毕业论文 asp个人博客网站.doc
毕业论文 asp个人博客网站,摘 要随着internet的广泛应用,动态网页技术也应运而生。本文介绍了应用asp动态网页技术开发博客系统的设计与实现。博客系统主要为用户提供发表文章、浏览文章等功能,用户通过internet可以发表一些自己撰写的文章以和其他网友进行交流。博客系统主要实现了文章管理的数字化、信息化、智能化,是打破传统报刊、杂志发表文章...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
摘 要
该系统以ASP.NET为开发技术,使用C#为开发语言,采用Web展示层和SQLserver 2000数据库两层架构模式同时采用MVC开发模式,实现Blog网站的动态管理,使得对Blog信息的管理更加及时、高效,提高了工作效率。
With the extensive application of the Internet, dynamic web technology has emerged. This text describes the application of ASP dynamic web technology and development the blog system.
Blog system is mainly to provide users with published articles, browse articles, and other functions,Users can express themselves by some articles and with other netizens to conduct exchanges. Blog system of the main article on the digital management, information, intelligence, is to break the way of Released an article by traditional newspapers and magazine published ,it make a new way to try.
This system take ASP.NET as the development technology, uses C# is the development language, uses the Web demonstration level and the SQLserver 2000 database two-tier system pattern simultaneously uses the MVC development pattern, realizes the Blog website dynamic management, causes to be even more prompt to the Blog information management, highly effective, raised the working efficiency.
In this text,it analysis the blog system by feasibility and the demand of the user. Under the modular theory, planning and design of the system functional modules; In the database design, a detailed description of the database structure and database integrity, security measures; Programming is used object-oriented programming design, system design ideas, background for the future and function of the program in detail; System testing, Analysis of the specific course of testing the key issues and proposed solutions to achieve system function. Finally, the system in an objective, comprehensive eva luation, as well as further improvements made.
key word: Blog, ASP.NET, C#, SQLserve
第一章 引言 8
1.1系统开发背景 8
1.2 课题研究的意义 9
1.3系统概述 9
第二章 博客系统开发技术 11
2.1可行性分析 11
2.2 需求分析 11
2.3 ASP.NET技术概论 11
2.4 ASP工作原理 12
2.5 MVC开发模式 13
2.6 Ajax介绍 13
2.6.1什么是Ajax 13
2.6.2 Ajax相关技术介绍 14
2.6.3 Ajax技术在系统中的应用 14
2.7 数据库选择 15
2.7.1 数据分析 15
2.7.2 SQL SERVER 2000 15
2.7.3 ADO.NET 16
2.8 ASP.NET配置 17
2.9 XML 17
第三章 博客系统分析 18
3.1 系统设计方案 18
3.2 系统功能模块 18
3.3 数据库需求分析 19
3.4 系统操作流程 20
3.5 数据表设计 20
3.6 数据库的完整性和安全性 23
3.6.1 数据库的完整性约束 23
3.6.2 数据库的安全性 24
第四章 博客系统设计 25
4.1后台功能模块详细设计 25
4.1.1用户注册模块设计 25
4.1.2 身份验证 25
4.1.3 后台文章添加管理 26
4.1.4 后台文章类别管理 27
4.2前台功能模块详细设计 28
4.2.1前台主界面 28
4.2.2 “文章评论”功能模块设计 29
4.2.3“文章管理”功能模块 30
4.2.4 在线聊天登录界面模块 30
4.2.5 在线聊天模块 31
4.3系统管理模块 32
第五章 结论 34
5.1 不足之处与改进 34
5.1.1 权限分配 34
5.1.2 界面美观化 34
5.2 结论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
该系统以ASP.NET为开发技术,使用C#为开发语言,采用Web展示层和SQLserver 2000数据库两层架构模式同时采用MVC开发模式,实现Blog网站的动态管理,使得对Blog信息的管理更加及时、高效,提高了工作效率。
With the extensive application of the Internet, dynamic web technology has emerged. This text describes the application of ASP dynamic web technology and development the blog system.
Blog system is mainly to provide users with published articles, browse articles, and other functions,Users can express themselves by some articles and with other netizens to conduct exchanges. Blog system of the main article on the digital management, information, intelligence, is to break the way of Released an article by traditional newspapers and magazine published ,it make a new way to try.
This system take ASP.NET as the development technology, uses C# is the development language, uses the Web demonstration level and the SQLserver 2000 database two-tier system pattern simultaneously uses the MVC development pattern, realizes the Blog website dynamic management, causes to be even more prompt to the Blog information management, highly effective, raised the working efficiency.
In this text,it analysis the blog system by feasibility and the demand of the user. Under the modular theory, planning and design of the system functional modules; In the database design, a detailed description of the database structure and database integrity, security measures; Programming is used object-oriented programming design, system design ideas, background for the future and function of the program in detail; System testing, Analysis of the specific course of testing the key issues and proposed solutions to achieve system function. Finally, the system in an objective, comprehensive eva luation, as well as further improvements made.
key word: Blog, ASP.NET, C#, SQLserve
第一章 引言 8
1.1系统开发背景 8
1.2 课题研究的意义 9
1.3系统概述 9
第二章 博客系统开发技术 11
2.1可行性分析 11
2.2 需求分析 11
2.3 ASP.NET技术概论 11
2.4 ASP工作原理 12
2.5 MVC开发模式 13
2.6 Ajax介绍 13
2.6.1什么是Ajax 13
2.6.2 Ajax相关技术介绍 14
2.6.3 Ajax技术在系统中的应用 14
2.7 数据库选择 15
2.7.1 数据分析 15
2.7.2 SQL SERVER 2000 15
2.7.3 ADO.NET 16
2.8 ASP.NET配置 17
2.9 XML 17
第三章 博客系统分析 18
3.1 系统设计方案 18
3.2 系统功能模块 18
3.3 数据库需求分析 19
3.4 系统操作流程 20
3.5 数据表设计 20
3.6 数据库的完整性和安全性 23
3.6.1 数据库的完整性约束 23
3.6.2 数据库的安全性 24
第四章 博客系统设计 25
4.1后台功能模块详细设计 25
4.1.1用户注册模块设计 25
4.1.2 身份验证 25
4.1.3 后台文章添加管理 26
4.1.4 后台文章类别管理 27
4.2前台功能模块详细设计 28
4.2.1前台主界面 28
4.2.2 “文章评论”功能模块设计 29
4.2.3“文章管理”功能模块 30
4.2.4 在线聊天登录界面模块 30
4.2.5 在线聊天模块 31
4.3系统管理模块 32
第五章 结论 34
5.1 不足之处与改进 34
5.1.1 权限分配 34
5.1.2 界面美观化 34
5.2 结论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36