《数据库基础》课程网站,摘 要课程网站是21世纪实现信息技术在教学中应用的重要手段和主要平台,以其时效性、共享性、交互性和个别化等特点,在改革传统教学模式、提高教学质量工作中有着不可低估的作用。的建设目标是辅助教师课堂教学,便于学生学习和教师教学,增强教与学的交流。本网站运用asp.net 3.5和...
此文档由会员 zsz1980 发布《数据库基础》课程网站
摘 要
本网站运用ASP.NET 3.5和C#技术,结合ADO.NET数据库访问技术,并以SQL Server 2005作后台数据库服务器。本网站运用了以学生需求为导向这一创新设计理念,功能完善、界面友好,具有一定的实用性和创新性。通过课程网站,教师可以上传课件、习题指导、实验指导等资料,为学生答疑解惑;学生可以下载资料、发表留言等。
Course website is the important method and the main platform that can achieve the application of information technology in teaching in 21st century. With its characteristics, such as timeliness, sharing, interaction and individual, it has made the underestimated effect on the reforming the traditional teaching model and improving the quality of teaching. The course website for “Foundamentals of Database" is assisting the classroom teaching, and its objective of construction is to facilitate and enhance the exchanges between the students and the teachers.
This system is build on .NET Platform with ASP.NET 3.5 and C # as programming language and ADO.NET as technology to access SQL Server 2005 database server. We used the innovative design concept of student-oriented and this system has been deployed successfully with rich functionalities, friendly interface, and it should be advanced and more practicality. It can help teachers to update data which download by student like curriculum content, courseware, guidance of exercises and experiments, and answering the questions for students.
After introducing the development and basic status of course web site, this paper describes the system analysis, essentials design, and database design and function module design and system testing of the course website for “Foundamentals of Database”.
KEY WORDS course website; ASP.NET; C #; SQL SERVER
摘 要 I
1 系统开发背景 1
1.1课程网站的发展及基本现状 1
1.2 系统开发目的及意义 2
2 系统开发技术及环境 4
2.1 ASP.NET简介 4
2.2 ADO.NET简介 4
2.3 SQL SERVER 2005简介 5
2.4 系统开发环境 6
3 系统分析 7
3.1 系统建设目标 7
3.2 系统建设内容 7
3.3 系统设计原则 7
3.4 技术可行性分析 8
3.5 系统角色分析 8
3.6 系统功能分析 8
4 数据库分析与设计 11
4.1 数据库需求分析 11
4.2 数据库概念模型设计 12
4.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 13
5 系统功能模块设计与实现 18
5.1 网站首页的设计和网站内容的建设 18
5.2 注册/登录功能的设计与实现 19
5.2.1 注册功能的设计与实现 19
5.2.2 登录功能的设计与实现 22
5.3 教师权限的功能设置和实现 23
5.3.1上传课件功能的设计与实现 23
5.3.2回复留言功能的设计与实现 25
5.3.3编辑参考文献功能的设计与实现 26
5.4 管理员权限的功能设置与实现 27
5.4.1添加教师信息的设计与实现 27
5.4.2删除留言信息的设计与实现 28
5.5 学生及教师用户添加留言信息功能的设计与实现 29
6 系统测试与安全维护 31
6.1 系统测试 31
6.2 系统的安全维护 31
7 结论及展望 33
参考文献 35
致谢 36