毕业论文 煤矿流体机械选型设计--煤矿用排水设备的选型、矿用风机的选型,以及风机扩散器出口噪声综合.doc
毕业论文 煤矿流体机械选型设计--煤矿用排水设备的选型、矿用风机的选型,以及风机扩散器出口噪声综合,摘要本次论文设计是基于煤矿流体机械选型设计,完成煤矿主排水设备水泵的型及设计,通风机选型与设计和4-72-11no.20b离心风机房的降噪设计三大任务旨在提高设备利用效率,降低风机房的噪声,实现最大经济效益。本文根据安全和工作能力的要求,选取相应的水泵,离心风机以及对应的电动机。并且根据煤矿需要,计算年耗电量,进行基本...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
This design is base on the coal mine fluid machinery chooses type and design,to complet three main task :coal-master catchment equipment chosen design, ventilator bloser chosen design and 4-72-11No.20B centrifugal fan vibration rdduction design. The last purpose is to improve the facility efficiency,reduce centrifugal fan vibration ,so we can carry out the biggest economic benefit.
In this papper,according to the requst of the safty and the working ability ,we choose the corresponding water pump ,centrifugal fan and the necessary electromotor.What’s more,based on the requst of the coal-mine,calculate the whole year of electricity consumption ,and finish the basic production cost accounting.Therefore, the windward engine room carries on the reasonable design, the arrangement certain amount soundproofing gate, the soundproofing window, the wind engine room arranges the sound absorption body the noise reduction dirt to dye; Meanwhile carries on the vibration isolation place principle to the air blower electrical machinery two main noise sources!
This article is mainly coal pump equipment selection ,the coal mine with the host fan pass air blower equipment shaping, the wind engine room's sound insulation, the sound absorption as well as the air blower and electric motor's vibration isolation place principle.So we can carry out the biggest economic benefit.
Keywords: Pump;Fan;4-72-11No.20BCentrifugal fan;Noise;Fan room;
摘要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1国内外通风机的研究现状 1
1.1.1中国通风机的发展现状 1
1.1.2国外通风机的发展现状 2
1.1.3国内外通风机的发展比较 2
1.1.4离心风机的噪声控制 3
1.2离心风机行业未来发展趋势 4
1.3本课题的研究目的和意义 4
2 水泵设备选型与设计 5
2.1煤矿对排水设备的要求 5
2.2确定泵的型号、台数 6
2.2.1排水设备最小能力计算 6
2.2.2水泵扬程估算 6
2.2.3预选水泵的形式 7
2.2.4确定水泵的级数 7
2.2.5选定水泵的有关参数 7
2.2.6校验水泵稳定性 8
2.2.7确定水泵的台数 8
2.3选择排水、吸水管的规格、趟数 8
2.4确定水泵工况点 11
2.5验算稳定性,排水时间,计算年电耗 12
2.5.1验算排水时间 12
2.5.2计算水泵安装高度 13
2.5.3验算电机容量 13
2.5.4 计算耗电量 14
2.6水泵房的草绘绘制及计算机制图 15
3 通风机设备选择与设计 16
3.1通风机选型的要求和原则 16
3.1.1矿山风机设备的选型要求 16
3.1.2矿山风机设备的选型原则 16
3.2.1选择设计的任务 17
3.2.2设计参数 17
3.3选择风机类型和型号 18
3.3选配辅助装置 18
3.3确定设备组合方案 19
3.4提出经济核算结果 21
3.5风机房的草绘及计算机制图 22
4 4-72No.20B离心风机隔声设计 22
4.1噪声机理 22
4.1.1风机噪声产生机理 22
4.1.2风机噪声控制的方法 23
4.2消声器 23
4.3 离心风机扩散器出口噪声综合治理 25
4.3.1设计原始资料 25
4.3.2 设计应解决下列主要问题 26
4.3.3 确定消声器的消声量 26
4.3.4 确定消声器的结构 26
4.3.5 选择吸声材料及吸声层 28
4.3.6 设计消声器长度 28
4.3.7 验算消声器长度是否符合要求 29
4.3.8 计算高频失效的影响 30
4.3.9 验算气流再生噪声 30
参考文献 32
致谢 33
附录 34
英文文献原文 34
This design is base on the coal mine fluid machinery chooses type and design,to complet three main task :coal-master catchment equipment chosen design, ventilator bloser chosen design and 4-72-11No.20B centrifugal fan vibration rdduction design. The last purpose is to improve the facility efficiency,reduce centrifugal fan vibration ,so we can carry out the biggest economic benefit.
In this papper,according to the requst of the safty and the working ability ,we choose the corresponding water pump ,centrifugal fan and the necessary electromotor.What’s more,based on the requst of the coal-mine,calculate the whole year of electricity consumption ,and finish the basic production cost accounting.Therefore, the windward engine room carries on the reasonable design, the arrangement certain amount soundproofing gate, the soundproofing window, the wind engine room arranges the sound absorption body the noise reduction dirt to dye; Meanwhile carries on the vibration isolation place principle to the air blower electrical machinery two main noise sources!
This article is mainly coal pump equipment selection ,the coal mine with the host fan pass air blower equipment shaping, the wind engine room's sound insulation, the sound absorption as well as the air blower and electric motor's vibration isolation place principle.So we can carry out the biggest economic benefit.
Keywords: Pump;Fan;4-72-11No.20BCentrifugal fan;Noise;Fan room;
摘要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1国内外通风机的研究现状 1
1.1.1中国通风机的发展现状 1
1.1.2国外通风机的发展现状 2
1.1.3国内外通风机的发展比较 2
1.1.4离心风机的噪声控制 3
1.2离心风机行业未来发展趋势 4
1.3本课题的研究目的和意义 4
2 水泵设备选型与设计 5
2.1煤矿对排水设备的要求 5
2.2确定泵的型号、台数 6
2.2.1排水设备最小能力计算 6
2.2.2水泵扬程估算 6
2.2.3预选水泵的形式 7
2.2.4确定水泵的级数 7
2.2.5选定水泵的有关参数 7
2.2.6校验水泵稳定性 8
2.2.7确定水泵的台数 8
2.3选择排水、吸水管的规格、趟数 8
2.4确定水泵工况点 11
2.5验算稳定性,排水时间,计算年电耗 12
2.5.1验算排水时间 12
2.5.2计算水泵安装高度 13
2.5.3验算电机容量 13
2.5.4 计算耗电量 14
2.6水泵房的草绘绘制及计算机制图 15
3 通风机设备选择与设计 16
3.1通风机选型的要求和原则 16
3.1.1矿山风机设备的选型要求 16
3.1.2矿山风机设备的选型原则 16
3.2.1选择设计的任务 17
3.2.2设计参数 17
3.3选择风机类型和型号 18
3.3选配辅助装置 18
3.3确定设备组合方案 19
3.4提出经济核算结果 21
3.5风机房的草绘及计算机制图 22
4 4-72No.20B离心风机隔声设计 22
4.1噪声机理 22
4.1.1风机噪声产生机理 22
4.1.2风机噪声控制的方法 23
4.2消声器 23
4.3 离心风机扩散器出口噪声综合治理 25
4.3.1设计原始资料 25
4.3.2 设计应解决下列主要问题 26
4.3.3 确定消声器的消声量 26
4.3.4 确定消声器的结构 26
4.3.5 选择吸声材料及吸声层 28
4.3.6 设计消声器长度 28
4.3.7 验算消声器长度是否符合要求 29
4.3.8 计算高频失效的影响 30
4.3.9 验算气流再生噪声 30
参考文献 32
致谢 33
附录 34
英文文献原文 34