

中西酒文化蕴涵,这是我的毕业论文,关于酒文化的。希望可以帮到各位acknowledgementsduring the period of wring the thesis, i want to thank many people. so i have this opportunity to express my sincere tha...
分类: 论文>英语论文



原文档由会员 xingyue913 发布



During the period of wring the thesis, I want to thank many people. So I have this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all who have given me a lot of help and encouragement in my preparation for completing the thesis.
  First and foremost, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs. Fan Jingjing, a responsible and resourceful scholar, who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the accomplishing of the thesis. Without her enlightening instruction, impressive kindness and patience, I could not complete my thesis.
My gratitude also extends to teachers who have taught me and given me great help during my undergraduate academic years.
Last but not the least, I would like to offer my great thanks to my friends for their encouragement and support.








Cultural Connotations of Wine Culture in China and Western Countries

Abstract:Wine plays an important role in people’s communication. In the long history of human culture, wine represents not only a substance, but also an icon of culture. Different cultural backgrounds of Chinese and western countries make its wine culture bear different characteristics. Legend about the origin of wine varies dramatically in Chinese and western countries. In China, it tells that wine is created by human beings, while in Greece it is made by the Gold of Wine, Dionysus. Different drinking manners and attitudes come into being. The Chinese take wine as a bridge to communicate, mostly ending up tipsy. The westerners take wine as the Fruit of Arts, enjoying it to their hearts’ desire. Differences of wine culture have contributed to their unique characteristics. Knowing and mastering the difference in wine history, wine vessels and wine rituals of Chinese and western countries can help people understand different cultures and excel at the cross-cultural communication. This paper analyses differences between Chinese and western wine culture in connotations of mental manifestation, spiritual manifestation and behavioral manifestation. The author does a research on Spirit of Chinese wine culture by combinations of Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist culture. And the author consumes that Spirit of western wine culture is spirit of tragedy. Contrasting the difference between Chinese and Western wine culture can perform the unique charm of Chinese wine culture. In this way more and more people in the world will understand and enjoy the Chinese wine culture.

Keywords: connotations; material; spiritual; behavioral; manifestation




摘要: 酒在人类日常生活中发挥着重要作用,在全人类的文化载体中,酒不仅作为一种物质存在,更是一种文化象征。中西方文化背景不同,在中西方文化交流时,不同文化呈现出不同特征。对于酒的起源英汉存在截然不同的看法和理解,在汉文化中,中国人(汉族人为例)主张“人造酒说”,西方人(希腊人为例)则普遍认为“酒神造酒”。人造与神造两种不同的起源说使得中西方形成了不同的饮酒方式,形成不同的酒文化风格,中国人把酒当做工具,西方人把酒看作艺术品。酒文化不同,也体现了各自的文化特色和民族特征。了解和掌握中西方在酒史、酒器、酒礼及酒德等文化方面的不同,有助于人们从更深层次了解不同文化,更好地进行跨文化交流。本文主要从物质形态酒文化蕴涵、精神形态酒文化蕴涵和行为形态酒文化蕴涵三个方面来阐述中西酒文化的不同。尽管中西方对酒文化理解不同,但其目的都是为了更好的发展酒文化。本文作者基于对儒道释的融合来研究中国酒文化。而对西方的酒文化研究,作者更多的是通过西方人对酒神狄奥尼索斯的崇拜的研究,来了解酒文化体现出的悲剧精神。比较中西酒文化的差异更能彰显中国酒文化独特魅力,从而使世界更多的人了解中国的酒文化,欣赏中国酒文化。

关键词:蕴涵; 物质; 精神; 行为; 形态



Table of Contents
Acknowledgements i
Abstract in English ii
Abstract in Chinese iii
Table of contents iv

Ⅰ Introduction 1
Ⅱ Literature Review 1
2.1 Chinese and Western research on wine culture 1
2.2 Problems of wine culture’s research 2
Ⅲ Connotations of Material Manifestation 2
Ⅳ Connotations of Spiritual Manifestation 5
4.1 Different understandings of wine between Chinese and western people 5
4.2 Ideological expressions between Chinese and western wine culture 6
4.2.1 The birth of Romanticism 6
4.2.2 The development of shaping idea 7
4.2.3 The difference between Chinese and western feminism 8
4.3 Spirits of Chinese and western wine culture 9
4.3.1 Deified man and mythical God 9
4.3.2 Combinations of Supernatural Spirit of Wine and wine culture 11
4.3.3 Spirit of Chinese wine culture—combinations of Confucian and Taoist Cultures 11
4.3.4 Spirit of western wine culture—Spirit of Dionysus 13
4.4 Values of Chinese and western wine cultures 15
Ⅴ Connotations of Behavioral Manifestation 16
Ⅵ Conclusion 17
Bibliography 18