毕业论文 金融危机背景下的我国证券市场遭遇的困境及对策研究.doc


毕业论文 金融危机背景下的我国证券市场遭遇的困境及对策研究,摘要: 美国华尔街危机不仅迅速波及全球金融市场,而且已由虚拟经济向实体经济蔓延。金融危机可能会向美元危机甚至经济危机发展,全球经济陷入衰退的风险日益加大。在美国金融危机影响下,全球金融市场剧烈震荡,在这样的背景下我国证券市场势必受到影响.本文从这一矛盾入手,重点阐述了在全球金融危机爆发下我国证券市场的现状、特点、影响,...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布

摘要: 美国华尔街危机不仅迅速波及全球金融市场,而且已由虚拟经济向实体经济蔓延。金融危机可能会向美元危机甚至经济危机发展,全球经济陷入衰退的风险日益加大。在美国金融危机影响下,全球金融市场剧烈震荡,在这样的背景下我国证券市场势必受到影响.本文从这一矛盾入手,重点阐述了在全球金融危机爆发下我国证券市场的现状、特点、影响,并进而对其产生的原因进行了分析,以及我国应采取的对策.

Under financial crisis background securities

Abstract: Wall Street crisis is not only the United States rapidly spread to global financial markets, but also by the virtual economy spread to the real economy. Financial crisis may be to the dollar crisis and even the development of the economic crisis, the global economy into recession increasing risks. Financial crisis in the United States under the influence of turbulent global financial markets, against this background that China's securities market is bound to be affected. In this paper, this contradiction from the start, focused on the global financial crisis erupted in China's securities market under the current status, characteristics , impact, and thus its causes are analyzed, and countermeasures to be taken in our country.

Key words: Financial crisis, stock market, strategy