毕业论文 企业物资供应管理系统.doc


毕业论文 企业物资供应管理系统,摘 要随着计算机广泛地应用在科学技术领域的各个方面,并逐渐进入家庭,成为人们生活中必不可少的一部分。为了适应物流的需求,同时又大大减轻公司工作人员的工作量,全面提高对货物的管理效率及服务质量,我以visual studio 2005为环境,开发了此应用软件,本系统适用于小型物流公司针对物品库存部分的管理。将系统划分为多...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布

摘 要
随着计算机广泛地应用在科学技术领域的各个方面,并逐渐进入家庭,成为人们生活中必不可少的一部分。为了适应物流的需求,同时又大大减轻公司工作人员的工作量,全面提高对货物的管理效率及服务质量,我以Visual Studio 2005为环境,开发了此应用软件,本系统适用于小型物流公司针对物品库存部分的管理。
在我国,管理信息系统是计算机应用最广泛的领域之一。随着我国经济建设突飞猛进,管理科学化与管理手段的现代化已经提到非常重要的地位。企、事业单位为了提高自身的管理水平和竞争能力,纷纷投入人力物力,开发适合本单位需求的管理信息系统。中小企业与行政事业单位建立的管理信息系统尤如雨后春笋,一个新的开发和管理信息系统的热潮正在掀起, 为此我计划设计:工资管理系统。它可以大大减少人力,使人们摆脱了原有系统的局限性,只要在电脑上轻轻地点几下就可以完成查询、输入、修改、输出等功能。非计算机专业的人员也可以熟练地进行操作。它采用的是信息化管理,系统人性化设计,使用者会感到操作简便。由于Web技术的迅猛发展正推动Internet上信息服务类的进步。考虑到网络技术应用的推广和普及,本系统采用现在较为流行,安全可靠的C#语言进行编写。数据库采用中型数据库SQLServer2005。
关键词: Web,asp.net

With the wider use of computers in the field of science and technology in all its aspects and to gradually enter the family, become an indispensable part of life. To meet the logistics needs, but also reduce the company's staff workload, and comprehensively improve the management efficiency of the goods and service quality, I would like to Visual Studio 2005 for the Environment, has developed this application software, the system applicable to small companies for logistics Part of the management of inventory items.
The system is divided into a number of modules to reduce the complexity of the software system to enhance readability, maintainability, but the division module can not be arbitrary and should try to maintain its independence. In other words, each module only completed the requirements of an independent system of functions, and the linkages with other modules and at least a simple interface, that is, as far as possible to reach this goal within the low-coupling, enhance the independence of modules, for the design of high-quality Lay the foundation for software architecture. I will be the first systematic divided into several small problems, small modules, in the system, I design a user management, inventory management, warehousing management, to the management, staff management and supplier management of six small modules.Then, a further breakdown module, add details. For example, the user management I will divided into user registration, users write-off, password amendments to inventory management enquiries into the inventory records, inventory records changes to the inventory records print, and so on.
In China, management information system is the most extensive computer application one of the areas. With the rapid development of China's economic construction, scientific management and modern management tools have already mentioned a very important position. Enterprises and institutions in order to improve their management level and competitiveness of their way into the human and material resources for the development of the unit demand for management information systems. SMEs and administrative institutions established by the management information system like mushroom, a new information system development and management of the upsurge is being set off, for which I plan to design: salary management system.It can greatly reduce the manpower, so that people from the limitations of the original system, as long as the computer gently Dianji Xia enquiries can be completed, enter, modify, export, and other functions. Non-computer professional and skilled personnel can operate. It is based on information management, human systems design, users will be simple. As Web technology is driving the rapid development of information services on the Internet's progress. Taking into account the application of Internet technology to promote and popularize the system is now more popular, safe and reliable C # language preparation. Database using medium-sized database SQLServer2005.

Key words Web asp.net

目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 IV
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1库存收发货系统概述 1
1.2课题背景 2
1.3课题研究意义 3
第2章 系统分析 5
2.1需求分析 5
2.2系统分析 6
2.2.1组织结构分析 6
2.2.2业务流程分析 7-br..