毕业论文 110kv电力系统继电保护的配置.doc


毕业论文 110kv电力系统继电保护的配置,摘要由于电力系统的飞速发展对继电保护不断提出新的要求,电子技术,计算机技术与通信技术的飞速发展又为继电保护技术的发展不断注入新的活力。未来继电保护的发展趋势是向计算化,网络化及保护,控制,测量,数据通信一体化智能化发展。本次毕业设计的主要内容是110kv电力系统继电保护的配置,并依据继电保护配置原理,对所选择的保护进行...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 ljjwl8321 发布

摘 要

As the rapid development of power system relay protection have made new demands, electronic technology, computer technology and communication technology for the rapid development of relay technology has been to inject new vitality. The future development trend is to relay computing, networking and protection, control, measurement, data communications integrated intelligent development.
This graduation design is the main content of the configuration of 110kV power system protection and relay protection based on the principle of the conservation of the selected setting and sensitivity check to determine the program's protection.
Per unit value of computing systems, short-circuit current, determined operation mode; determine the protection of various equipment configurations, including transformers, busbars, transmission lines, generators and other protection configuration. One main protection transformer protection using differential protection and gas protection, a combination of both to achieve complementarity. Backup protection is complex voltage start over-current protection. Protection of busbar protection principle, using the full current differential protection, simple and reliable.
Keywords: Relay protection, per unit value, short-circuit current

目 录

前 言 1
1 方案比较 2
2 确定运行方式 4
2.1 标幺值计算 4
2.2 短路电流计算 5
2.3 确定运行方式 18
3 短路计算 20
3.1 各种运行方式下各线路电流计算 20
3.2 各输电线路两相短路和三相短路电流计算 21
4 继电保护的配置 23
4.1 继电保护的基本知 23
4.2 变压器的保护配置 25
4.2.1 变压器配置 25
4.2.2 保护配置的整定 29
4.3 母线的保护配置 32
4.3.1 保护配置的原理 32
4.3.2 电流差动保护配置的整定 36
4.4 输电线路保护配置 37
4.4.1 保护配置的原理 37
4.4.2 保护配置的整定 38
4.5 发电机保护配置 45
4.5.1 保护配置的原理 45
4.5.2 保护配置的整定 46
结 论 48
致 谢 49
参考文献 50