毕业论文 河南省新型农村养老保险运行模式的分析.doc
毕业论文 河南省新型农村养老保险运行模式的分析,摘 要社会保障制度尤其是基本养老保险制度作为国家的一项福利制度,是属于全社会的公共福利。不断加快的工业化和城市化进程,使部分农民失去赖以生存的土地,同时又未获得就业和社会保障,不仅生活困难,养老也得不到保障;加之农村人口老龄化的问题也日益严重。 时至今日,我国还没有一部系统完整的社会保障法规,农村社会保障工作缺乏法律依...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
摘 要
社会保障制度尤其是基本养老保险制度作为国家的一项福利制度,是属于全社会的公共福利。不断加快的工业化和城市化进程,使部分农民失去赖以生存的土地,同时又未获得就业和社会保障,不仅生活困难,养老也得不到保障;加之农村人口老龄化的问题也日益严重。 时至今日,我国还没有一部系统完整的社会保障法规,农村社会保障工作缺乏法律依据和制度保障。从总体上看,大多是以政策、通知、会议等形式进行落实,缺乏规范性和持续发展性。农村社会养老保险制度的建立、运行以及保障金的发放,不是按照严格的法律程序,而是按照地方政府部门的一些规章制度执行的,根本不是农民与政府的一种长期契约。这些问题已经不容忽视地摆在了我们面前,老龄化的日益严重导致的最大问题是养老问题,而养老问题中最难解决的是毫无保障的农民的养老问题。作为农业大省的河南将如何面对这些难题,设计符合河南省实际情况的农村养老保险制度?
Social security system, particularly the basic pension insurance system as a state welfare system, is part of the whole society public welfare. Accelerating industrialization and urbanization, making some farmers lost their land, at the same time without access to employment and social security, not only the difficulties of life, pensions are not guaranteed; coupled with the aging of the rural population is also growing. Today, China is still not a complete system of social security regulations, the rural social security system, the lack of legal basis and protection. Overall, mostly based on policies, notices, meetings and other form of implementation,
Lack of normative and sustainable development. Rural social endowment insurance system was established, running and security payments paid, not according to strict legal procedures, but some rules and regulations in accordance with the implementation of local government departments, and farmers and the government is not a long-term contract. These problems have been placed can not be ignored us in the face of the growing aging caused the biggest problem is the pension issue, the most difficult to solve the pension problem is no guarantee that farmers in the pension problem. As a large agricultural province of Henan, how to face these challenges, designed to meet the actual situation in rural Henan Province, old-age insurance system?
This paper analyzes the domestic and international implementation of the rural pension system, combined with the status of Rural Pension analysis of rural endowment insurance model in our province, combined with the success of the New Rural Cooperative in Henan Province's "Xinxiang mode" and Laiwu City, Shandong Province in the rural areas the lead taken by the government pension, business operations, to benefit farmers in Henan Province of new pension model to analyze the operation of rural endowment insurance system.
