毕业设计 xx港西港区工作船码头工程设计重力式沉箱结构.doc
毕业设计 xx港西港区工作船码头工程设计重力式沉箱结构,摘要本设计是根据设计任务书的要求和《港口工程规范》的规定,对xx港某港区多用途码头进行方案比选和设计并对沉箱部分的前壁和底板进行结构设计计算。通过对码头的安全、经济、适用性等多方面的比较,确定沉箱码头为推荐方案。在设计中,根据设计任务书,进行总平面设计、结构选型和结构计算三部分内容。在总平面设计中,确定工程规模、选择船...

此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布
摘 要
关键词:重力式;沉箱码头; 门机; 稳定性验算; 内力计算
This is designed according to the requirements of the port and waterway engineering and the standard of the provisions of the port container terminals, scheme and design, and the selection of caisson parts structure calculation. Based on analysis of geological conditions related to dock and combining the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of wharf, determine the container terminal USES gravity caisson.
In the design, the general layout divided into two parts and land-based. According to the main part is accompanying gravity wharf general layout principle of container yard area and container library field area, Water is to determine the channel is designed, and the waters of anchor pier preface whirly waters scale scale. Then based on the general layout drawing.
In structural design, the first appearance of caisson preliminary determination in size and caissons rockfill height, then according to the analysis, the effect of variable, function, permanent role by the standard load list wharf, based on which, according to the calculation results of calculating stability of caisson shape dimension and height of caisson fill in stone. The effect of combination and caissons zooplankton stability checking of caisson, the front panel and slab reinforcement calculation and crack.
The design of all AUTO CAD rendering drawings by addition, this paper also reviewed the “Summary of Rubble Mound Breakwater Design Equations ”design equation.
Keywords: Gravity wharf; Caisson; Wave force; Caisson floating stability.
目 录
第1章 设计背景 1
1.1 工程概述 1
1.2 设计原则 1
1.3 设计依据 1
1.4设计任务 1
第2章 设计资料 2
2.1地形条件 2
2.2气象条件 2
2.3水文条件 4
2.4泥沙条件 10
2.5地质条件 11
2.6地震条件 12
2.7荷载条件 12
2.8施工条件 12
第3章 设计成果 13
3.1总体设计成果 13
3.2结构方案成果 13
3.3施工图设计成果 13
3.4关键性技术要求 13
3.5设计成果评价 13
第4章 总平面设计 14
4.1工程规模 14
4.2布置原则 14
4.3设计船型 15
4.4作业条件 15
4.5总体尺度 15
4.5.1码头泊位长度 15
4.5.2码头前沿高程 16
4.5.3码头前沿停泊水域尺度 16
4.5.4码头前船舶回旋水域尺度 16
4.5.5陆域设计高程 16
4.5.6航道设计尺度 17
4.6平面方案比选 17
4.7装卸工艺设计 17
第5章 结构选型 18
5.1结构型式 18
5.2构造尺度 18
5.3作用分析 20
5.3.1永久作用 20
5.3.2可变作用 29
5.3.3偶然作用 35
第6章 结构计算 36
6.1稳定性验算 36
6.1.1作用效应组合 36
6.1.2抗滑稳定性验算 36
6.1.3抗倾稳定性验算 37
6.1.4基床承载力验算 38
6.1.5地基承载力验算 40
6.2构件设计 45
6.2.1计算图式 45
6.2.2作用效应组合 45
6.2.3内力计算 45
6.2.4强度与抗裂验算 53
6.2.6沉箱浮游稳定验算 60
致谢 63
参考资料及设计规范 64
毕业设计任务书 77
设计进度计划表 84
关键词:重力式;沉箱码头; 门机; 稳定性验算; 内力计算
This is designed according to the requirements of the port and waterway engineering and the standard of the provisions of the port container terminals, scheme and design, and the selection of caisson parts structure calculation. Based on analysis of geological conditions related to dock and combining the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of wharf, determine the container terminal USES gravity caisson.
In the design, the general layout divided into two parts and land-based. According to the main part is accompanying gravity wharf general layout principle of container yard area and container library field area, Water is to determine the channel is designed, and the waters of anchor pier preface whirly waters scale scale. Then based on the general layout drawing.
In structural design, the first appearance of caisson preliminary determination in size and caissons rockfill height, then according to the analysis, the effect of variable, function, permanent role by the standard load list wharf, based on which, according to the calculation results of calculating stability of caisson shape dimension and height of caisson fill in stone. The effect of combination and caissons zooplankton stability checking of caisson, the front panel and slab reinforcement calculation and crack.
The design of all AUTO CAD rendering drawings by addition, this paper also reviewed the “Summary of Rubble Mound Breakwater Design Equations ”design equation.
Keywords: Gravity wharf; Caisson; Wave force; Caisson floating stability.
目 录
第1章 设计背景 1
1.1 工程概述 1
1.2 设计原则 1
1.3 设计依据 1
1.4设计任务 1
第2章 设计资料 2
2.1地形条件 2
2.2气象条件 2
2.3水文条件 4
2.4泥沙条件 10
2.5地质条件 11
2.6地震条件 12
2.7荷载条件 12
2.8施工条件 12
第3章 设计成果 13
3.1总体设计成果 13
3.2结构方案成果 13
3.3施工图设计成果 13
3.4关键性技术要求 13
3.5设计成果评价 13
第4章 总平面设计 14
4.1工程规模 14
4.2布置原则 14
4.3设计船型 15
4.4作业条件 15
4.5总体尺度 15
4.5.1码头泊位长度 15
4.5.2码头前沿高程 16
4.5.3码头前沿停泊水域尺度 16
4.5.4码头前船舶回旋水域尺度 16
4.5.5陆域设计高程 16
4.5.6航道设计尺度 17
4.6平面方案比选 17
4.7装卸工艺设计 17
第5章 结构选型 18
5.1结构型式 18
5.2构造尺度 18
5.3作用分析 20
5.3.1永久作用 20
5.3.2可变作用 29
5.3.3偶然作用 35
第6章 结构计算 36
6.1稳定性验算 36
6.1.1作用效应组合 36
6.1.2抗滑稳定性验算 36
6.1.3抗倾稳定性验算 37
6.1.4基床承载力验算 38
6.1.5地基承载力验算 40
6.2构件设计 45
6.2.1计算图式 45
6.2.2作用效应组合 45
6.2.3内力计算 45
6.2.4强度与抗裂验算 53
6.2.6沉箱浮游稳定验算 60
致谢 63
参考资料及设计规范 64
毕业设计任务书 77
设计进度计划表 84