毕业论文--中国高等教育教学改革探析16页,摘 要我国高等教育担负着提高民族整体素质和国家综合竞争力的重要任务,高校保证和提高教育质量正是教育的生命线,而不断提高教学质量又是高等教育的主旋律,然而在大学生就业形势的压力和教育大众化的驱使下,部分高等学校开始走向低级化和功利化,忽视了教学质量的提高甚至改变了高等教育教学的方向,以就业为导向,侧重设立热门专业,教师不...

原文档由会员 188 发布摘 要
关键词 教学改革;师生关系;教学方法;学分制
Our country’s higher education undertakes the important task of improving the overall national quality and the national comprehensive competitive power. Guaranteeing and enhancing the quality of education is precisely the education’s lifeline, but improving the quality of teaching is also the higher education’s main melody. However, under the serious situation that college students didn’t get employed easily and on the drive of education popularity, some colleges start to become preliminary and material, neglect the quality of teaching and even to change the higher education’s teaching direction. Taking the employment as the guidance, the teachers don’t pay great attention to the teaching, which leads to that the students devoted all their time to taking certificates and neglected to promote their own comprehensive quality. This goes against our country’s purpose of developing the higher education by far. The landslide about the quality of teaching has no choice but to cause us to ponder the higher education educational reform.
Keywords Educational Reform;Teacher and Student Relations;Teaching Method; Credit System
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
前 言 1
一、中国高等教育教学改革存在的问题及原因分析 2
(一)教学观念转变不够彻底问题 2
1.教学与科研失调,教学得不到重视 2
2.教师和学生关系的疏离 2
(二)教学方法模式化、单一化的弊端 3
1.教学方法的统一不利于学生对知识的理解和主观能动性的发挥 4
2.教学方法的统一不利于学生思维方式和个性的培养 4
(三)教学内容注重素质养成轻视技能的培训 5
(四)教学评价不够合理 5
1.教师职称评定的误导 5
2.学生评价标准的错位 6
3.“学分制”——不够彻底的人才培养模式 7
二、解决中国高等教育教学质量问题的几点对策 8
(一) 创新教学制度,做到有章必循 8
1.转变教学观念——教师应该教书育人 8
2.师生互动成立学习团队 9
(二)教学方法在统一中追求多样性——小班上课和因材施教 9
(三)教学应注重素质养成与技能培养的统一 9
(四)教学质量评价应扎实、独立和健全 10
(五)人才培养模式可以多样化——灵活的学分制 11
参考文献 11
致 谢 13