band and has many characteristics, for example, openness, low power consumption. Its trans- mission distance is popularly from 0.1m to 10m, it can reach 100m if amplifying its power. The application of bluetooth module in the smart home system,solve the trouble that the system wouldn’t need wiring in house again when being employed. But the ISM frequency band which bluetooth works in is one kind of global public frequency band (defined 2400 to 2483.5MHz by most countries in the world and it is plotted out to seventy-nine channels and the bandwidth is 1MHz). It is inevitable to come across mutual interference when it is working at one of channels. The project of Frequency Hopping and Forward Error Correction is used for insuring stability of the link.
While carrying on hardware circuit design of the smart home system, in order to improve the commonality of the circuit, the system is plotted out different modules. The master control module assumes the information collecting , information processing and the major control of the system; The house safety and protection module monitors and collects the environmental information of the system, it also can realize the safety team work if it connects the safety equipment by the master control module; The household appliances control module can control the household appliances by control switch points and infrared remote-control; The emergency call module it has the function of calling for help peremptorily; The house inside communication module is the bluetooth module and realizes the reciprocal communication about the master control module and the household appliances control module, the emergency ca..