毕业设计 xx港区多用途码头工程设计重力式沉箱结构.rar


毕业设计 xx港区多用途码头工程设计重力式沉箱结构,摘要港口设计是港口工程中最基本、最重要的环节之一。优秀的设计方案,不仅能提供安全、经济、实用的建筑结构,同时还能够在设计思想和设计理念上展现出创新精神。在港口设计过程中,设计方法、设计计算和设计方案的研究和确定是港口设计的各种规范和工程经验的实现和提升。因此,港口设计过程的研究、实习具有一定理论意义和重要的工程实践价值...
分类: 论文>土木工程/建筑论文



原文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布

摘 要


关键词: 港口设计; 重力式码头; XX港; 岸壁式沉箱


Port design is the most basic and important aspects in Port Engineering. Good design, not only to provide security, economic, practical building structure, but also be able to design and design concept to show spirit of innovation. Port design process, design methods, design calculation and design of the study and determine the various port design specification and project implementation and upgrade experience. Therefore, the design process of the port, has a certain theoretical and practical importance of the engineering practice.
Based on the analysis of the natural environment in Hong Kong and Penglai port proposed topography, geology, hydrology, meteorology, sea state statistics to determine the layout of the proposed port form, given the number of berths and plane size, design Terminal handling technology and the location of the rear yard. Proposed construction of the design of gravity quay, in the context of the proposed port waters, in accordance with the terminal front basin water depth, cutting-edge design of the terminal swing radius and channel waters of the breadth and depth, to calculate the proposed port at all kinds of water under the pier weight, Quay Terminal type caisson wall backfill soil pressure intensity and the dock loads generated by various heap goods, projected water levels in a variety of conditions under the wave forces and conduct anti-dumping, anti-slide and sub grade stability computations, the preliminary design completed Penglai Port, report, and gives a complete design drawings and design data.
This article provides results consistent with the design of the port design, provide detailed design drawings and design data, integrity, building and construction of Penglai Port of guiding significance. Penglai Port graduation design projects through the practicing, consolidate the port channel and the basics of coastal engineering, accumulated ports, terminals and paths of design experience, to go to work, in the port channel and coastal engineering design and research laid a solid basis.

Key words: Port Design;Terminal Gravity;Penglai Port;Quay Caisson

目 录

第1章 设计背景 1
1.1 工程概述 1
1.2 设计原则 1
1.3 设计依据 1
1.4 设计任务 2
第2章 设计资料 3
2.1 地形条件 3
2.2 气象条件 3
2.3 水文条件 6
2.4 泥沙条件 11
2.5 地质条件 12
2.6 地震条件 13
2.7 荷载条件 13
2.8 施工条件 13
第3章 设计成果 14
3.1 总体设计成果 14
3.2 结构方案成果 14
3.3 施工图设计成果 14
3.4 关键性技术要求 14
3.5 设计成果评价 14
第4章 总平面设计 16
4.1 工程规模 16
4.2 布置原则 16
4.3 设计船型 16
4.4 作业条件 16
4.5 总体尺度 17
4.5.1 码头泊位长度 17
4.5.2 码头前沿高程 17
4.5.3 码头前沿停泊水域尺度 17
4.5.4 码头前船舶回旋水域尺度 18
4.5.5 陆域设计高程 18
4.5.6 航道设计尺度 18
4.6 装卸工艺设计 18
4.7 库场面积确定 18
4.7.1 件杂货,散货的仓库或堆场面积 19
4.7.2 辅助设施 19
4.7.3 平面布置 19
4.7.4 码头前沿作业地带 19
4.7.5 货物堆存及运输区 19
第5章 结构选型 20
5.1 结构型式 20
5.2 构造尺度 20
5.2.1 沉箱外形尺寸 20
5.2.2 箱内隔墙设置 20
5.2.3 沉箱构件尺寸 20
5.2.4 胸墙尺寸 22
5.2.5 基床尺寸 22
5.2.6 地基处理 22
5.3 施工方法 23
5.3.1 基槽挖泥 23
5.3.2 基床抛石 23
5.3.3 基床密实 23
5.3.4 基床的整平 23
5.3.5 沉箱的制造 23
5.3.6 沉箱的移动和下水 24
5.3.7 沉箱的浮运 24
5.3.8 沉箱的沉放和填充 24
5.3.9 回填土的施工 24
5.3.10 胸墙的施工 24
5.4 作用分析 24
5.4.1 材料重度标准表 25
5.4.2 结构自重力 25
5.4.3 土压力 28
5.4.4 船舶作用力 34
5.4.5 波浪力 35
5.4.6 贮仓压力 44
5.4.7 地震荷载 46
5.4.8 码头荷载汇总 51
第6章 结构计算 52
6.1 稳定性验算 52