变压器故障检测及保护技术,2.6万字 54页目 录摘要3绪论6第一章 变压器常见故障及危害81.1短路故障81.2放电故障81.3绝缘故障91.4铁心故障111.5分接开关故障11第二章 变压器故障诊断技术研究132.1离线检测技术介绍142.2在线检测技术介绍152.3dga的经典分析法182.3.1不同故障气体组分1...
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2.6万字 54页
目 录
摘要 3
绪论 6
第一章 变压器常见故障及危害 8
1.1 短路故障 8
1.2 放电故障 8
1.3 绝缘故障 9
1.4 铁心故障 11
1.5 分接开关故障 11
第二章 变压器故障诊断技术研究 13
2.1 离线检测技术介绍 14
2.2 在线检测技术介绍 15
2.3 DGA的经典分析法 18
2.3.1 不同故障气体组分 18
2.3.2 产气速率 21
2.4 变压器绕组的故障检测 22
2.4.1 系统辨识原理 23
2.4.2 变压器模型 23
2.4.3 实例分析 26
第三章 电力变压器的保护技术的研究 28
3.1 瓦斯保护浅谈 29
3.1.1 装设范围 29
3.1.2 工作原理 29
3.1.3 安装方式 31
3.1.4 实验项目 32
3.1.5 运行 33
3.1.6 瓦斯保护信号动作的主要原因 33
3.1.7 瓦斯保护装置动作的处理 34
3.2 纵联差动保护技术研究 35
3.2.1 装设范围 35
3.2.2 保护原理 35
3.2.3 差动保护中存在的问题及解决方法: 38
3.3 新差动保护技术研究 41
3.3.1 新差动保护判据 41
3.3.2 阻抗继电器 43
3.3.3 差动保护于阻抗保护的配合 43
3.3.4 仿真分析 44
3.4 零序电流保护研究 48
3.4.1变电所单台变压器的零序电流保护 48
3.4.2 变电所多台变压器的零序电流保护 49
结论………………………………………………………………………….. 52
参考文献…………………………………………………………………….. 54
关键词: 电力变压器 、在线检测、DGA经典分析、瓦斯保护、差动保护
The electric power transformer breaks down the diagnosis aspect, mainly introducing the on-line examination:The DGA classic analytical method and transformers round the new method of a breakdown diagnosis, the DGA is namely to fuse the air color table analysis method in the oil, can monitor the transformer to insulate the appearance effectively, discovering the breakdown of its internal delitescence and it develops the degree, round a diagnosis, the main trial recognizes with the parameter of method carry on the transformer three mutually the on-line monitor of the electricity quantity, according to the transformer round a structure and parameters at break down and will change in front and back of principle, with the parameter recognize of method, carry on break down and its part identify, carrying out to break down the partial fixed position, the exaltation transformer appearance monitor and diagnostic accuracy;The transformer protection mainly introduces the gas protection and differs to move the protection, differing to move protection is the protection principle that the transformer must adopt, can reflect various inner part of the transformer alternate and connect a ground of breakdown, in the text not only introduced the traditional protection method, but also put forward a kind of be free from to air-drop the magnetizing inrush out to flow the influence of new method, use the resistance after the electric appliances respond to air-drop in the inner part break down, this kind of protection install the way interiorly break down have the very high and intelligent degree, at the exterior break down again have very strongly make the action to use, don't reflect the magnetizing inrush of air-drop the hour to flow out to flow, but can reflect the transformer get empty to carry to match the switch have the breakdown of circumstance, solved the transformer to differ the hard nut to crack of move the protection。
Keyword:The electric power transformer, on-line examination, the DGA classic analyze, the gas protect, differs to move the protection
《电力变压器故障与诊断》 董其国 中国电力出版社
《电力变压器故障与检测》 王晓莺 机械出版社
2.6万字 54页
目 录
摘要 3
绪论 6
第一章 变压器常见故障及危害 8
1.1 短路故障 8
1.2 放电故障 8
1.3 绝缘故障 9
1.4 铁心故障 11
1.5 分接开关故障 11
第二章 变压器故障诊断技术研究 13
2.1 离线检测技术介绍 14
2.2 在线检测技术介绍 15
2.3 DGA的经典分析法 18
2.3.1 不同故障气体组分 18
2.3.2 产气速率 21
2.4 变压器绕组的故障检测 22
2.4.1 系统辨识原理 23
2.4.2 变压器模型 23
2.4.3 实例分析 26
第三章 电力变压器的保护技术的研究 28
3.1 瓦斯保护浅谈 29
3.1.1 装设范围 29
3.1.2 工作原理 29
3.1.3 安装方式 31
3.1.4 实验项目 32
3.1.5 运行 33
3.1.6 瓦斯保护信号动作的主要原因 33
3.1.7 瓦斯保护装置动作的处理 34
3.2 纵联差动保护技术研究 35
3.2.1 装设范围 35
3.2.2 保护原理 35
3.2.3 差动保护中存在的问题及解决方法: 38
3.3 新差动保护技术研究 41
3.3.1 新差动保护判据 41
3.3.2 阻抗继电器 43
3.3.3 差动保护于阻抗保护的配合 43
3.3.4 仿真分析 44
3.4 零序电流保护研究 48
3.4.1变电所单台变压器的零序电流保护 48
3.4.2 变电所多台变压器的零序电流保护 49
结论………………………………………………………………………….. 52
参考文献…………………………………………………………………….. 54
关键词: 电力变压器 、在线检测、DGA经典分析、瓦斯保护、差动保护
The electric power transformer breaks down the diagnosis aspect, mainly introducing the on-line examination:The DGA classic analytical method and transformers round the new method of a breakdown diagnosis, the DGA is namely to fuse the air color table analysis method in the oil, can monitor the transformer to insulate the appearance effectively, discovering the breakdown of its internal delitescence and it develops the degree, round a diagnosis, the main trial recognizes with the parameter of method carry on the transformer three mutually the on-line monitor of the electricity quantity, according to the transformer round a structure and parameters at break down and will change in front and back of principle, with the parameter recognize of method, carry on break down and its part identify, carrying out to break down the partial fixed position, the exaltation transformer appearance monitor and diagnostic accuracy;The transformer protection mainly introduces the gas protection and differs to move the protection, differing to move protection is the protection principle that the transformer must adopt, can reflect various inner part of the transformer alternate and connect a ground of breakdown, in the text not only introduced the traditional protection method, but also put forward a kind of be free from to air-drop the magnetizing inrush out to flow the influence of new method, use the resistance after the electric appliances respond to air-drop in the inner part break down, this kind of protection install the way interiorly break down have the very high and intelligent degree, at the exterior break down again have very strongly make the action to use, don't reflect the magnetizing inrush of air-drop the hour to flow out to flow, but can reflect the transformer get empty to carry to match the switch have the breakdown of circumstance, solved the transformer to differ the hard nut to crack of move the protection。
Keyword:The electric power transformer, on-line examination, the DGA classic analyze, the gas protect, differs to move the protection
《电力变压器故障与诊断》 董其国 中国电力出版社
《电力变压器故障与检测》 王晓莺 机械出版社