毕业论文 我国物流托盘化策略研究.doc
毕业论文 我国物流托盘化策略研究,摘要:随着我国物流服务行业的快速发展,物流服务的标准化研究可以说是目前物流研究中的最新课题之一。据中国物流信息中心发布的数据,目前我国社会物流譆@杀驹颊糶dp 的21.4%,较之发达国家相距10 多个百分点。如何缩短这一差距,降低我国物流譆@杀荆岣呶锪髟俗餍剩平信痰谋曜蓟蜕缁峄τ檬且桓霾豢珊鍪拥闹匾方凇M...
此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
摘要:随着我国物流服务行业的快速发展,物流服务的标准化研究可以说是目前物流研究中的最新课题之一。据中国物流信息中心发布的数据,目前我国社会物流譆@杀驹颊糋DP 的21.4%,较之发达国家相距10 多个百分点。如何缩短这一差距,降低我国物流譆@杀荆岣呶锪髟俗餍剩平信痰谋曜蓟蜕缁峄τ檬且桓霾豢珊鍪拥闹匾方凇M信痰睦米畛跏加谧靶栋嵩肆煊颍衷谕信痰ピ霸诒9堋⒆靶栋嵩思霸耸渲写Υ杉信淘谡鑫锪飨低郴疃蟹⒒幼啪薮蟮淖饔茫涑闪四比 暗谌嬖慈钡闹匾ぞ摺1臼榈谝徊糠智把灾饕隽宋锪魍信袒母拍睿诙棵胖饕髁宋锪魍信袒难芯恳庖濉5谌糠侄怨谕馕锪魍信淌褂玫南肿唇醒芯糠治觥5谒牟糠痔岢龊侠淼奈锪魍信袒氖凳┎呗浴Mü员疚牡难芯看笾驴梢蕴教殖鑫锪魍信袒允迪置哦悦诺纫幌盗形锪鹘诘愕亩越佣源俳锪鞅曜蓟闹匾饔茫岷蟁FID技术对信息采集的先进性,从而实现物流技术现代化,提高了物流的效率,节约了能源,大大降低了物流成本,提高了企业在应对全球化经济的竞争力。所以实现物流的托盘化无疑是促进我国经济增长的一个重要手段。
关键词: 物流托盘化 托盘标准 托盘公用系统 托盘租赁模式 RFID技术
Abstrac: With the developing of logistics service industry in our country, the standardization research of logistics service can be defined as one of the latest topics in the study. And according to the data from the center of Chinese logistics information, now our social logistics’ total cost accounts for about 21.4% of GDP and less 10 percentage points than developed countries. Promoting the tray standardization and socialization application is the most important link and cannot be neglected to bridge the gap, reduce the logistics’ total cost and raise the logistics operation efficiency. In this book, the first section mainly expounds the concept of the logistics tray. The second section mainly expounds the research meaning of the logistics tray. The third section is research and analysis the current usages of domestic and international logistics tray. The fourth section puts forward the reasonable implementation strategy of logistics tray. Wo are able to honw the impotance of adopting the troy logistics to improve the standazation of logistics through this essay to realize the modern of logistics technology, increase the logistics efficiency, save energy, reduce the logistics cost greatly and improve the enterprise competitiveness in dealing with the globe economy. Therefore, there is no doubt that logistic tray is one of the important approach to our country economic growth.
Key words: traylogistics; tray standasation ; Tray public pattern tray public pattern RFIDteehnology
关键词: 物流托盘化 托盘标准 托盘公用系统 托盘租赁模式 RFID技术
Abstrac: With the developing of logistics service industry in our country, the standardization research of logistics service can be defined as one of the latest topics in the study. And according to the data from the center of Chinese logistics information, now our social logistics’ total cost accounts for about 21.4% of GDP and less 10 percentage points than developed countries. Promoting the tray standardization and socialization application is the most important link and cannot be neglected to bridge the gap, reduce the logistics’ total cost and raise the logistics operation efficiency. In this book, the first section mainly expounds the concept of the logistics tray. The second section mainly expounds the research meaning of the logistics tray. The third section is research and analysis the current usages of domestic and international logistics tray. The fourth section puts forward the reasonable implementation strategy of logistics tray. Wo are able to honw the impotance of adopting the troy logistics to improve the standazation of logistics through this essay to realize the modern of logistics technology, increase the logistics efficiency, save energy, reduce the logistics cost greatly and improve the enterprise competitiveness in dealing with the globe economy. Therefore, there is no doubt that logistic tray is one of the important approach to our country economic growth.
Key words: traylogistics; tray standasation ; Tray public pattern tray public pattern RFIDteehnology