毕业论文 网上作业管理系统.doc
毕业论文 网上作业管理系统,基于c/s模式的网上作业管理系统 摘要在现今的社会,生活速度的加快,使得人们越来越向信息化、数字化发展,而管理信息系统则必然能代替过去大量、繁杂的手工操作。电子化学籍管理系统为学校提供了一个方便的电子化管理工具,使得学籍管理人员可以方便地在系统上录入、校对、查询、统计、打印学籍信息。本论文主要介绍了该系统的开发过程,包...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布基于C/S模式的网上作业管理系统
摘要 在现今的社会,生活速度的加快,使得人们越来越向信息化、数字化发展,而管理信息系统则必然能代替过去大量、繁杂的手工操作。电子化学籍管理系统为学校提供了一个方便的电子化管理工具,使得学籍管理人员可以方便地在系统上录入、校对、查询、统计、打印学籍信息。
关键词 ado 组合查询 模糊查询
Title Design and realizing of the management information system of roll of Lianyungang jinao education centre based on C/S mode
Abstract Now, the quickening life, make people more and more close to the development of information and digitize, the management information system can replace a large amount of miscellaneous done by hand in the past. Electron chemical nationality administrative system offer a electrification of convenience manage tools to school, made the administrative staff of the roll to input , check , inquire , count , type roll information in the system conveniently.
This thesis has mainly introduced the development of this system, including design process and their achievement begin from the introduce introduction of this system, research background and research meaning, subject surveying and feasibility analysis to the forward. Then demand analyses, it introduce systematic function demand analyses mainly, the business flows, the dataflow analyzing and the data dictionary. System designs, it introduced the design of the system in detail and system data modeling. Introduce all the son of the system structural design mainly in detailed design, every sub module function , interface design , main code and the trouble and the solutions in the development of this system. Moreover we has offered a service manual to user it has introduced the main function, running environment of the system, the help of system installing, system running and system cookbook. Having introduced the systematic pluses and minuses for system finally, the insufficient and improvement exists in the system.
Keywords ado Complex inquiry Fuzzy inquiry
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 内容简介 1
1.2 研究背景与研究意义 1
1.3 课题调研与可行性分析 2
1.4 论文各章内容介绍 2
2 系统需求分析 3
2.1 系统功能需求分析 3
2.2 业务流、数据流分析 3
2.3 数据字典 5
3 系统总体设计 6
3.1 系统总体系结构设计 6
3.2 系统数据模型设计(E-R图、关系模型、数据表) 7
3.2.1 E-R图 7
3.2.2 关系模型 8
3.2.3 数据表 9
3.3 系统开发与运行环境确定 11
4 详细设计 11
4.1 登录窗体模块的设计 11
4.2 主窗体模块的设计 12
4.3 添加窗体模块的设计 14
4.4 查询窗体模块的设计 15
4.5 修改窗体模块的设计 17
4.6 用户管理窗体模块的设计 19
5 用户使用手册 20
5.1 系统功能简介、运行环境简介 20
5.2 系统安装手册 20
5.3 系统运行与操作指南(手册) 20
6 系统评价 21
6.1 系统主要功能、特色/优点介绍 21
6.2 系统存在不足与改进方案 22
6.3 系统测试 23
6.4 毕业设计心得与收获 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26