Key Words: old-age insurance system; Henan Province, the new rural endowment insurance; rural endowment insurance model; Operating mechanism
引言 1
一 河南省农村养老现状分析 3
(一)河南省现行的农村养老方式 4
1.以家庭养老为主的养老方式 4
2.家庭养老保障功能逐步弱化 5
(二)河南省农村养老保险现状分析 5
1.河南省农村养老保险的现状 5
2.河南省老农村养老保险存在的问题 7
二 国内外较为成功的保险模式分析 9
(一)国内比较成功的农村养老保险模式 9
1.老农保模式 9
2.山东省的新型农村保险模式 10
3.河南省新型农村合作医疗保险“新乡模式” 11
(二)国外较为成功的农村养老保险模式 12
1.日本、德国、法国的养老保险制度 13
2.新加坡模式 13
三 河南省新型养老保险的运行机制的建议 14
(一)可尝试政府牵头商业保险公司运作的运行机制 14
1.优势 15
2.潜在的风险 16
(二)探索我省新型农村养老保险模式的建议 17
1.从政策上 17
2.从宣传上 20
3.商业保险公司 20
结束语 20
参考文献 22
致谢 24
附录: 25
(一)山东省莱芜市农村养老保险实施情况 25
(二)河南省统计年鉴 26
社会保障制度尤其是基本养老保险制度作为国家的一项福利制度,是属于全社会的公共福利。不断加快的工业化和城市化进程,使部分农民失去赖以生存的土地,同时又未获得就业和社会保障,不仅生活困难,养老也得不到保障;加之农村人口老龄化的问题也日益严重。 时至今日,我国还没有一部系统完整的社会保障法规,农村社会保障工作缺乏法律依据和制度保障。从总体上看,大多是以政策、通知、会议等形式进行落实,缺乏规范性和持续发展性。农村社会养老保险制度的建立、运行以及保障金的发放,不是按照严格的法律程序,而是按照地方政府部门的一些规章制度执行的,根本不是农民与政府的一种长期契约。这些问题已经不容忽视地摆在了我们面前,老龄化的日益严重导致的最大问题是养老问题,而养老问题中最难解决的是毫无保障的农民的养老问题。作为农业大省的河南将如何面对这些难题,设计符合河南省实际情况的农村养老保险制度?
Social security system, particularly the basic pension insurance system as a state welfare system, is part of the whole society public welfare. Accelerating industrialization and urbanization, making some farmers lost their land, at the same time without access to employment and social security, not only the difficulties of life, pensions are not guaranteed; coupled with the aging of the rural population is also growing. Today, China is still not a complete system of social security regulations, the rural social security system, the lack of legal basis and protection. Overall, mostly based on policies, notices, meetings and other form of implementation,
Lack of normative and sustainable development. Rural social endowment insurance system was established, running and security payments paid, not according to strict legal procedures, but some rules and regulations in accordance with the implementation of local government departments, and farmers and the government is not a long-term contract. These problems have been placed can not be ignored us in the face of the growing aging caused the biggest problem is the pension issue, the most difficult to solve the pension problem is no guarantee that farmers in the pension problem. As a large agricultural province of Henan, how to face these challenges, designed to meet the actual situation in rural Henan Province, old-age insurance system?
This paper analyzes the domestic and international implementation of the rural pension system, combined with the status of Rural Pension analysis of rural endowment insurance model in our province, combined with the success of the New Rural Cooperative in Henan Province's "Xinxiang mode" and Laiwu City, Shandong Province in the rural areas the lead taken by the government pension, business operations, to benefit farmers in Henan Province of new pension model to analyze the operation of rural endowment insurance system.
Key Words: old-age insurance system; Henan Province, the new rural endowment insurance; rural endowment insurance model; Operating mechanism
引言 1
一 河南省农村养老现状分析 3
(一)河南省现行的农村养老方式 4
1.以家庭养老为主的养老方式 4
2.家庭养老保障功能逐步弱化 5
(二)河南省农村养老保险现状分析 5
1.河南省农村养老保险的现状 5
2.河南省老农村养老保险存在的问题 7
二 国内外较为成功的保险模式分析 9
(一)国内比较成功的农村养老保险模式 9
1.老农保模式 9
2.山东省的新型农村保险模式 10
3.河南省新型农村合作医疗保险“新乡模式” 11
(二)国外较为成功的农村养老保险模式 12
1.日本、德国、法国的养老保险制度 13
2.新加坡模式 13
三 河南省新型养老保险的运行机制的建议 14
(一)可尝试政府牵头商业保险公司运作的运行机制 14
1.优势 15
2.潜在的风险 16
(二)探索我省新型农村养老保险模式的建议 17
1.从政策上 17
2.从宣传上 20
3.商业保险公司 20
结束语 20
参考文献 22
致谢 24
附录: 25
(一)山东省莱芜市农村养老保险实施情况 25
(二)河南省统计年鉴 26