毕业论文 电网故障行波定位网络设计.doc
毕业论文 电网故障行波定位网络设计,摘要随着电力系统规模日益扩大,电网结构愈加复杂,传统故障行波定位方法将无法满足系统故障定位稳定性和经济性的要求。因此,高压输电线路故障点的快速、精确定位新技术与新方法研究已成为国内外科技工作者广泛关注的热点。本文设计了一个较为合理的行波故障定位的网络,并完成了软件的初步设计,并验证了其可靠性和实用性。文章的主要内容也是...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布摘要
文章的主要内容也是关键技术部分就是故障行波定位的网络设计及其软件设计。网络设计是在株洲电网现有的网架上着手的,故对整个系统进行了较为合理的分析和故障定位网络设计,并通过ATP/EMTP进行了仿真分析和验证;基于网络的故障定位软件设计,主要是在确定系统故障后,行波定位装置将故障记录单元和GPS时钟单元记录的行波数据及时间信息通过通用分组无线电业务(GPRS) 网络上传到故障定位主机,故障定位主机进行故障点计算、数据库的存储和查询以及故障信息的发布等,真正实现了当任意一台装置发生故障或启动失灵,都可以根据其他变电站的记录数据可靠定位,有效的提高了定位结果的精度和可靠性。
关键词:故障测距; GPS时钟; GPRS ; 网络定位; ATP/EMTP仿真分析
With the increasing size of power systems, power structures become more complex, the traditional method of Traveling Wave Fault Location Fault Location System will not meet the stability and economy requirements. Therefore, the high voltage transmission line fault fast and precise positioning of new technologies and new methods of foreign technology workers has become widespread attention. This paper designs a more reasonable traveling wave fault location of the network, and completed the preliminary design of the software and verify its reliability and practicability.
Core part of the article is also part of key technologies Traveling Wave Fault Location and network design software design. Zhuzhou power network design is to proceed on the existing grid, and therefore the whole system was a more reasonable analysis and fault location network design, and through the ATP / EMTP simulation analysis and verification; Based on network of fault positioning software design, main is in determine system fault Hou, line wave positioning device will fault records unit and GPS clock unit records of line wave data and the time information by General group radio business (GPRS) network Shang to fault positioning host, fault positioning host for fault points calculation, and database of storage and query and fault information of publishing,, real implementation has Dang any a Taiwan device occurs fault or started failure, are can under other substation of records data reliable positioning, effective of improve has positioning results of precision and reliability.
Key words: Fault location;GPS Clock;GPRS;Network location;EMTP simulation
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题的背景和意义 1
1.2 输电网故障行波定位原理概述 2
1.3 国内外故障行波定位的应用及研究 5
1.4 本文所作的主要工作 7
2 行波故障定位理论及关键技术的研究 8
2.1 行波理论详述 8
2.2 GPS时钟的研究分析 12
2.2.1 同步时钟的简介 12
2.2.2 GPS卫星同步时钟的应用 13
3 基于株洲电网行波故障网络设计 16
3.1 株洲电网220KV电力系统分析 16
3.1.1 株洲电网故障行波定位网络设计 16
3.1.2 故障定位方案仿真分析 18
3.2 考虑110KV电网时分析 22
3.3 小结 29
4 故障定位的软件设计 30
4.1 软件设计 30
4.1.1软件的整体设计 30
4.1.2 故障计算单元 31
4.1.3 GPRS无线通信单元 33
4.1.3 数据库管理单元 33
4.1.4 故障信息发布单元 34
4.2 软件测试 34
4.3 结论 37
5 全文总结 38
参考文献 39
致 谢 41