毕业论文 沥青路面结构和功能的指标分析.doc
毕业论文 沥青路面结构和功能的指标分析,沥青路面结构和功能的指标要求分析摘要随着我国高速公路的迅猛发展,沥青路面作为一种主要的路面结构形式得到了广泛的应用。但高速公路沥青路面在取得量的飞跃的同时,在质的问题上还存在着很大的隐患,我国沥青路面普遍存在耐久性不足和早期破坏严重等问题,其社会影响大,浪费严重,成为目前困扰我国交通建设发展的难点和热点问题。目前我国通...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
摘 要
The asphalt pavement structure and functions of the index requirements analysis
Along with the rapid development of expressway, the asphalt pavement as a main road surface structure form a wide range of applications. But highway asphalt pavement made the leap in quantity at the same time, in the existence problem of a lot of hidden trouble, our country the asphalt pavement widespread durability and early destruction and lack serious problem, its social influence, waste is serious, be at present in our country the construction progress of the traffic with difficult and hot issue.
At present our country open to traffic in the road surface, about more than 80% of the pavement structure used the asphalt pavement, the asphalt pavement structure has become China's highway construction and development process of the main road surface structure form. This paper carried out the asphalt pavement structure in China mainly form and function index analysis research. Detailed analysis of the asphalt pavement structure design of deflection value, allows for the analysis of the indexes of the tensile stress. The function and effect of the asphalt pavement is self-evident is to meet the traffic vehicle traffic safety and comfort for the purpose of, because the road is exposed to the natural environment conditions of geotechnical engineering structures, therefore, the asphalt pavement still need to meet and adjust to the natural environmental conditions, this paper also to the degree of compaction, flatness, width, the horizontal slope, thickness (commonly known as the "five degrees") and related function index are analyzed. At the conclusion of the our country's existing the asphalt pavement structure using experience and, with full foreign asphalt pavement design and use of experience are put forward, based on the asphalt pavement structure reasonable combination form, and to the asphalt pavement structure design method and function of the system performance..
Key words: the asphalt pavement, deflection, Allow tensile stress, the structure design, function
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出及研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外沥青路面结构研究 2
1.2.2 国外沥青路面的设计方法 3
1.3 我国沥青路面设计方法 5
1.3.1 我国沥青路面的特点 5
1.3.2 设计方法与过程 6
1.4 国外沥青路面结构组合特点 7
第2章 路面结构的设计 9
2.1 沥青路面的结构组成 9
2.1.1 沥青面层 9
2.1.2 基层、底基层 10
2.1.3 垫层 11
2.2 沥青路面设计概述 12
2.2.1 沥青路面的设计内容 12
2.2.2 沥青路面结构设计理论与方法 12
2.3 沥青路面结构设计的原则 12
2.4 沥青路面结构的设计标准 13
2.5 结构组合设计 15
2.6 沥青路面结构组合的设计原则 16
2.7 典型结构组合设计依据 17
2.7.1 路面结构层应力状况分析 18
2.7.2 推荐的路面结构组合 19
2.8 沥青材料的背景 19
2.9 沥青材料的分类 20
2.10 沥青材料技术性质 22
本章小结 24
第3章 沥青路面设计指标 25
3.1 路面结构的破坏模式 25
3.1.1 路面结构的破坏模式 25
3.2 弯沉值 25
3.2.1 弯沉的概念 25
3.2.2 弯沉测试技术的发展概况 26
3.2.3 弯沉测试设备类型及适用范围 26
3.3 容许弯沉值的确定 29
3.4 弯沉测试结果影响因素 31
3.5 结构层材料的容许拉应力 32
3.5.1 容许拉应力 32
3.5.2 设计指标 33
本章小结 34
第4章 沥青路面功能指标 35
4.1 沥青路面的基本特性 35
4.2 沥青路面的工作环境 35
4.3 路面结构的基本要求 36
4.4 路面结构功能基本性能 36
4.4.1 承载能力 36 侧试方法 36 评价指标 38
4.4.2 表面抗滑性 38 侧试方法 38 评价指标 38
4.4.3 表面平整度 39 测试方法 40 评价指标 40 沥青路面平整度的影响因素 40
4.4.4 沥青路面厚度 42 探地雷达(GPR)检测的基本原理 42 GPR检测及数据处理 45
本章小结 45
第5章 路面质量控制指标的保证 47
5.1 施工质量管理 47
摘 要
The asphalt pavement structure and functions of the index requirements analysis
Along with the rapid development of expressway, the asphalt pavement as a main road surface structure form a wide range of applications. But highway asphalt pavement made the leap in quantity at the same time, in the existence problem of a lot of hidden trouble, our country the asphalt pavement widespread durability and early destruction and lack serious problem, its social influence, waste is serious, be at present in our country the construction progress of the traffic with difficult and hot issue.
