毕业论文 中国佛教旅游开发存在问题及对策分析.doc


毕业论文 中国佛教旅游开发存在问题及对策分析,摘 要在当今旅游业发展过程中,文化旅游在旅游业中的地位越来越突出。佛教作为历史文化的一种载体,是人类传统文化的重要组成部分,是我国历史长河中不可缺少的一支,也是旅游文化中重要的组成部分。佛教旅游文化是我国核心旅游文化之一,我国的佛教旅游资源风格独具,佛教旅游历史悠久。旅游使佛教走向世俗化,使中外游客了解到佛教文化的真谛...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布

摘 要
In the process of the development of the tourism industry, cultural tourism in the position of the tourism industry is becoming more and more prominent. As Buddhism of the history and culture of a kind of carrier, is human traditional culture is an important part of our country in the long history of the indispensable a, also is the tourism culture in the important part. Buddhism tour culture is one of the core tourism culture in China, China's Buddhism tour resources with unique style, Buddhism tour has a long history. Tourism make Buddhism toward secular, make the Chinese and foreign tourists to understand the true meaning of buddhist culture. Tourism make Buddhism toward secular, make the Chinese and foreign tourists to understand the true meaning of buddhist culture. But tourism also make the Buddhism culture popularization in good and evil people mixed up in the authenticity, mixed. With China's entry into the WTO should be born of degrees spirit, the integration of buddhist cultural resources for tourism development services. In the development of the tourism industry practice, because people to the buddhist tourism culture exists fuzzy know, lead to buddhist cultural tourism development appeared a variety of problems and misunderstanding. Mainly lies in the Buddhism tour cultural homogenization is serious; Buddhism the sustainable development of tourism culture serious threat; Commercial breath overweight; All forms of superstition fraud is popular; Buddhism tour culture homogeneous accumulation; Contempt buddhist culture tour guide, etc. Based on the analysis of Buddhism in China based on the status quo of tourism scenic spots, from buddhist culture tourism to discuss China Buddhism tour scenic spot problems, the operation mode and the buddhist tourism resources protection is proposed as preliminary opinions.
Keywords: Buddhist culture tourism; Tourism; Problems and the erroneous zone

目 录

第1章 绪论 1
1.1二级标题 1
1.1.1三级标题 1
第2章 字体字号与页面设置 3
2.1 字体字号 3
2.1.1 标题写法 3
2.2 页面设置 3
第3章 图与公式的格式要求 5
3.1 图 5
3.1.1 图及图题标注 5
3.1.2 公式及其标注 5
第4章 表的格式要求 7
4.1 表的格式 7
4.1.1 表 7
4.2 表的内容 7
第5章 结论与展望 9
5.1结论 9
5.2不足之处及未来展望 9
参考文献 11
致 谢 12
附录A: 作者在校期间发表的论文 13
附录B: 14