毕业设计 pic单片机的煤炭监控系统.doc
毕业设计 pic单片机的煤炭监控系统,摘要现阶段煤矿安全问题已经成为全社会关注的焦点,成为关系到人民生命财产,甚至影响建立和谐社会的重大问题。研发出高质量、高性能、高可靠性、低成本的煤矿瓦斯监控系统无疑对解决这一重大问题有很大帮助。本文提出了一种瓦斯监控系统的整体解决方案,该系统集数据采集,分析处理状态下工作。瓦斯监控系统主要有两部分构成,瓦斯检测系统和监...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
摘要 现阶段煤矿安全问题已经成为全社会关注的焦点,成为关系到人民生命财产,甚至影响建立和谐社会的重大问题。研发出高质量、高性能、高可靠性、低成本的煤矿瓦斯监控系统无疑对解决这一重大问题有很大帮助。本文提出了一种瓦斯监控系统的整体解决方案,该系统集数据采集,分析处理状态下工作。瓦斯监控系统主要有两部分构成,瓦斯检测系统和监控分站,且都以PIC单片机为核心构成。瓦斯检测系统采用新型载体催化元件作为检测传感器,具有高精,控制及数据通讯等功能于一体,能有效地对瓦斯抽放状态进行连续跟踪监测和实时调控,使之在最佳度,高可靠性,功能强大,功耗低的特点。监控分站既可以采集各种现场信号,进行判断处理,又可将数据传送至地面的监控主机,由地面的监控主机也进行控制,实现对对象的“双重控制”,增加了整个系统的可靠性。
The security problem of coal mines has been a focus that all the society is looking for it now. It has been an important problem relating to the property and life of people even influencing building harmonious society. So the research on the Monitor and Control System of Gas with high quality ,high capability, high reliability and low cost will help to resolve this important problem deeply.In this paper, a gas monitoring system of the overall solution is raised. This design scheme includes collection,analysis and treatment of data function, control function and data communication function. It can continuously monitor gas concentration and control gas deflation to make it work in the best condition.The Monitor and Control System of Gas can be divided into two main part, the gas detection system and control unit ,and they are all based on MCU of PIC. In the gas detection system, a new carrier catalytic components is used for the detection sensors,and it can satisfy the user demand of high precision, high reliability,multi function and low power demand.The monitor and control unit can gather ,process, and transmit the data of gas to the main computer. The main computer on the ground also control the system to achieve the object of "dual control",and it can increase the reliability of the entire system.
Key words: gas monitor and control; new carrier catalytic components; the monitor and control unit;mcu of pic.
目 录
第一章 绪论 III
1.1 问题的提出及研究意义 III
1.2 论文主要内容 III
1.2.1 基于pic单片机的瓦斯检测系统 III
1.2.2 监控分站 III
第二章 方案设计和基本工作原理 V
2.1 方案设计 V
2.1.1 主要功能 V
2.1.2 技术指标 V
2.1.3 系统组成 V
2.2 基本原理 V
第三章 基于PIC单片机的瓦斯检测系统的设计 VI
3.1 硬件电路的设计 VI
3.1.1 单片机的选型 VI
3.1.2 硬件总体结构 IX
3.1.3 检测系统输出信号类型的选择 IX
3.1.4 传感元件 X
3.1.5 输入量采集处理 XII
3.1.6 LED显示及接口 XIII
3.2 程序模块 XV
3.2.1 A/D转换子程序 XV
3.2.2 LED显示子程序 XVII
3.2.3 频率信号输出子程序 XVIII
第四章 监控分站的设计 XIX
4.1 分站硬件设计 XIX
4.1.1 总体结构 XIX
4.1.2 频率及开关信号接口单元 XX
4.1.3 串行通讯单元 XX
4.2 程序模块 XXV
4.2.1 分站主程序流程图 XXV
4.2.2 数据采集与处理子程序 XXVII
4.2.3 监控分站与主机通讯子程序 XXVIII
致谢 XXX
参考文献 XXXI
The security problem of coal mines has been a focus that all the society is looking for it now. It has been an important problem relating to the property and life of people even influencing building harmonious society. So the research on the Monitor and Control System of Gas with high quality ,high capability, high reliability and low cost will help to resolve this important problem deeply.In this paper, a gas monitoring system of the overall solution is raised. This design scheme includes collection,analysis and treatment of data function, control function and data communication function. It can continuously monitor gas concentration and control gas deflation to make it work in the best condition.The Monitor and Control System of Gas can be divided into two main part, the gas detection system and control unit ,and they are all based on MCU of PIC. In the gas detection system, a new carrier catalytic components is used for the detection sensors,and it can satisfy the user demand of high precision, high reliability,multi function and low power demand.The monitor and control unit can gather ,process, and transmit the data of gas to the main computer. The main computer on the ground also control the system to achieve the object of "dual control",and it can increase the reliability of the entire system.
Key words: gas monitor and control; new carrier catalytic components; the monitor and control unit;mcu of pic.
目 录
第一章 绪论 III
1.1 问题的提出及研究意义 III
1.2 论文主要内容 III
1.2.1 基于pic单片机的瓦斯检测系统 III
1.2.2 监控分站 III
第二章 方案设计和基本工作原理 V
2.1 方案设计 V
2.1.1 主要功能 V
2.1.2 技术指标 V
2.1.3 系统组成 V
2.2 基本原理 V
第三章 基于PIC单片机的瓦斯检测系统的设计 VI
3.1 硬件电路的设计 VI
3.1.1 单片机的选型 VI
3.1.2 硬件总体结构 IX
3.1.3 检测系统输出信号类型的选择 IX
3.1.4 传感元件 X
3.1.5 输入量采集处理 XII
3.1.6 LED显示及接口 XIII
3.2 程序模块 XV
3.2.1 A/D转换子程序 XV
3.2.2 LED显示子程序 XVII
3.2.3 频率信号输出子程序 XVIII
第四章 监控分站的设计 XIX
4.1 分站硬件设计 XIX
4.1.1 总体结构 XIX
4.1.2 频率及开关信号接口单元 XX
4.1.3 串行通讯单元 XX
4.2 程序模块 XXV
4.2.1 分站主程序流程图 XXV
4.2.2 数据采集与处理子程序 XXVII
4.2.3 监控分站与主机通讯子程序 XXVIII
致谢 XXX
参考文献 XXXI