At present our country open to traffic in the road surface, about more than 80% of the pavement structure used the asphalt pavement, the asphalt pavement structure has become China's highway construction and development process of the main road surface structure form. This paper carried out the asphalt pavement structure in China mainly form and function index analysis research. Detailed analysis of the asphalt pavement structure design of deflection value, allows for the analysis of the indexes of the tensile stress. The function and effect of the asphalt pavement is self-evident is to meet the traffic vehicle traffic safety and comfort for the purpose of, because the road is exposed to the natural environment conditions of geotechnical engineering structures, therefore, the asphalt pavement still need to meet and adjust to the natural environmental conditions, this paper also to the degree of compaction, flatness, width, the horizontal slope, thickness (commonly known as the "five degrees") and related function index are analyzed. At the conclusion of the our country's existing the asphalt pavement structure using experience and, with full foreign asphalt pavement design and use of experience are put forward, based on the asphalt pavement structure reasonable combination form, and to the asphalt pavement structure design method and function of the system performance..
Key words: the asphalt pavement, deflection, Allow tensile stress, the structure design, function
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 问题的提出及研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外沥青路面结构研究 2
1.2.2 国外沥青路面的设计方法 3
1.3 我国沥青路面设计方法 5
1.3.1 我国沥青路面的特点 5
1.3.2 设计方法与过程 6
1.4 国外沥青路面结构组合特点 7
第2章 路面结构的设计 9
2.1 沥青路面的结构组成 9
2.1.1 沥青面层 9
2.1.2 基层、底基层 10
2.1.3 垫层 11
2.2 沥青路面设计概述 12
2.2.1 沥青路面的设计内容 12
2.2.2 沥青路面结构设计理论与方法 12
2.3 沥青路面结构设计的原则 12
2.4 沥青路面结构的设计标准 13
2.5 结构组合设计 15
2.6 沥青路面结构组合的设计原则 16
2.7 典型结构组合设计依据 17
2.7.1 路面结构层应力状况分析 18
2.7.2 推荐的路面结构组合 19
2.8 沥青材料的背景 19
2.9 沥青材料的分类 20
2.10 沥青材料技术性质 22
本章小结 24
第3章 沥青路面设计指标 25
3.1 路面结构的破坏模式 25
3.1.1 路面结构的破坏模式 25
3.2 弯沉值 25
3.2.1 弯沉的概念 25
3.2.2 弯沉测试技术的发展概况 26
3.2.3 弯沉测试设备类型及适用范围 26
3.3 容许弯沉值的确定 29
3.4 弯沉测试结果影响因素 31
3.5 结构层材料的容许拉应力 32
3.5.1 容许拉应力 32
3.5.2 设计指标 33
本章小结 34
第4章 沥青路面功能指标 35
4.1 沥青路面的基本特性 35
4.2 沥青路面的工作环境 35
4.3 路面结构的基本要求 36
4.4 路面结构功能基本性能 36
4.4.1 承载能力 36 侧试方法 36 评价指标 38
4.4.2 表面抗滑性 38 侧试方法 38 评价指标 38
4.4.3 表面平整度 39 测试方法 40 评价指标 40 沥青路面平整度的影响因素 40
4.4.4 沥青路面厚度 42 探地雷达(GPR)检测的基本原理 42 GPR检测及数据处理 45
本章小结 45
第5章 路面质量控制指标的保证 47
5.1 施工质量管理 47