毕业论文 重庆成为西部消费之都的swot分析及策略组合.doc
毕业论文 重庆成为西部消费之都的swot分析及策略组合,目录中文摘要2关键词2一、西部消费之都的提出21、市委薄书记提出“西部消费之都”这一概念。22、西部消费之都的战略内涵。33.实现西部消费之都的战略部署。4二.重庆市消费现状分析41、重庆消费情况概述42、居民消费结构分析5三、重庆成为西部消费之都的优势71、历史渊源72、优越的地理位置7四、重庆成为西部消费之都的威胁...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
目 录
中文摘要 2
关键词 2
一、西部消费之都的提出 2
1、市委薄书记提出“西部消费之都”这一概念。 2
2、西部消费之都的战略内涵。 3
3.实现西部消费之都的战略部署。 4
二.重庆市消费现状分析 4
1、重庆消费情况概述 4
三、重庆成为西部消费之都的优势 7
1、历史渊源 7
2、优越的地理位置 7
四、重庆成为西部消费之都的威胁 10
1、自身限制因素 10
2、重庆、成都、西安三市综合实力比较分析 12
4. 重庆市近年消费状况低迷…………………………………14
五、重庆成为西部消费之都的策略组合 18
2.打造重庆代表性品牌,吸引外部消费 ……………………20
参考文献 ……………………………………………………23
重庆工商大学 贸易经济专业 08贸经二班 刘月如
指导教师: 王晓琪
摘要:自改革开放以来, 在“三驾马车”的拉动下,我市经济已经由传统的供给导向型经济转变为需求导向型经济,消费对经济增长的拉动作用日益明显。在此背景下,消费需求不再只担当经济运行结果的角色,更多的被看作经济运行的前提。将重庆打造为西部消费之都,这既是后危机时代消化产能过剩,优化经济结构的战略举措,也是重庆建设内陆开放高地,建成国际大都市的必由之路。十一五规划国家给与重庆发展相当的优惠政策,重庆借着国家政策的照顾,有望实现经济跨越式发展,成为新兴经济增长极。本文就重庆自身的优势,劣势进行分析评估,结合当前重庆市推行的相关政策,分析重庆成为西部消费之都的机遇和挑战,并提出实现这一目标的合理化建议。
关键词:重庆 西部消费之都 SWOT分析
Abstract:Since reform and opening-up, in "three carriages" pull down, the city's economy has from the traditional supply generated economy to a needs-oriented economy, consumption role in boosting economic growth is more and more obvious. In this context, the consumption demand not only bear the role of economic operation results, more is seen as the premise of economic operation. Will building chongqing for western of consumption, which is both the crisis after age excess capacity digestion, optimize economic structure of the strategic measures, is also chongqing construction inland open highlands, built the only way of the international metropolis. 11 state planning to the development of chongqing is preferential policy, chongqing through the national policy care, to realize economic great-leap-forward development, it has become a new economic growth pole. This paper chongqing their advantages, disadvantages eva luation analysis, combining with the current of carrying out the relevant policies in chongqing, this paper analyzes the west of chongqing consumption are opportunities and challenges, and put forward to realize this goal rationalization proposal.
Key Words:Chongqing West of consumption SWOT analysis
中文摘要 2
关键词 2
一、西部消费之都的提出 2
1、市委薄书记提出“西部消费之都”这一概念。 2
2、西部消费之都的战略内涵。 3
3.实现西部消费之都的战略部署。 4
二.重庆市消费现状分析 4
1、重庆消费情况概述 4
三、重庆成为西部消费之都的优势 7
1、历史渊源 7
2、优越的地理位置 7
四、重庆成为西部消费之都的威胁 10
1、自身限制因素 10
2、重庆、成都、西安三市综合实力比较分析 12
4. 重庆市近年消费状况低迷…………………………………14
五、重庆成为西部消费之都的策略组合 18
2.打造重庆代表性品牌,吸引外部消费 ……………………20
参考文献 ……………………………………………………23
重庆工商大学 贸易经济专业 08贸经二班 刘月如
指导教师: 王晓琪
摘要:自改革开放以来, 在“三驾马车”的拉动下,我市经济已经由传统的供给导向型经济转变为需求导向型经济,消费对经济增长的拉动作用日益明显。在此背景下,消费需求不再只担当经济运行结果的角色,更多的被看作经济运行的前提。将重庆打造为西部消费之都,这既是后危机时代消化产能过剩,优化经济结构的战略举措,也是重庆建设内陆开放高地,建成国际大都市的必由之路。十一五规划国家给与重庆发展相当的优惠政策,重庆借着国家政策的照顾,有望实现经济跨越式发展,成为新兴经济增长极。本文就重庆自身的优势,劣势进行分析评估,结合当前重庆市推行的相关政策,分析重庆成为西部消费之都的机遇和挑战,并提出实现这一目标的合理化建议。
关键词:重庆 西部消费之都 SWOT分析
Abstract:Since reform and opening-up, in "three carriages" pull down, the city's economy has from the traditional supply generated economy to a needs-oriented economy, consumption role in boosting economic growth is more and more obvious. In this context, the consumption demand not only bear the role of economic operation results, more is seen as the premise of economic operation. Will building chongqing for western of consumption, which is both the crisis after age excess capacity digestion, optimize economic structure of the strategic measures, is also chongqing construction inland open highlands, built the only way of the international metropolis. 11 state planning to the development of chongqing is preferential policy, chongqing through the national policy care, to realize economic great-leap-forward development, it has become a new economic growth pole. This paper chongqing their advantages, disadvantages eva luation analysis, combining with the current of carrying out the relevant policies in chongqing, this paper analyzes the west of chongqing consumption are opportunities and challenges, and put forward to realize this goal rationalization proposal.
Key Words:Chongqing West of consumption SWOT analysis